181 research outputs found

    Erosive nappy erythema following sunitinib intake

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    Pan African Medical Journal 2013; 14:4

    Spectrum of EGFR Mutation in Lung Adenocarcinoma in Morocco

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    Polyradiculoneuritis revealing an acute monoblastic leukemia 5

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    Acute polyradiculoneuritis has been frequently reported in association with malignant disorders, especially those of the lymphoid system. To date, there have been no reported cases of acute monoblastic leukemia associated with this polyradiculopathy. The authors tell us about a very rare case of leukemia presenting as acute monoblastic leukemia 5 (AML5) in a 28 years old patient from Morocco

    Bevacizumab based chemotherapy in first line treatment of HER2 negative metastatic breast cancer: results of a Moroccan observational institutional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients, randomised controlled trials evaluated Bevacizumab as first-line treatment showed improvements in tumour response rate and progression-free survival (PFS) when added to chemotherapy. In Morocco, we conducted an observational study to investigate clinical features, treatment and prognosis associated with Bevacizumab based chemotherapy in first line treatment of HER2 negative MBC.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Nineteen women were included in this study. All these women were diagnosed as having HER2 negative MBC at the National Institute of Oncology in Rabat, Morocco, between January 2009 and December 2010. The median age of patients was 48.1 years. Four patients (21%) had metastatic disease at diagnosis and 15 patients (79%) had received treatment for first metastatic relapse. Bone, liver and lung were the most frequent metastasis sites. Patients were followed up until April 2011. Most patients had objective response; 15.8% of complete response, 47.3% of partial response and 21.1% of stabilisation. Median PFS was estimated at 11.5 months. Sub-groups analysis showed a statistically significant difference (Log-rank test: p = 0.01); PFS for patients receiving Bevacizumab - weekly Paclitaxel was estimated at 18.1 months, and at 9.1 months for patients receiving the combination Bevacizumab - Docetaxel. This benefit in PFS was associated with an acceptable safety profile.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>As demonstrated in this study, Bevacizumab based chemotherapy in first line treatment of HER2 negative MBC in Morocco and particularly in combination with Taxanes extends PFS, as confirmed in a recent meta-analysis of 3 randomised controlled phase III studies.</p

    Les effets bénéfiques de l’accompagnement du patient cancéreux: particularités du Maroc

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    Au Maroc la majorité des patients âgés cancéreux sont pris en charge par leurs proches l'accompagnement des patients est à l'origine de conséquences émotionnelles psychiques et financières négatives mais en  contrepartie il est à l'origine de plusieurs effets bénéfiques à savoir un resserrement des liens familiaux, une surestime du soi et il est la source d'un bien-être affectif et spirituel qui permet de faire face à la maladie.Key words: Patient cancéreux, Maroc, surestim

    Nonleukemic Granulocytic Sarcoma of Knee: A Case Report

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    Granulocytic sarcoma (GS) is a rare extramedullary tumor composed of immature myeloid cells. It is usually associated with leukemia or other myeloproliferative disorders. It occurs very rarely without overt hematologic diseases. A 19-year-old man presented with left knee mass. Biopsy with pathological analysis showed lymphoma aspect. Immunostains yielded the diagnosis of GS with myeloperoxidase and CD43 positivity. There was no systemic manifestation of leukemia, and bone marrow biopsiy was negative for neoplastic infiltration. Chemotherapy by CHOP was efficient, and the patient remaind alive and healthy 40 months after the end of treatment. The case is discussed in the framework of the existing literature about the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of this very rare condition

    Les sarcomes des tissus mous: à propos de 33 cas

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    L'objectif de cette étude est de rapporter les particularités épidémiologiques, cliniques, histologiques, thérapeutiques et évolutives des sarcomes des tissus mous à l'Institut National d'Oncologie et de définir les facteurs influençant la survie des patients. C'est une étude rétrospective de 33 cas de sarcome des tissus mous, colligés entre janvier 2008 et décembre 2010. Les critères d'éligibilité étaient un âge supérieur à 16 ans, une épreuve histologique d'un sarcome des tissus mous à l'exclusion des tumeurs stromales gastro intestinales (GIST). Les items recueillis étaient: épidémiologiques, cliniques, histologiques, Radiologiques, et thérapeutiques. Des analyses univariées puis multivariées ont été réalisées à la recherche de facteurs influençant la survie à 2 ans. Il s'agit de 33 cas, 17 Hommes et 16 Femmes, l'âge moyen était de 43,21 ans (Extrêmes= 18- 76 ans). La tumeur était localisée aux extrémités dans 24 cas (72,72%). Le type histologique prédominant était le Liposarcome dans 9 cas (27,27%). Le stade tumoral était localisé dans 25 cas (75,8%), métastatique dans 8 cas (24,2%). Vingt-cinq tumeurs ont été traitées chirurgicalement dont 21 cas (84%) de chirurgie conservatrice et 4 cas (16%) de chirurgie radicale. La radiothérapie a été réalisée chez 10 patients (30,3%). La chimiothérapie a été faite chez 20 patients. En analyse univariée les facteurs pronostiques étaient l'âge (p=0,03) et le stade tumoral (p=0,09). L'âge et le stade tumoral sont des facteurs pronostiques influençant la survie des sarcomes des tissus mous

    Choroidal metastasis from tubulopapillary renal cell carcinoma: a case report

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    Choroidal metastases from renal carcinoma are rare. Most reported cases describe a clear cell carcinoma histologic subtype. Metastatic tubulopapillary renal cell carcinoma to the choroid plexus is very exceptional

    Excavated pulmonary nodules: an unusual clinical presentation of lung metastasis in two cases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Excavated pulmonary metastasis are rare. We present two cases of excavated pulmonary nodules proved to be metastases from osteosarcoma and gallblader lymphoma.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>The first one is 39-year-old man in whom cholecystectomy made the diagnosis of primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the gallbladder. He presented in chest CT scan excavated nodules that had been biopsied and confirmed the diagnosis of non hodgkin lymphoma. He underwent 8 courses of chemotherapy CHOP 21 with complete remission. The second one is an 21 years old man who presented a right leg osteoblastic osteosarcoma with only excavated pulmonary nodules in extension assessment. He had 3 courses of polychemotherapy API (doxorubicin, platinum, and ifosfamide) with partial response. Unfortunately, he died following a septic shock.</p> <p>Review of the literature shows that excavated pulmonary nodules as metastasis are rare but we should consider this diagnosis every time we are in front of a cancer. Chest computed tomography is the best diagnosis imaging that could make this diagnosis. Differential diagnosis between benign and malignant bullous lesions is important because surgical excision affects survival in some malignancies.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although pulmonary nodules are the most common cancer metastasis, a differential diagnosis of a concurrent primary malignancy should always be considered every time we have excavated lesions, even in patients with known malignant disease. Thorough chest evaluation is important, as multiple primary malignancies may occur concomitantly.</p

    Reduction in HER-2 protein expression in a breast tumor HER-2 positive after only one injection of Trastuzumab: a case report

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    HER-2 is overexpressed in 20 to 30% of breast cancer. Generally, metastases of a breast tumor have the same HER-2 status, although some discordances were reported