10 research outputs found

    Mempelajari cara pemisahan ω-hidroksi dan n-asam lemak dengan menggunakan Kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari kondisi yang cocok untuk memisahkan ω-hidroksi dan n-asam lemak tanpa derivitasi dengan menggunakan metode Kromatografi cairan kinerja tinggi. Dalam kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi digunakan kolom RP-18 Brownlee, fase bergerak campuran THF dan CH3OCN, metode isokratik, dilakukan pada suhu kamar, kecepatan alir 1 ml/mn, menggunakan detektor UV dengan panjang gelombang 215 nm dan sensitivitasnya 0,5 AUFS. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan persentase air dalam fase bergerak meningkatkan waktu retensi n-asarn lemak dan ω -hidroksi asam lernak, n-asam lemak dapat dipisahkan dengan baik bila menggunakan kondisi di atas dan menggunakan fase bergerak yang mengandung air sekitar 25-35 bagian. Sedangkan ω-hidroksi asam lemak dapat dipisahkan dengan baik dengan menggunakan fase bergerak yang mengandung air minimal 49 bagian berdasarkan volume

    Karakteristik dan Sifat Fisiko-kimia Berbagai Kualitas Kemenyan di Sumatera Utara

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    Sumatera Utara merupakan sentra produksi kemenyan di Indonesia. Kemenyan di pasaran dikelompokkan menjadi 6 kualitas berdasarkan kriteria uji ukuran (besar kecilnya) lempengan/ bongkahan dan warna kemenyan, yaitu kualitas I s/d VI.Tujuan penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui perbedaan sifat fisiko-kimia kemenyan berbagai kualitas yang ada di pasaran, sehingga diharapkan nantinya pengelompokkan kualitas kemenyan dapat dipertimbangkan secara kuantitatif berdasarkan unsur-unsur sifat fisiko-kimianya. Sifat fisiko-kimia kemenyan yang diuji adalah warna, bentuk, ukuran, kadar air, kadar kotoran, kadar abu, titik lunak dan kadar asam balsamat.Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa kadar air dan kadar abu relatif sama antara kemenyan kualitas I, II, III, IV dan V. Kadar kotoran dan titik lunak kemenyan kualitas I, II, III dan IV adalah relatif sama, sedangkan kadar asam balsamat kemenyan kualitas I, II dan III relatif sama. Dengan demikian disarankan pembagian kualitas kemenyan menjadi 4 kelas kualitas yaitu kualitas I berasal dari kemenyan kualitas I s/d III, kualitas II berasal dari kemenyan kualitas IV, kualitas III berasal dari kemenyan kualitas V dan kualitas IV berasal dari kemenyan kualitas VI

    Penelaahan Dimensi Serat dan Komposisi Kimia Kayu Kapok (Ceiba Pentandra Gaerth)

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    Penyelidikan dimensi serat dan komposisi kimia kayu telah dilaksanakan guna mengkaji kemungkinan pemanfaatannya sebagai bahan baku pembuatan pulp dan kertas. Contoh kayu kapok dimaksud diambil dari bagian batang dan cabang pohon kapok yang tumbuh di daerah Bogor.Dari hasil pengkajian terdapat petunjuk bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan nyata dalam hal sifat dimensi serat dan komposisi kimia kayu kapok, baik yang berasal dari bagian batang ataupun cabang pohonnya.Dalam hal dimensi serat dan nilai turunannya, bagian batang dan cabang pohon kapok dapat digolongkan pada standar kualitas kelas III. Sedangkau dalam hal komposisi kimia kayu dari bagian batang dan cabang pohon kapok termasuk golongan kualitas mulai dari selang mutu rendah sampai tinggi. Hasil pengkajian lebih lanjut memberi petunjuk bahwa kayu dari bagian batang dan cabang tersebut cukup sesuai sebagai bahan baku pulp dan kertas. Akan tetapi, kandungan ekstraktifnya yang tinggi perlu dipertimbangkan karena ha! ini bisa mempengaruhi proses pengolahan pulp dan juga mutu hasilnya sendiri

    Pengaruh Perlakuan Pendahuluan Biji Kemiri Terhadap Rendemen Dan Sifat Minyaknya (Pretreatment Effects of Candle Nut Seedoil on Oil Yiled and Its Properties)

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    The purpose of this research is to study the pretreatment effects of candle nut seed oil on oil yield and its properties. Pretreatments consisted of dry-frying steaming and unpretreatment. The dry-frying was carried out at 100°C for 15 minutes, and steaming was carried out for 30 minutes at the same temperature. Each pretreatment was pressed at 110 kg/cm2 and the difference between means were tested with the LSD procedure.The results showed that pretreatment gave a highly significant effect on oil yield, specific gravity, saponification number and unsaponifiable matter. It also provided a significant effect on acid number and acid content caloulated as oleic acid. The dry-frying produced the highest of oil yield, a higher specific gravity, and a lower acid number, acid content and unsaponifiable matter based on the oil yield, specific gravity and acid number, the dry-frying method is the best pretreatment compared to the others

