16 research outputs found

    Spontaneous rupture of the right gastroepiploic artery: unusual cause of acute abdomen and shock

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    Abstract Introduction Spontaneous rupture of the right gastroepiploic artery is an extremely rare case which can be a cause of abdominal apoplexy. Case report We present a case of a 64-year old woman with a Spontaneous rupture of the right gastroepiploic artery with hemorrhagic shock that was successfully treated by emergency surgery. Conclusion Simultaneous restoration of circulating volume and rapid diagnosis are keys in determining the patient outcome in this situation. Though the mortality is high if untreated, the operation is relatively simple and carries a low risk.</p

    A rare case of hepatic sub capsular biloma after open cholecystectomy: a case report

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    Bilomas are localized collections of bile occurring usually post-operatively from an injured cystic or bile duct while most bilomas collect in the subhepatic space. We describe a rare case of hepatic subcapsular biloma after open cholecystectomy successfully treated by percutaneous drainage

    Trichobezoar gastrique - Ă  propos de deux cas

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    Le trichobezoar gastrique est une affection rare (un peu plus d’une dizaine de cas dans la littérature), qui affecte essentiellement des jeunes filles perturbées par des désordres psychologiques. Les auteurs rapportent deux cas de jeunes filles, hospitalisées pour volumineuse masse épigastrique. La fibroscopie gastrique a posé le diagnostic de trichobezoar. Une exérèse chirurgicale a été réalisée à travers une gastrotomie, sans complications. Un suivi psychiatrique des deux patientes a été recommandé. Le trichobezoar gastrique désigne l’accumulation inhabituelle de cheveux au niveau de l’estomac. Son diagnostic est facile en présence d’un contexte de trichophagie évocateur. La fibroscopie œsogastroduodénale est l’examen de référence permettant la visualisation du trichobezoar dont le traitement est essentiellement chirurgical

    Hernie de Spiegel: a propos dun cas

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    La hernie de Spiegel ou hernie ventrale latérale est une déhiscence inhabituelle apparaissant sur la ligne ou fascia semi-lunaire de Spiegel. C’est une entité clinique rare, représente 0.10 à 1 pourcent des hernies. Aussi, nous a-t-il paru opportun de rapporter ce cas colligé dans le service de chirurgie B du CHU Hassan II de Fès. Nous rapportons l’observation d’une patiente âgée de 60 ans, sans antécédent particulier qui présentais une tuméfaction para ombilicale gauche augmentant progressivement de volume, Une hernie de Spiegel a été suspectée à l’examen clinique, et le diagnostic d’éventration antérolatérale gauche a été retenu à la tomodensitométrie abdominale. Une cure de la hernie par plaque de prolène a été réalisée et les suites opératoires étaient simples. La hernie de Spiegel est une affection rare, son diagnostic clinique peut être difficile. Elle est asymptomatique dans 90 pourcent des cas et Son diagnostic positif est radiologique. Le risque d’étranglement non négligeable impose un traitement chirurgical une fois le diagnostic est confirmé

    Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma revealed by an ilio-colic intussusception in a Moroccan patient: a case report

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    Intussusceptions are rare but well-known causes of the small bowel obstruction in adults and an underlying cause is present in the majority of cases. Lymphoma’s involvement of the ileum is one of the rare causes of intussusception. CT is a sensitive examination that diagnoses intussusceptions and provides an excellent pre-operative evaluation including possible extension and dissemination especially in intestinal lymphomas. The treatment is almost always surgical and the pathological study is needed for diagnostic confirmation. Authors present an unusual case of intestinal intussusception due to lymphoma of the terminal part of the ileum in a 49-year-old man. Computed tomography confirmed the diagnosis of intussusception and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of B-cell was diagnosed by histological examination after surgical treatment. Primary intestinal lymphomas differ from gastric lymphomas in clinical features, treatment, and prognosis. They are not well characterized and the standardized concepts for their clinical diagnosis and management are absent. The aim of this rare observation is to shed light on NHL of the small bowel, its clinical and radiological diagnosis and its treatment especially in forms revealed by intussusceptions in adults

    Isolated liver tuberculosis abscess in a patient without immunodeficiency: A case report

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    Although hepatic tuberculosis is not a rare disease entity, tubercular liver abscess (TLA) is extremely rare. It is usually associated with foci of infection either in the lung and/or gastrointestinal tract or with an immunocompromised state. An isolated or primary TLA with no evidence of tuberculosis elsewhere is even rarer. We report on a 28 year old man who developed an isolated tuberculous liver abscess not associated with lung involvement. Ultrasonography and computed tomography of the abdomen showed the abscess lesions in the liver but the diagnosis of tuberculosis was confirmed by histological examination of the wall of the abscess after surgical drainage. Although tuberculous liver abscess is very rare, it should be included in the differential diagnosis of abscess and unknown hepatic mass lesions