119 research outputs found

    The Upper Limit on Rates of Proton Transfer

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    The Bronsted plot for hydrolysis of diphenyldiazomethane by carboxylic acids is smooth but curved, approaching an asymptotic limit below 10 mo1-1 dm3 s-1• Regardless of the details of the theory used, such a limit requires that the transition state is approached via a state (or virtual state) substantially (- 70 kJ mol-1) above the starting state in free energy, but still having an intact bond from H+ to its original conjugate base. Such a state has been called a reaction complex,6 and is thought to be analogous to the intimate ion pair of solvolysis reactions

    Individual and collective stock dynamics: intra-day seasonalities

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    We establish several new stylised facts concerning the intra-day seasonalities of stock dynamics. Beyond the well known U-shaped pattern of the volatility, we find that the average correlation between stocks increases throughout the day, leading to a smaller relative dispersion between stocks. Somewhat paradoxically, the kurtosis (a measure of volatility surprises) reaches a minimum at the open of the market, when the volatility is at its peak. We confirm that the dispersion kurtosis is a markedly decreasing function of the index return. This means that during large market swings, the idiosyncratic component of the stock dynamics becomes sub-dominant. In a nutshell, early hours of trading are dominated by idiosyncratic or sector specific effects with little surprises, whereas the influence of the market factor increases throughout the day, and surprises become more frequent.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Distribution of shortest cycle lengths in random networks

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    We present analytical results for the distribution of shortest cycle lengths (DSCL) in random networks. The approach is based on the relation between the DSCL and the distribution of shortest path lengths (DSPL). We apply this approach to configuration model networks, for which analytical results for the DSPL were obtained before. We first calculate the fraction of nodes in the network which reside on at least one cycle. Conditioning on being on a cycle, we provide the DSCL over ensembles of configuration model networks with degree distributions which follow a Poisson distribution (Erdos-R\'enyi network), degenerate distribution (random regular graph) and a power-law distribution (scale-free network). The mean and variance of the DSCL are calculated. The analytical results are found to be in very good agreement with the results of computer simulations.Comment: 44 pages, 11 figure

    Overground walking speed changes when subjected to body weight support conditions for nonimpaired and post stroke individuals

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous research has shown that body weight support (BWS) has the potential to improve gait speed for individuals post-stroke. However, body weight support also reduces the optimal walking speed at which energy use is minimized over the gait cycle indicating that BWS should reduce walking speed capability.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Nonimpaired subjects and subjects post-stroke walked at a self-selected speed over a 15 m walkway. Body weight support (BWS) was provided to subjects at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% of the subject's weight while they walked overground using a robotic body weight support system. Gait speed, cadence, and average step length were calculated for each subject using recorded data on their time to walk 10 m and the number of steps taken.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>When subjected to greater levels of BWS, self-selected walking speed decreased for the nonimpaired subjects. However, subjects post-stroke showed an average increase of 17% in self-selected walking speed when subjected to some level of BWS compared to the 0% BWS condition. Most subjects showed this increase at the 10% BWS level. Gait speed increases corresponded to an increase in step length, but not cadence.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The BWS training environment results in decreased self-selected walking speed in nonimpaired individuals, however self-selected overground walking speed is facilitated when provided with a small percentage of body weight support for people post-stroke.</p

    Fat1 deletion promotes hybrid EMT state, tumour stemness and metastasis

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    FAT1, which encodes a protocadherin, is one of the most frequently mutated genes in human cancers1–5. However, the role and the molecular mechanisms by which FAT1 mutations control tumour initiation and progression are poorly understood. Here, using mouse models of skin squamous cell carcinoma and lung tumours, we found that deletion of Fat1 accelerates tumour initiation and malignant progression and promotes a hybrid epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) phenotype. We also found this hybrid EMT state in FAT1-mutated human squamous cell carcinomas. Skin squamous cell carcinomas in which Fat1 was deleted presented increased tumour stemness and spontaneous metastasis. We performed transcriptional and chromatin profiling combined with proteomic analyses and mechanistic studies, which revealed that loss of function of FAT1 activates a CAMK2–CD44–SRC axis that promotes YAP1 nuclear translocation and ZEB1 expression that stimulates the mesenchymal state. This loss of function also inactivates EZH2, promoting SOX2 expression, which sustains the epithelial state. Our comprehensive analysis identified drug resistance and vulnerabilities in FAT1-deficient tumours, which have important implications for cancer therapy. Our studies reveal that, in mouse and human squamous cell carcinoma, loss of function of FAT1 promotes tumour initiation, progression, invasiveness, stemness and metastasis through the induction of a hybrid EMT state

    Abnormal joint torque patterns exhibited by chronic stroke subjects while walking with a prescribed physiological gait pattern