    ANALISIS KIMIA KAYU NANGKA (Artocarpus Heterophyllus Lamk) DARI JAWA BARAT (Chemical Analysis of Jackfruit Wood From West Java)

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    Jackfruit plant (artocarpus heterophyllus lamk) is know as multipurpose tree. A chemical analysis of jackfruit wood from West Java has been conducted to determine the contents of cellulose, lignin, pentosan,ash,silica and solubility in cold water, hot water, one percent sodium hydroxide and alcohol-benzene (1:2).The results showed that cellulose content 56,47 percent, lignin 28,76 percent, pentosan 18,64 percent, ash 0,78 percent, and silica 0,37 percent. Thesolubility in cold water 12.29 percent, hot water 14,41 percent, one percent sodium hydroxide 24,70 percent, and solubility in alcohol-benzene (1:2) 10,78 percent

    Pengaruh Wadah dan Lama Penyimpanan terhadap Kualitas Hasil Penyulingan Getah Pinus dari Sumatera Barat

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    Oleoresin of pine (Pinus merkusii) is a Non Wood Forest Products commodity from West Sumatra. This oleoresin was obtained by tapping pine trees with square system followed by light burning to stimulate more oleoresin exudate to bleed. This research was carried out to assess the effect of storage time and kind of plastic laminated container for pine resin collected from the field with square tapped method, on rosin recovery rate and its physico­chemical properties.Prior to distillation, the pine oleoresin was kept in two kinds of containers, i.e. plastic laminated steel and plastic laminated aluminium. The distillation of pine oleoresin kept in plastic laminated container produced about 58­63 % of rosin and 20­26 % of turpentine oil, respectively. Meanwhile, the distillation products of pine oleoresin previously kept in plastic laminated aluminium amounted to 56­63 % of rosin recovery and 22­27 % of turpentine. Analysis of variance of the experimental results indicated that container and storage time caused significant effect on ash content of rosin. The ash content of rosin from pine oleoresin after being kept in plastic laminated steel container was somewhat lower than that of the one being kept in plastic laminated steel container. The storage time of pine oleoresin up to 6 weeks in aluminium container could produce the rosin still comply with its prime quality and equivalent to WW (Water White) quality of rosin. Meanwhile, the storage time of pine oleoresin in steel container could last only for 4 weeks to meet the requirement to produce at such quality. The prolonged storage time of pine oleoresin caused the decrease in rosin quality. It is concluded that a plastic laminated container can be used to keep pine oleoresin up to 6 weeks, and still rendering a prime quality rosin based on the Indonesian National Standard

    Penyullngan Kulit Masoi (Cinnamomum Zanthoneuron Bl.) Bagian II (Distillation of Maosi Bark (Cinnamomum Xanthoneuron Bl.,). Part II) Sifat Fisiko Kimia Minyak Kullt Masoi Basil Penyulingan Cara Kohobasi

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    The purpose of this research is to study the physico chemical properties of oil produced from hydrodistillation of massoi bark. The distillation period were varied from 12 to 18, 2 4, 30, and 30 and 36 hours,The result indicates that distillation r appears to have highly significant , affect on oil yield and acid number as shown by linear regresison of respectively Y = 2.132 + 0. 350 X (r = 0. 943) for oil yield and Y = 3.598 + 0.219 X (r = 0.977) for acid number. Besides that massoi bark oil from Maluku has higher eugenol content composed with that from lriqn and West Australia

    Pengaruh Lama Penyulingan secara Kering pada Kondisi Vakum terhadap Rendemen dan Sifat Fisiko-kimia Residu Damar Mata Kucing

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    Dammar resin of Shorea javanica which its essential oil has been isolated can still be used for industrial purposes. Relating to this, the objective of the research is to investigate the effect of a vacuum dry distillation time on yield and the physico-chemical properties of dammar residue.A vacuum dry distillation technique of dammar was carried out at a pressure of 0.06 Pa, a temperature of 65 - 85°C for 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 hours, respectively. Each of distilling times was triplicated. To see the effect of distilling time on the yield and properties of dammar residue, the data were analysed by a factorial completely randomized design procedure, and their different means values were tested with Tukey's procedure. The relationship between distilling time and the yield or its physico-chemical properties of dammar residue was analysed with a polynomial orthogonal regression in a SAS package.The results showed that distilling time gave a highly significant effect on yield, softening point, ash content, iod number, acid number and saponification number of dammar residue, except for unsoluble matter in toluene. The increase in distilling lime tent to decrease in the yield and acid number of dammar residue, but it also tent to increase in softening point, ash content, iod number, saponification number and unsoluble matter in toluene. Moreover, distilling time of 2.5 hours is the optimum time to give the highest values of softening point and iod number, but with the lowest value of acid number. Polynomial orthogonal analysis revealed that there were relationship between distilling lime and yield of dammar residue and its properties with a highly significance.Compared to Indonesian National Standard for dammar, dammar residue has not met the requirement for softening point, acid number and ash content criteria. To meet the requirement, it was suggested to increase the pressure in the vacuum dry distillation process with a proper condentation for this pressure