12 research outputs found

    Fish communities and fisheries in Wales's National Nature Reserves: a review

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    Wales is important for fish conservation in Britain. In much of Wales, atchments are small (median catchment size = 121 km2 ) and frequently eparated by areas of upland (> 600 m altitude), creating a highly agmented habitat for freshwater fish. Consequently, fish communities onsist mainly of diadromous species such as trout, eel and sticklebacks hat were able to recolonise freshwaters via the sea following the retreat of he ice sheets ca. 10 000 years BP. This review aims to (i) update the former work of Lyle and Maitland, taking into account new National Nature Reserves (NNRs)and additional data collected since 1991; (ii) assess the different fish communities represented on Welsh NNRs with respect to their naturalness; (iii) examine the use of NNRs for angling; (iv) evaluate opportunities for expanding the NNR series to conserve fish populations of conservation importance. The paper provides a table of freshwater fish occurrence by water body in Wales

    Fish communities and fisheries in Wales's National Nature Reserves: a review

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    Throughout Europe, freshwater fish faunas are under threat. A cocktail of factors such as dam construction, introduced species, overfishing and poor water quality have caused large declines and local extinctions of many species around Europe (see Kirchofer & Hefti 1996; Collares-Pereira et al. 2002 for reviews). In spite of these threats, protected areas for fish in Europe are relatively scarce (Crivelli 2002) and not always effective (Cowx 2002)

    An assessment of Pant-y-llyn, Wales' only turlough and comparison to Irish sites

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    Turloughs are ephemeral karst lakes resulting from high rainfall and, accordingly, high groundwater levels in topographic depressions in karstified limestone terrain. The ephemeral nature of turlough hydrology gives rise to a characteristic ecology as such turloughs have been designated as a Priority Habitat in the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). While there are recorded turloughs in the Republic of Ireland Pant-y Llyn is Wales’ and mainland Britain’s only recorded turlough; it is a key feature of Cernydd Carmel SSSI and SAC. A collaborative investigation was carried out between Environment Agency Wales and Countryside Council for Wales (soon to be Natural Resources Wales). The main aims of this investigation were to: - Improve the hydrogeological conceptual understanding. - Review the water chemistry of Pant-y-Llyn and the surrounding groundwater. - Compare the hydrology of Pant-y-Llyn with that of recorded Irish turloughs. - Use existing data back model the turlough hydrograph. - Provide evidence to confirm its status for the Habitats Directive. The investigation has shown that Pant y Llyn has both a water quality and hydrological cycle. For the first time comparisons with Irish turloughs allow us to put Pant y Llyn into a wider turlough typology

    Environmental DNA metabarcoding for fish diversity assessment in a macrotidal estuary: A comparison with established fish survey methods

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    Fishes are a dominant component of the macrofauna in estuaries and are important for assessing the health of these threatened ecosystems. Several studies have applied environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding to assess the biodiversity of fishes in estuaries. However, none have combined measurement of physicochemical variables with a spatially extensive sampling design across the full salinity gradient. This study aimed to compare spatial fish assemblage composition detected via eDNA metabarcoding of surface water samples with conventional fishing gear surveys in a macrotidal estuary (river Dee, North Wales, UK). In addition, eDNA assemblage composition across seasons was investigated. In autumn 2018, triplicate eDNA samples were taken at 13 stations in a spatially systematic design alongside seine, fyke and beam trawl sampling. In summer 2019, eDNA samples from eight of the 13 original stations were collected again in the upper and lower estuary. DNA was extracted from samples and subjected to metabarcoding analysis using an established assay targeting teleost fishes. The key findings were that in autumn, eDNA detected 17 of the 26 (71%) species caught by fishing gears, which included the most abundant species. Overall, eDNA detected a greater species richness, per 30 samples, than seine or fyke nets (but not beam trawling). Additionally, there was a clear correlation between salinity and assemblage composition, which was consistent across seasons. Overall, the study indicates that eDNA metabarcoding could enhance existing fish sampling methods, by generating a more comprehensive picture of estuarine fish biodiversity and providing additional information for ecological inference and management actions

    Optimising species detection probability and sampling effort in lake fish eDNA surveys

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    Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is transforming biodiversity monitoring in aquatic environments. Such an approach has been developed and deployed for monitoring lake fish communities in Great Britain, where the method has repeatedly shown a comparable or better performance than conventional approaches. Previous analyses indicated that 20 water samples per lake are sufficient to reliably estimate fish species richness, but it is unclear how reduced eDNA sampling effort affects richness, or other biodiversity estimates and metrics. As the number of samples strongly influences the cost of monitoring programmes, it is essential that sampling effort is optimised for a specific monitoring objective. The aim of this project was to explore the effect of reduced eDNA sampling effort on biodiversity metrics (namely species richness and community composition) using algorithmic and statistical resampling techniques of a data set from 101 lakes, covering a wide spectrum of lake types and ecological quality. The results showed that reliable estimation of lake fish species richness could, in fact, usually be achieved with a much lower number of samples. For example, in almost 90% of lakes, 95% of complete fish richness could be detected with only 10 water samples, regardless of lake area. Similarly, other measures of alpha and beta-diversity were not greatly affected by a reduction in sample size from 20 to 10 samples. We also found that there is no significant difference in detected species richness between shoreline and offshore sampling transects, allowing for simplified field logistics. This could potentially allow the effective sampling of a larger number of lakes within a given monitoring budget. However, rare species were more often missed with fewer samples, with potential implications for monitoring of invasive or endangered species. These results should inform the design of eDNA sampling strategies, so that these can be optimised to achieve specific monitoring goals

    The importance of nitrogen limitation in the restoration of Llangorse Lake, Wales, UK

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    Llangorse Lake is the largest natural lake in South Wales, UK, and is of European conservation importance. The site has a long history of eutrophication problems and, in recent years, significant efforts have been made to meet water quality restoration targets at this site by reducing the input of phosphorus (P) from external sources. Although the lake has improved substantially in quality since the late 1970s, it is still not meeting its ecological targets. Phosphorus concentrations have remained high and there has been little reduction in algal biomass. Management decisions to reduce P input were originally based on the widely held assumption that shallow lakes are P limited in summer. However, this study clearly shows that this is not always the case; Llangorse Lake, at least, is strongly nitrogen (N) limited over the summer months. As a result, bio-available P released from the sediments cannot be used by the phytoplankton population. So, it accumulates in the water column, causing very high concentrations to occur in late summer. This puts the lake at very high risk of developing algal blooms when N availability increases, usually in early autumn. The study also found that the hydrology of the lake was strongly affected by sub-surface flow. This suggested that nutrients and water could be delivered to the lake from areas beyond the topographically defined surface water catchment. These findings have widespread implications for the successful management of external inputs to lakes, which currently tends to focus on management of the surface water catchment only. The results are discussed in relation to the restoration and management of nitrogen limited lakes, and of those that are significantly affected by sub-surface flow

    What else do managers need to know about warming rivers? A United Kingdom perspective

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    River flow and water temperature are fundamental controls of freshwater ecosystems. Hence, future warming could impact valued habitats and species, particularly those with cold water preferences (such as salmonids). Warming could also exacerbate existing environmental pressures or diminish the effectiveness of management interventions. Climate model projections provide compelling evidence of the need for adaptation despite uncertainty about the timing, nature, and distribution of impacts on water quality, vulnerable species, and habitats. Low-regret adaptation options to manage temperature impacts include increasing riparian shade, enhancing thermal refugia, and removing thermal barriers or hotspots. Indirect controls include managing river flows through abstraction and discharge regulation, moderating flow control structures, and manipulating channel hydromorphology. However, fundamental gaps in understanding may limit the effectiveness of some of these measures, leading to undesired side effects, wasted resources, ineffectual outcomes, or limited uptake. These knowledge gaps include where to target measures, how to implement in different situations, how to maximize co-benefits and integrate with other policy objectives, and how to support implementation across rural and agricultural landscapes. Despite many uncertainties, restoration of riparian shade and river flows has the potential to deliver multiple benefits even if this does not include retarding rates of warming

    Extinction risks and threats facing the freshwater fishes of Britain

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    1.Extinctions occur naturally in all environments, but rates have accelerated rapidly during the Anthropocene, especially in fresh water. Despite supporting many fish species of conservation importance, there has never been a formal assessment of their extinction risks in Britain, which has impeded their inclusion in relevant legislation and policy. This study therefore used the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM Categories and Criteria to conduct the first systematic assessment of the extinction risks and threats facing the native freshwater and diadromous fishes of Britain. Additionally, national assessments were produced for England, Scotland and Wales, reflecting the level at which environmental policy decisions are taken in Britain.2.Seven species were categorised as being threatened with extinction at regional level, with European eel Anguilla anguilla and allis shad Alosa alosa classified as Critically Endangered, Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, vendace Coregonus albula and European whitefish Coregonus lavaretus classified as Endangered, and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus and twaite shad Alosa fallax classified as Vulnerable. In addition, burbot Lota lota was classified as Regionally Extinct, ferox trout Salmo ferox was categorised as Data Deficient, and 25 species were categorised as Least Concern. European sturgeon Acipenser sturio and houting Coregonus oxyrinchus, although probably native, qualified as only “vagrants” in fresh water, so were categorised as Not Applicable.3.The assessments provide objective baselines against which future changes can be determined, and a key evidence base to support policy and management decisions for the conservation of freshwater and diadromous fish species and their habitats in Britain. It is recommended that the assessments are repeated every 10 years, which would enable changes in conservation status, the effectiveness of policies and where targeted interventions may be required to be examined using the Red List Index

    Optimising species detection probability and sampling effort in lake fish eDNA surveys

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    Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is transforming biodiversity monitoring in aquatic environments where the method has repeatedly shown comparable or better performance than conventional approaches to fish monitoring. This method has been developed and deployed, primarily using shoreline sampling during the winter months, across 101 lakes in Great Britain alone, covering a wide spectrum of lake types and ecological quality. Previous analyses on a subset of these lakes indicated that 20 water samples per lake are sufficient to reliably estimate fish species richness, but it is unclear how reduced eDNA sampling effort affects richness, or other biodiversity estimates and metrics. As the number of samples strongly influences the cost of monitoring programmes, it is essential that sampling effort is optimised for a specific monitoring objective. The aim of this project was to explore the effect of reduced eDNA sampling effort on biodiversity metrics (namely species richness and community composition) using algorithmic and statistical resampling techniques. The results showed that reliable estimation of lake fish species richness could in fact usually be achieved with a much lower number of samples. For example, in almost 90% of lakes, 95% of complete fish richness could be detected with only 10 water samples, regardless of lake area. Similarly other measures of alpha and beta-diversity were not greatly affected by a reduction in sample size from 20 to 10 samples. We also found that there is no significant difference in detected species richness between shoreline and offshore sampling transects, allowing for simplified field logistics. This could potentially allow the effective sampling of a larger number of lakes within a given monitoring budget. However, rare species were more often missed with fewer samples, with potential implications for monitoring of invasive or endangered species. These results should inform the design of eDNA sampling strategies, so that these can be optimised to achieve specific monitoring goals