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is well documented that individuals with chronic stroke often exhibit considerable gait impairments that significantly impact their quality of life. While stroke subjects often walk asymmetrically, we sought to investigate whether prescribing near normal physiological gait patterns with the use of the Lokomat robotic gait-orthosis could help ameliorate asymmetries in gait, specifically, promote similar ankle, knee, and hip joint torques in both lower extremities. We hypothesized that hemiparetic stroke subjects would demonstrate significant differences in total joint torques in both the frontal and sagittal planes compared to non-disabled subjects despite walking under normal gait kinematic trajectories.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A motion analysis system was used to track the kinematic patterns of the pelvis and legs of 10 chronic hemiparetic stroke subjects and 5 age matched controls as they walked in the Lokomat. The subject's legs were attached to the Lokomat using instrumented shank and thigh cuffs while instrumented footlifters were applied to the impaired foot of stroke subjects to aid with foot clearance during swing. With minimal body-weight support, subjects walked at 2.5 km/hr on an instrumented treadmill capable of measuring ground reaction forces. Through a custom inverse dynamics model, the ankle, knee, and hip joint torques were calculated in both the frontal and sagittal planes. A single factor ANOVA was used to investigate differences in joint torques between control, unimpaired, and impaired legs at various points in the gait cycle.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>While the kinematic patterns of the stroke subjects were quite similar to those of the control subjects, the kinetic patterns were very different. During stance phase, the unimpaired limb of stroke subjects produced greater hip extension and knee flexion torques than the control group. At pre-swing, stroke subjects inappropriately extended their impaired knee, while during swing they tended to abduct their impaired leg, both being typical abnormal torque synergy patterns common to stroke gait.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Despite the Lokomat guiding stroke subjects through physiologically symmetric kinematic gait patterns, abnormal asymmetric joint torque patterns are still generated. These differences from the control group are characteristic of the hip hike and circumduction strategy employed by stroke subjects.</p

    Postnatal PPARδ Activation and Myostatin Inhibition Exert Distinct yet Complimentary Effects on the Metabolic Profile of Obese Insulin-Resistant Mice

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    BACKGROUND: Interventions for T2DM have in part aimed to mimic exercise. Here, we have compared the independent and combined effects of a PPARdelta agonist and endurance training mimetic (GW501516) and a myostatin antibody and resistance training mimetic (PF-879) on metabolic and performance outcomes in obese insulin resistant mice. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Male ob/ob mice were treated for 6 weeks with vehicle, GW501516, PF-879, or GW501516 in combination with PF-879. The effects of the interventions on body composition, glucose homeostasis, glucose tolerance, energy expenditure, exercise capacity and metabolic gene expression were compared at the end of study. GW501516 attenuated body weight and fat mass accumulation and increased the expression of genes of oxidative metabolism. In contrast, PF-879 increased body weight by driving muscle growth and altered the expression of genes involved in insulin signaling and glucose metabolism. Despite their differences, both interventions alone improved glucose homeostasis. Moreover, GW501516 more effectively improved serum lipids, and PF-879 uniquely increased energy expenditure, exercise capacity and adiponectin levels. When combined the robust effects of GW501516 and/or PF-879 on body weight, adiposity, muscle mass, glycemia, serum lipids, energy expenditure and exercise capacity were highly conserved. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The data, for the first time, demonstrate postnatal inhibition of myostatin not only promotes gains in muscle mass similar to resistance training,but improves metabolic homeostasis. In several instances, these effects were either distinct from or complimentary to those of GW501516. The data further suggest that strategies to increase muscle mass, and not necessarily oxidative capacity, may effectively counter insulin resistance and T2DM

    Comparative monitoring of natural, hybrid and mechanical ventilation systems in urban canyons

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    A number of field and indoor experimental procedures were performed in three typical apartment buildings located in two street canyons characterized by different urban features, during summer period 2002 in Athens. Natural, mechanical and hybrid ventilation measurements were performed based on the tracer gas method on a circular basis within the 24-h period. The indoor exchange rates are estimated using both single and multi-zone approaches based on the mass balance of two tracer gases (N2O and SF6). The experiments pointed out that, in spite of the canyon effect, appreciable ventilation rates can be obtained with natural ventilation, especially when cross ventilation with two or more windows is measured. In the presence of cross ventilation and with sufficient ambient wind speeds, natural ventilation is shown to be more effective, with regard to ACH, in comparison with hybrid. However, when only single-sided ventilation is possible or under calm conditions hybrid ventilation has a slight advantage over natural. A comparative analysis is made for the total air change rates estimated with the single and multi-zone methodologies. The multi-zone approach, in spite of its better theoretical basis, has been found more sensitive to the accuracy of the measured concentrations, especially when a single tracer is used. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved