50 research outputs found

    Renewal of Cadastral Documentation by New Mapping in Cadastral Unit RaĆĄkovice

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    Tato diplomovĂĄ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ obnovou katastrĂĄlnĂ­ho operĂĄtu novĂœm mapovĂĄnĂ­m v části katastrĂĄlnĂ­ho ĂșzemĂ­ RaĆĄkovice. v prĂĄci jsou popsĂĄny vĆĄechny etapy mapovĂĄnĂ­ s bliĆŸĆĄĂ­m zaměƙenĂ­m na zjiĆĄĆ„ovĂĄnĂ­ prĆŻběhu hranic, podrobnĂ©ho měƙenĂ­ bodĆŻ a jejich nĂĄslednĂ© zpracovĂĄnĂ­ a tvorbou měƙickĂœch náčrtĆŻ. PrĂĄce demonstruje moĆŸnost zpracovĂĄnĂ­ částĂ­ obnovy v programu KokeĆĄ. VĂœsledkem je nĂĄvrh budoucĂ­ digitĂĄlnĂ­ katastrĂĄlnĂ­ mapy ve zpracovĂĄvanĂœch lokalitĂĄch.This diploma thesis is focused on the renewal of the cadastral documentation by using a new mapping in the part of the cadastral area RaĆĄkovice. All stages of the mapping are described with the focus on the adjudication of boundaries and detailed measuring of points. The results are concluded in the survey sketches. The KokeĆĄ software is used to demonstrate partial processing of the renewals. The result of the thesis is a proposal of the future digital cadastral map for the chosen areas.544 - Katedra geodĂ©zie a dĆŻlnĂ­ho měƙictvĂ­vĂœborn

    Fluorescent insulin fusion proteins for assessing the granulation state and exocytosis of insulin producing cells

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    Die Mechanismen der Glucose-induzierten Insulinsekretion sind im Bereich der KATP-Kanal-unabhĂ€ngigen Signaltransduktion nur unvollstĂ€ndig verstanden. Diskrepanzen zwischen Änderungen der cytosolischen Calciumkonzentration und der tatsĂ€chlich gemessenen Sekretion lassen sich am ehesten mit einem unterschiedlichen Bestand an sekretionsbereiten Granula erklĂ€ren. Insofern ergab sich als primĂ€re Aufgabenstellung fĂŒr diese Arbeit die Entwicklung eines spezifischen Labels fĂŒr die Insulin-Sekretgranula, wodurch es möglich sein sollte, den gesamten Granulabestand von B-Zellen und, bei Verwendung der TIRF-Mikroskopie, die membranassoziierten und damit unmittelbar sekretionsbereiten Granula zu quantifizieren. Die Markierung der Insulingranula gelang mit einem Fusionsprotein aus dem humanen PrĂ€proinsulin und C-terminalem EGFP, die ĂŒber einen „Spacer“ von sieben AminosĂ€uren miteinander verbunden waren. Die bei transient transfizierten insulinproduzierenden Zelllinien zu beobachtende granulĂ€re Fluoreszenz blieb auch bei Permeabilisierung der Plasmamembran erhalten. DarĂŒber hinaus konnte mittels TIRF-Mikroskopie gezeigt werden, dass die fluoreszierenden Granula auf eine Kalium-Depolarisation mit vermehrter Bewegung und einer Änderung der Fluoreszenzemission reagierten. Diese Änderung war nicht bei allen Granula gleichartig, deutlich vorherrschend war jedoch eine vorĂŒbergehende Intensivierung und danach Verlöschen der Fluoreszenz. Aufgrund dieser Erfahrungen wurden zwei weitere Insulin-Fusionsproteine generiert, eines, an dessen C-terminalen Ende der A-Kette das rot fluoreszierende tdimer Protein gebunden war, und eines, bei dem sich an der gleichen Stelle das sogenannte timer-Protein befand. Mit allen drei Konstrukten (Insulin-EGFP, Insulin-tdimer und Insulin-timer) wurden stabil transfizierte insulinproduzierende Zelllinien (MIN6-Zellen) sowie lentivirale Vektoren hergestellt und das Verhalten der transfizierten MIN6-Zellen und primĂ€ren B -Zellen charakterisiert.The mechanisms of glucose-induced insulin secretion are still incompletely understood, in particular the KATP channel-independent signalling pathway. Discrepancies between the increase in cytosolic calcium concentration and the expected increase in secretion may be due to a variable availability of secretion-ready granules. Thus the primary task of this thesis work was to develop a specific label for insulin granules which should enable us to observe the kinetics of the total B-cell granule content, and, by use of the TIRF microscopy, to quantify the membrane-associated, secretion ready-granules. The labelling of the insulin granules was achieved by generating a fusion protein of the human preproinsulin and a c-terminally linked EGFP, which were linked by a spacer of seven amino acids. Transiently transfected insulin-producing cells showed a granular green fluorescence, which remained stable after digitonin permeabilization. By use of TIRF-microscopy an intensified movement in response to a potassium depolarization and a change in fluorescence intensity became visible. The response was not homogeneous with all granules, however, a transient increase followed by a disappearance clearly predominated. Based on this experience two further fluorescent insulin fusion proteins were generated. One contained the red fluorescent tdimer protein at the c-terminus of the A-chain, the other contained at this site the “timer” protein, which time-dependently changes its fluorescence from green to red. With all three of these constructs stably transfected insulin-producing cell lines and lentiviral vectors were generated. Finally, the responsiveness of the cell lines and of the infected primary B-cells was functionally characterized

