363 research outputs found

    Enhanced oxidation stability of transparent copper films using a hybrid organic-inorganic nucleation layer

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    We report a novel seed layer for the formation of slab-like transparent copper films on glass and plastic substrates, based on a mixed molecular monolayer and an ultra-thin (0.8 nm) aluminium layer both deposited from the vapour phase, which substantially outperforms the best nucleation layer for optically thin copper films reported to date. Using this hybrid layer, the metal percolation threshold is reduced to < 4 nm nominal thickness and the long-term stability of sub-10 nm films towards oxidation in air is comparable to that of silver films of the same thickness fabricated using the best reported seed layer for optically thin silver films to date. The underlying reason for the remarkable effectiveness of this hybrid nucleation is elucidated using a combination of photoelectron spectroscopy, small angle X-ray studies, atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy

    Optimal Control of Robotic Systems and Biased Riemannian Splines

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    In this paper, we study mechanical optimal control problems on a given Riemannian manifold (Q,g)(Q,g) in which the cost is defined by a general cometric g~\tilde{g}. This investigation is motivated by our studies in robotics, in which we observed that the mathematically natural choice of cometric g~=g∗\tilde{g} = g^{*} -- the dual of gg -- does not always capture the true cost of the motion. We then, first, discuss how to encode the system's torque-based actuators configuration into a cometric g~\tilde{g}. Second, we provide and prove our main theorem, which characterizes the optimal solutions of the problem associated to general triples (Q,g,g~)(Q, g, \tilde{g}) in terms of a 4th order differential equation. We also identify a tensor appearing in this equation as the geometric source of "biasing" of the solutions away from ordinary Riemannian splines and geodesics for (Q,g)(Q, g). Finally, we provide illustrative examples and practical demonstration of the biased splines as providing the true optimizers in a concrete robotics system

    Geometric Gait Optimization for Inertia-Dominated Systems With Nonzero Net Momentum

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    Inertia-dominated mechanical systems can achieve net displacement by 1) periodically changing their shape (known as kinematic gait) and 2) adjusting their inertia distribution to utilize the existing nonzero net momentum (known as momentum gait). Therefore, finding the gait that most effectively utilizes the two types of locomotion in terms of the magnitude of the net momentum is a significant topic in the study of locomotion. For kinematic locomotion with zero net momentum, the geometry of optimal gaits is expressed as the equilibria of system constraint curvature flux through the surface bounded by the gait, and the cost associated with executing the gait in the metric space. In this paper, we identify the geometry of optimal gaits with nonzero net momentum effects by lifting the gait description to a time-parameterized curve in shape-time space. We also propose the variational gait optimization algorithm corresponding to the lifted geometric structure, and identify two distinct patterns in the optimal motion, determined by whether or not the kinematic and momentum gaits are concentric. The examples of systems with and without fluid-added mass demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can efficiently solve forward and turning locomotion gaits in the presence of nonzero net momentum. At any given momentum and effort limit, the proposed optimal gait that takes into account both momentum and kinematic effects outperforms the reference gaits that each only considers one of these effects.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted to IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 202

    Towards Geometric Motion Planning for High-Dimensional Systems: Gait-Based Coordinate Optimization and Local Metrics

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    Geometric motion planning offers effective and interpretable gait analysis and optimization tools for locomoting systems. However, due to the curse of dimensionality in coordinate optimization, a key component of geometric motion planning, it is almost infeasible to apply current geometric motion planning to high-dimensional systems. In this paper, we propose a gait-based coordinate optimization method that overcomes the curse of dimensionality. We also identify a unified geometric representation of locomotion by generalizing various nonholonomic constraints into local metrics. By combining these two approaches, we take a step towards geometric motion planning for high-dimensional systems. We test our method in two classes of high-dimensional systems - low Reynolds number swimmers and free-falling Cassie - with up to 11-dimensional shape variables. The resulting optimal gait in the high-dimensional system shows better efficiency compared to that of the reduced-order model. Furthermore, we provide a geometric optimality interpretation of the optimal gait.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024

    Widely applicable coinage metal window electrodes on flexible polyester substrates applied to organic photovoltaics

