171 research outputs found

    Acceptance and usage of webcasting among users of selected cyber cafes in Klang Valley

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    The Malaysian public now has access to the Internet not only at home and the workplace, but also at cyber cafés. This study aims to examine the level of acceptance of webcasting among users of selected cyber cafés in the Klang Valley. The specific objectives of the study are: to determine the profile of webcasting users and its usage; to determine the types of webcasting technology most frequently used, level of knowledge of webcasting and the main source of knowledge in becoming aware of webcasting; to determine the acceptance of webcasting among non-users of webcasting; and to determine the relationship between behavioral intention to use and the actual usage of webcasting among users of webcasting. This study used the survey design, using purposive sampling to select the cyber cafés and visitors of these cafés. The findings indicate that usage of webcasting is still relatively low among users of selected cyber cafés in the Klang Valley. Users of webcasting were found to be mostly male, young and relatively well educated with at least a diploma as the highest level of education obtained

    The use of instructional videos and notes in teaching agricultural knowledge and skills: an experimental study at Universiti Putra Malaysia

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    A quasi-experimental research study was conducted with first-year Diploma of Agriculture students to find out the effects of instructional multi-media on their knowledge and skills achievement during their fieldwork training at the farm. The students were divided into five groups of 30 students each, and each group was assigned a different treatment. The skill selected for the experiment was marcotting of guava (Psidiu1Il. guajava). The findings of the study show that an instructional video and notes are beneficial and effective to the students before they carry out their fieldwork training. Students who watched the instructional video had significantly higher knowledge than the students who did not watch the video. However, instructional notes did not have any significant effect. The results also show that an instructor trained in using multimedia had a significant effect on the students' skill in making the marcot

    Relationships between leadership communication practices and organisational commitment in a selected higher education institution

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    The main objective of this study was to examine the relationship between leadership communication practices and organisational commitment among the staff in a selected institution of higher education. The chosen organisation is located in the Klang Valley and was established 37 years ago. Stratified random sampling was used for sample selection and a total of 235 respondents participated in this study using a questionnaire survey method. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson Product Moment correlation, and Multiple Regression using both enter and stepwise methods. With regard to the levels of organisational commitment, the study shows that the employee’s affective, continuance and normative commitments are moderate. Correlation analysis showed significant relationships between leadership communication practices and organisational commitment. While communication climate tended to be a good predictor of organisational commitment. Through effective leadership communication practices, a leader is able to influence and convince employees to be more committed towards their organisation in order to achieve organisational objectives. In conclusion, this research shows that leadership communication practices can contribute towards higher staff commitment in an organisation

    Critical purviews where Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can promote sustaineble development in Nigeria

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) has become the buzz word in academia, government, business, economy and many other social purviews of human society, especially in the areas of sustainable development. From a mere acronym, ICT has over the last decade metamorphosed into the driving force behind many monumental changes and innovative development in the world. The author reviewed e-journal articles, chapters from e-books and other relevant literature that critically examined ICT and its wider applications in the realms of making life better for the majority of the people, particularly the indigent and information have-nots. The paper critically discusses and analyses some of the key areas where a successful application of ICT can effectively engender the much needed sustainable development in society, focusing on Nigeria. Moreover, the paper outlines, inter-alia, agriculture, culture, economy, education, governance and tourism as paramount realms in which the proper application of ICT can help in the management of natural, human and capital resources for effective utilisation by the present generation without jeopardising the ability of future generations to benefit from them. The paper concludes that for ICT to serve as a catalyst for sustainable development, the following facts should be taken into consideration and adjustments made to accommodate them: ICT is a long-range investment (outcomes may be delayed); and, for natural resources to be sustainably harnessed, human resources ought to be adequately mobilised to appropriately manipulate the capital resources for better results

    Role of media in development: strategies, issues and challenges

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    Internet usage among agro-based entrepreneur: can it affect productivity?

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the impact of internet usage on agro-business productivity and factors affecting it. A total of 164 respondents were involved in the study representing agro-based entrepreneurs in Peninsular Malaysia. The respondents involved in agro-business such as food processing, plantation, animal rearing, farming, fisheries and non-food processing. Respondents were chosen based on the list of agro-based entrepreneurs provided by the Department of Agriculture (DOA), Farmers Organization Authority (FOA) and Agriculture Bank of Malaysia. A survey using a questionnaire developed for the study was used to collect data. Mean, percentage, frequency and independent t-test were generated to describe the general trend of the data. From the results obtained, the level of internet applications usage was at moderate level, while all of the eight internet applications listed in the study showed significant difference in term of internet potential contribution to agro-based productivity comparing between the users and non-users of the listed internet applications