    JBIG2 Supported by OCR

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    Digital Mathematical libraries contain a large volume of PDF documents containing scanned text. In this paper, we describe how this documents can be compressed and thus provide them more effectively to the users. We introduce a JBIG2 standard for compressing bitonal images such as scanned text and we discuss issues if OCR is used for improving the compression ratio of jbig2enc open-source encoder. For this purpose, we have designed API for using OCR in jbig2enc which we describe in this paper together with already achieved results.DigitĂĄlnĂ­ matematickĂ© knihovnz obsahujĂ­ velkĂ© mnoĆŸstvĂ­ PDF dokumentĆŻ obsahujĂ­cĂ­ch skenovanĂœ text. V tomto člĂĄnku popisujeme, jakĂœm zpĆŻsobem mohou bĂœt takovĂ© dokumenty komprimovĂĄny, a tĂ­m pĂĄdem poskytovĂĄny uĆŸivateli efektivnějĆĄĂ­ cestou. Za tĂ­mto Ășčelem pƙedstavujeme JBIG2 standard pro kompresi bitonĂĄlnĂ­ch obrĂĄzkĆŻ (napƙ. naskenovanĂœ text) a diskutujeme pƙínosy a problĂ©my pouĆŸitĂ­ OCR za Ășčelem zvĂœĆĄenĂ­ komprese volně ĆĄiƙitelnĂ©ho jbig2enc enkodĂ©ru. Za tĂ­mto Ășčelem jsme navrhli a implementovali rozhranĂ­ pro pouĆŸĂ­vĂĄnĂ­ OCR v jbig2enc enkodĂ©ru, kterĂ© zde popisujeme spolu s pƙedbÄ›ĆŸnĂœmi vĂœsledky.Digital Mathematical libraries contain a large volume of PDF documents containing scanned text. In this paper, we describe how this documents can be compressed and thus provide them more effectively to the users. We introduce a JBIG2 standard for compressing bitonal images such as scanned text and we discuss issues if OCR is used for improving the compression ratio of jbig2enc open-source encoder. For this purpose, we have designed API for using OCR in jbig2enc which we describe in this paper together with already achieved results

    Implementation of the Technology .NET in a Small Software Company

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    Import 04/07/2011DiplomovĂĄ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ vĂœvojem webovĂ© aplikace prezentujĂ­cĂ­ společnost KS-program s.r.o. a jejĂ­ produkty. SoučástĂ­ je jednoduchĂœ elektronickĂœ obchod a administrĂĄtorskĂ© rozhranĂ­ pro sprĂĄvu aplikace. VĂœvojovĂœm prostƙedĂ­m se stal Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 a programovacĂ­m jazykem C#. PrvnĂ­ část prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ popisem metod a technologiĂ­, kterĂ© jsou pƙi vĂœvoji vyuĆŸity. NĂĄsledujĂ­cĂ­ části se věnujĂ­ specifikaci, analĂœze poĆŸadavkĆŻ, postupu nĂĄvrhu a vzhledu webovĂ© aplikace. PoslednĂ­ část se zabĂœvĂĄ hodnocenĂ­m navrhovanĂ©ho ƙeĆĄenĂ­ a Ășvahou nad moĆŸnĂœm zlepĆĄenĂ­m či rozơíƙenĂ­m.The diploma thesis is concerned with web applications development, which presents KS-program Ltd. and their products. Part of the web application is simple e-shop and admin interface for application control. Developing enviroment is Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 and programing language is C#. The first part of my thesis is focused on description of methods and technologies, which are used for development. Following parts apply for specification, analyse of demands, process of proposal and web application design. The last part is focused on evaluation proposed solution and consideration of possible enhancement or expansion.155 - Katedra aplikovanĂ© informatikyvĂœborn

