64 research outputs found

    Research Software Engineering - Unabdingbar für kleine Analysenskripte ebenso wie für die Raketensteuerung

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    In fast allen Forschungsbereichen wird heutzutage Software entwickelt, von kleinen Datenanalyseskripten, über interaktive Visualisierungen von Daten, bis zu komplexen Simulations- und Steuerungslösungen. Um den Erfolg dieser Projekte zu gewährleisten hat sich der Bereich des Research Software Engineering gebildet. In diesem Vortrag möchte ich erläutern was sich dahinter verbirgt und an Projekten aus dem Alltag meiner Forschungsgruppe Sustainable Software Engineering am DLR veranschaulichen. Darüber hinaus zeige ich an ein paar Beispielen aus der Vergangenheit der Raumfahrt, was passieren kann, wenn Software Engineering nicht in dem Umfang zum Einsatz kommt, wie es heute möglich ist

    What can possibly go wrong? - Disintegrating Rockets

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    We all like to "hack" something together. Often this is enough, but sometimes it is not. Using well-known examples from the aerospace industry, I would like to show you what consequences slackness in software engineering can have. "In the past we didn't know better" - "It's still RocketScience" - "To err is human" - All reasons why even the professionals of NASA, ESA, DLR and co sometimes something goes wrong in software development. An indirect appeal to structured and clean work. Not always to be taken seriously and definitely exaggerated

    How to open source your code properly

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    Publishing your code as open source software has a lot of pitfalls. Especially if you are using other peoples code. The result is that there is a lot of code out there which is not properly published, resulting in legal risks for those who use it. This talks gives an introduction into open source, open source licenses, using open source, combining open source licenses, and last, how to prepare your code to publish it as open source. Next to the theory, I will give hints for your real live situations, and end with a small show case how you can put the theory in practice

    Guiding domain scientists in the world of Open Source licensing

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    In science and engineering, more and more software is published as Open Source software or uses other Open Source projects. Due to the different licenses with their requirements and restrictions as well as the resultant license compatibility issues, scientists and engineers must be aware of these issues. Ideally, they have some basic understanding about Open Source licensing. Unfortunately, in practice this understanding is not present, especially if more than one Open Source license is involved. In this talk, we describe our strategy at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) to awake the awareness among our domain scientists for licensing issues and to enable and support them in using and publishing Open Source software without facing licensing problems. Our strategy is based on providing hands-on material and training courses first, instead of starting issuing "official" but impractical process guides. Our current focus is on knowledge sharing between peer scientists using online tools as well as face-to-face workshops. Thereby collected findings and feedback from DLR scientist have proven to be helpful to improve existing documentation and to identify further steps

    (Research-)Software-Entwicklung für Non-IT'ler

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    Software wird mehr und mehr von Menschen entwickelt, welche keine klassische Programmier-Ausbildung erhalten haben. In der Forschung ist diese Entwicklung besonders deutlich. Im DLR haben wir die Software Engineering Initiative gestartet um Forschende dabei zu unterstützen Software nachhaltig zu entwickeln. Die Initiative umfasst eine Software Engineering Guideline, Trainings, Wissensaustauschworkshops, Consultings sowie das Erstellen einer für allen zugänglichen Wissensbasis

    An overview of Provenance and it´s use cases

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    The concept of provenance is well known by some, and completely unknown to others. In this talk I give a short introduction into the basics. From the definition, the W3C standard, to the storing and accessing of it. To put these basics into context, I will show some examples of how we work with provenance data within the German Aerospace Center (DLR). I will thereby focus on the work of the department of intelligent and distributed systems where we use provenance data to monitor and analyse software development processes