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    The fabrication, exceptional properties, and application of 8 nm thick Cu, Ag, Au, and Cu/Ag bilayer electrodes on flexible polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) substrates is reported. These electrodes are fabricated using a solvent free process in which the plastic surface is chemically modified with a molecular monolayer of thiol and amine terminated alkylsilanes prior to metal deposition. The resulting electrodes have a sheet resistance of ≤14 Ω sq–1, are exceptionally robust and can be rapidly thermally annealed at 200 °C to reduce their sheet resistance to ≤9 Ω sq–1. Notably, annealing Au electrodes briefly at 200 °C causes the surface to revert almost entirely to the {111} face, rendering it ideal as a model electrode for fundamental science and practical application alike. The power conversion efficiency of 1 cm2 organic photovoltaics (OPVs) employing 8 nm Ag and Au films as the hole-extracting window electrode exhibit performance comparable to those on indium–tin oxide, with the advantage that they are resistant to repeated bending through a small radius of curvature and are chemically well-defined. OPVs employing Cu and bilayer Cu:Ag electrodes exhibit inferior performance due to a lower open-circuit voltage and fill factor. Measurements of the interfacial energetics made using the Kelvin probe technique provide insight into the physical reason for this difference. The results show how coinage metal electrodes offer a viable alternative to ITO on flexible substrates for OPVs and highlight the challenges associated with the use of Cu as an electrode material in this contex

    Optimal Gait Families using Lagrange Multiplier Method

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    The robotic locomotion community is interested in optimal gaits for control. Based on the optimization criterion, however, there could be a number of possible optimal gaits. For example, the optimal gait for maximizing displacement with respect to cost is quite different from the maximum displacement optimal gait. Beyond these two general optimal gaits, we believe that the optimal gait should deal with various situations for high-resolution of motion planning, e.g., steering the robot or moving in "baby steps." As the step size or steering ratio increases or decreases, the optimal gaits will slightly vary by the geometric relationship and they will form the families of gaits. In this paper, we explored the geometrical framework across these optimal gaits having different step sizes in the family via the Lagrange multiplier method. Based on the structure, we suggest an optimal locus generator that solves all related optimal gaits in the family instead of optimizing each gait respectively. By applying the optimal locus generator to two simplified swimmers in drag-dominated environments, we verify the behavior of the optimal locus generator.Comment: 6 page

    High-performance silver window electrodes for top-illuminated organic photovoltaics using an organo-molybdenum oxide bronze interlayer

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    We report an organo-molybdenumn oxide bronze that enables the fabrication of high-performance silver window electrodes for top-illuminated solution processed organic photovoltaics without complicating the process of device fabrication. This hybrid material combines the function of wide-band-gap interlayer for efficient hole extraction with the role of metal electrode seed layer, enabling the fabrication of highly transparent, low-sheet-resistance silver window electrodes. Additionally it is also processed from ethanol, which ensures orthogonality with a large range of solution processed organic semiconductors. The key organic component is the low cost small molecule 3-mercaptopropionic acid, which (i) promotes metal film formation and imparts robustness at low metal thickness, (ii) reduces the contact resistance at the Ag/molybdenumn oxide bronze interface, (iii) and greatly improves the film forming properties. Silver electrodes with a thickness of 8 nm deposited by simple vacuum evaporation onto this hybrid interlayer have a sheet resistance as low as 9.7 Ohms per square and mean transparency ∼80% over the wavelength range 400–900 nm without the aid of an antireflecting layer, which makes them well-matched to the needs of organic photovoltaics and applicable to perovskite photovoltaics. The application of this hybrid material is demonstrated in two types of top-illuminated organic photovoltaic devices

    Plant design for deterministic control of STEMS and tale-springs

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (leaf 54).In this thesis, the limits of conventional linear actuators for long stroke applications are discussed, and tape-spring based actuators such as the STEM are introduced as an alternative solution. While the literature contains several assessments of self-deploying tape-springs, little exists in the area of closed loop deterministic control of such mechanisms. This thesis adapts the existing models of tape springs to form a framework for the study of closed loop controllable tape springs. Included is an evaluation of the validity of the prevailing first order model for a coiled tape-spring. Lastly, several avenues for future research are suggested.by Ross L. Hatton.S.B
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