    Human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells utilise activin-A to suppress interferon-gamma production by natural killer cells

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    Following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), interferon (IFN)-Îł levels in the recipient's body can strongly influence the clinical outcome. Human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs) are lucrative as biological tolerance inducers in HSCT settings. Hence, we studied the molecular mechanism of how UC-MSCs influence natural killer (NK) cell-mediated IFN-Îł production. Allogeneic NK cells were cultured in direct contact with UC-MSCs or cell free supernatants from MSC cultures (MSC conditioned media). We found that soluble factors secreted by UC-MSCs strongly suppressed IL-12/IL-18-induced IFN-Îł production by NK cells by reducing phosphorylation of STAT4, NF-ÎșB as well as T-bet activity. UC-MSCs secreted considerable amounts of Activin-A, which could suppress IFN-Îł production by NK cells. Neutralisation of Activin-A in MSC conditioned media significantly abrogated their suppressive abilities. Till date, multiple groups have reported that prostaglandin (PG)-E2 produced by MSCs can suppress NK cell functions. Indeed, we found that inhibition of PGE2 production by MSCs could also significantly restore IFN-Îł production. However, the effects of Activin-A and PGE2 were not cumulative. To the best of our knowledge, we are first to report the role of Activin-A in MSC mediated suppression of IFN-Îł production by NK cells.DFG/SFB738/A5Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS)DFG/REBIRTHNiedersĂ€chsische Krebsgesellschaf

    Role of gamma-secretase in human umbilical-cord derived mesenchymal stem cell mediated suppression of NK cell cytotoxicity

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    Background: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are increasingly considered to be used as biological immunosuppressants in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). In the early reconstitution phase following HSCT, natural killer (NK) cells represent the major lymphocyte population in peripheral blood and display graft-vs-leukemia (GvL) effects. The functional interactions between NK cells and MSCs have the potential to influence the leukemia relapse rate after HSCT. Until date, MSC-NK cell interaction studies are largely focussed on bone marrow derived (BM)-MSCs. Umbilical cord derived (UC)-MSCs might be an alternative source of therapeutic MSCs. Thus, we studied the interaction of UC-MSCs with unstimulated allogeneic NK cells.Results: UC-MSCs could potently suppress NK cell cytotoxicity in overnight cultures via soluble factors. The main soluble immunosuppressant was identified as prostaglandin (PG)-E2. Maximal PGE2 release involved IL-1ÎČ priming of MSCs after close contact between the NK cells and UC-MSCs. Interestingly, blocking gamma-secretase activation alleviated the immunosuppression by controlling PGE2 production. IL-1 receptor activation and subsequent downstream signalling events were found to require gamma-secretase activity.Conclusion: Although the role of PGE2 in NK cell-MSC has been reported, the requirement of cell-cell contact for PGE2 induced immunosuppression remained unexplained. Our findings shed light on this puzzling observation and identify new players in the NK cell-MSC crosstalk.DFG/SFB738/A5Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS)REBIRTH Cluster of ExcellenceNiedersĂ€chsische Krebsgesellschaft e.V

    Different populations and sources of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC): A comparison of adult and neonatal tissue-derived MSC

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    The mesenchymal stroma harbors an important population of cells that possess stem cell-like characteristics including self renewal and differentiation capacities and can be derived from a variety of different sources. These multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) can be found in nearly all tissues and are mostly located in perivascular niches. MSC have migratory abilities and can secrete protective factors and act as a primary matrix for tissue regeneration during inflammation, tissue injuries and certain cancers