854 research outputs found

    Adiabatic Effective Action for Vortices in Neutral and Charged Superfluids

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    Adiabatic effective action for vortices in neutral and charged superfluids at zero temperature are calculated using the topological Landau-Ginzburg theory recently proposed by Hatsuda, Yahikozawa, Ao and Thouless, and vortex dynamics are examined. The Berry phase term arising in the effective action naturally yields the Magnus force in both neutral and charged superfluids. It is shown that in neutral superfluid there is only one degree of freedom, namely the center of vorticities, and the vortex energy is proportinal to the sum of all vorticities so that it is finite only for the vanishing total vorticity of the system. On the other hand the effective mass and the vortex energy for a vortex in charged superfluids are defined individually as expected. The effects of the vortex core on these quantities are also estimated. The possible depinning scenario which is governed by the Magnus force and the inertial mass is also discussed.Comment: 26 page

    Responses of quark condensates to the chemical potential

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    The responses of quark condensates to the chemical potential, as a function of temperature T and chemical potential \mu, are calculated within the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. We compare our results with those from the recent lattice QCD simulations [QCD-TARO Collaboration, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 106, 462 (2002)]. The NJL model and lattice calculations show qualitatively similar behavior, and they will be complimentary ways to study hadrons at finite density. The behavior above T_c requires more elaborated analyses.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figs, based on a contribution to the Prof. Osamu Miyamura memorial symposium, Hiroshima University, Nov. 16-17, 2001; slightly revised, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Proper heavy-quark potential from a spectral decomposition of the thermal Wilson loop

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    We propose a non-perturbative and gauge invariant derivation of the static potential between a heavy-quark (QQ) and an anti-quark (Qˉ\bar{Q}) at finite temperature. This proper potential is defined through the spectral function (SPF) of the thermal Wilson loop and can be shown to satisfy the Schr\"{o}dinger equation for the heavy QQˉQ\bar{Q} pair in the thermal medium. In general, the proper potential has a real and an imaginary part,corresponding to the peak position and width of the SPF. The validity of using a Schr\"{o}dinger equation for heavy QQˉQ\bar{Q} can also be checked from the structure of the SPF. To test this idea, quenched QCD simulations on anisotropic lattices (aσ=4aτ=0.039fma_\sigma=4a_\tau=0.039\rm fm, Nσ3×Nτ=202×(96−32)N^3_\sigma \times N_{\tau} =20^2 \times (96-32)) are performed. The real part of the proper potential below the deconfinement temperature (T=0.78TcT=0.78T_c) exhibits the well known Coulombic and confining behavior. At (T=2.33TcT=2.33T_c) we find that it coincides with the Debye screened potential obtained from Polyakov-line correlations in the color-singlet channel under Coulomb gauge fixing. The physical meaning of the spectral structure of the thermal Wilson loop and the use of the maximum entropy method (MEM) to extract the real and imaginary part of the proper potential are also discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, Talk given at the XXVII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE 2009), July 25-31, 2009, Beijing, Chin

    In-medium pi-pi Correlation Induced by Partial Restoration of Chiral Symmetry

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    We show that both the linear and the non-linear chiral models give an enhancement of the pi-pi cross section near the 2pi threshold in the scalar-iso-scalar (I=J=0) channel in nuclear matter. The reduction of the chiral condensate, i.e., the partial chiral restoration in nuclear matter, is responsible for the enhancement in both cases. We extract an effective 4pi-nucleon vertex which is responsible for the enhancement but has not been considered in the non-liear models for in-medium pi-pi interaction. Relation of this vertex and a next-to-leading order terms in the heavy-baryon chiral lagrangian, L_piN^(2), is also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 eps figure, REVTe

    In-medium spectral change of omega mesons as a probe of QCD four-quark condensate

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    Within QCD sum rules at finite baryon density we show the crucial role of four-quark condensates for the in-medium modification of the omega meson spectral function. In particular, such a global property as the sign of the in-medium omega meson mass shift is found to be governed by a parameter which describes the strength of the density dependence of the four-quark condensate beyond mean-field approximation. To study self-consistently the broadening of the omega meson resonance we employ a hadron spectral function based on the omega meson propagator delivered by an effective chiral Lagrangian. Measurements of the omega meson spectral change in heavy-ion collisions with the HADES detector can reveal the yet unknown density dependence of the four-quark condensate

    Low-energy J/psi-Hadron Interactions from Quenched Lattice QCD

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    The J/psi-hadron interaction is a key ingredient in analyzing the J/psi suppression in hot hadronic matter as well as the propagation of J/psi in nuclei. As a first step to clarify the J/psi-hadron interactions at low energies, we have calculated J/psi-pi, J/psi-rho and J/psi-nucleon scattering lengths by the quenched lattice QCD simulations with Wilson fermions for beta=6.2 on 24^3*48 and 32^3*48 lattices. Using the Luscher's method to extract the scattering length from the simulations in a finite box, we find an attractive interaction in the S-wave channel for all three systems: Among others, the J/psi-nucleon interaction is most attractive. Possibility of the J/psi-nucleon bound state is also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, talk presented at Lattice 2005 (Heavy quark physics), Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 25-30 July 200
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