3 research outputs found

    Data for: Hydraulic model calibration using CryoSat-2 observations in the Zambezi catchment

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    This directory contains the data used for the manuscript:  Kittel, C.M.M., Hatchard, S., Neal, J.C., Nielsen, K., Bates, P.D., Bauer-Gottwein, P. (2021)  Hydraulic model calibration using CryoSat-2 observations in the Zambezi catchment CryoSat-2: This folder contains the CryoSat-2 observations used for calibrating the hydrodynamic model, including runoff simulations at time of observation for each model catchment used to force the model. RR_model: This folder contains the files necessary to run the rainfall-runoff model for the Zambezi catchment used to force the hydrodynamic model. The model source code is published as part of the GlobWetland-Africa  QGIS toolbox.  http://globwetland-africa.org/?wpdmpro=globwetland-toolbox-1-5 This folder also contains a stand-alone script to run the model for the Zambezi using the subsets of calibrated parameters found in the subfolder "Parameters". Supplementary_data: This folder contains the synthetic parameters used to produce the synthetic observations pertubed by  uncertainties of 3, 20 and 40 cm. Hydrodynamic_model:  This folder contains the catchment characteristics used to run the LISFLOOD-FP models of the subreaches included in the study. The files are ASCII files of the channel width, slope, bed elevation and channel roughness as obtained in the calibration.  13 - Upper Zambezi 14 - Kabompo 134 - Lungwebungo 101 - Kafue 99 - Luangwa Please refer to the LISFLOOD-FP manual for further details on the file format and model setup:  http://www.bristol.ac.uk/media-library/sites/geography/migrated/documents/lisflood-manual-v5.9.6.pdf S3 Time series:  Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B WSE time series used to evaluate performance of the hydraulic model