    Cloning and expression of pullulanase gene from locally isolated bacillus SP

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    Bacterial pullulanase represents one of th e starch-degrading enzymes that are widely used in the starch processing indu stry along with amylases. Amylases hydrolyze a -(1,4 )-glycosidic linkage in starch to produce a mixture of glucose , maltooligo sacchari de and limited a-dextrin. All the remaining a -(1,6)-glycosid ic branches in the products are hydrolyzed by p ullulanase. This is an advantage t o improve glucose production by coupling pullulanase and amylase in the p rocess. As such, many pullulana e enzyme has been isolated and one has been showing optimum pH of 10-10.5 which is suitable for use in dishwasher detergent additive in removal of star ch stain. We have recently iso lated a few bacterias that have shown potentially pullulanase producers by the holo-zone in pullulan-plate assay. One of them, we named Bacillus –1 sho ws a bigger holo-zone among others, Bacillus- 1 is highly active in pH more than 7. The enzyme also shows a mo derate activity to wards starch that may be indicates be side hydrolyzes a -(1,6)-glycosidic linkage in starch, it also hydrolyzes a -(1,4)- glycosidi c simi lar to a -amylase. Unfortunately the enzyme from wild-type bacteria is in lower yield an d in this studies, we intend to clone and sequence the pullulanase gene and also expressed the gene in a high expression system to be able to produce in a high yield before characterizing expressed protein

    Determinants of information technology adoption among Malaysian farm-based enterprises

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    Information technologies (ITs) have been employed in various fields of human endeavour especially to engender socio-economic development. One key sub-sector in which the adoption of ITs is increasingly becoming critical in Malaysia is the farm-based (agri-based) enterprises. However, previous studies have suggested that a number of factors influences the adoption of ICT by enterprises, especially small and medium firms. This study was prompted by the need to determine the factors that influence the adoption of IT among farm-based enterprises. A pre-test study was conducted with 50 IT-using entrepreneurs selected from five farm-based firms that were selected using systematic random sampling from a population of 500 farm-based entrepreneurs (selected from 50 farm-based firms) in Selangor, Malaysia. The study applied modified Entrepreneurial Event Model (EEM) theory with System Support and Readiness and Perceived Benefits as independent variables, while IT Adoption was the dependent variable. The data was collected using a structured questionnaire and analysed using descriptive statistics and factor analyses. The findings revealed that System support and readiness and Perceived benefits are the critical factors that determine IT adoption and that most of the enterprises (M = 3.81, SD = 1.00) adopted basic entrepreneurial ITs while a number of them (M = 3.68, SD = 1.23) adopted advanced entrepreneurial ITs. The limitations of the study include the size of the sample. Recommendations for effective application of IT into practical usage for farm-based enterprises development were included

    Gratification obtained from agricultural information disseminated through radio among Malaysian farmers

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    Radio is recognized to be the most suitable medium for rural advancement programs. It has potential to be the most effective media in promoting agriculture and development in rural areas, particularly as a tool for the delivery of quick information. A quantitative study was designed to determine how farmers use radio to obtain and gather information to gratify their needs. A total of 400 respondents were selected randomly from four states in Peninsular Malaysia. A multiple linear regression was used to address the research hypothesis. The outcomes of the study are expected to give a deeper understanding of how media help the farmers in meeting their information needs, how they perceive the media, and their beliefs and evaluations of the media programmes

    Effects of Watching Violence Movies On The Attudes Concerning Aggression Among Middle Schoolboys (13-17 years old) at International Schools In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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    Violence is one of the global concerns today in all segments of the world.Antisocial behaviour in human beings is accepted to be associated to a number of physiological, psychological, domestic, and cultural aspects. The learning environments which a child is exposed are also assumed to contribute to the increase of aggressive behaviour and attitudes. Media violence as one of specific learning condition is believed to be a potential contributor to the growth of antisocial behaviour in children and youth. Many studies have been conducted in the area of media violence and its effects on the young viewers. A major focus has been the relationship between media violence and aggressive behaviour but, interestingly, research regarding the relationship between media violence and attitudes about aggression is limited. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to contribute to the state of the research by predicting and comparing attitudes about aggression among adolescent boys on the basis of their exposure to violence in movies. This study used a survey research design. Two hundred and sixteen adolescent boys aged 13-17 were selected from seven international schools located in Kuala Lumpur. The data were collected using four instruments: the Demographic Questionnaire, the Media Viewing Habit Questionnaire, the Affection toward movie violence scale, and the Attitudes concerning Aggression Scale. The results indicated that adolescent boys spend a significant amount of time watching movies on TV and DVD/CD as well. In addition, they are Effects of Watching Violence Movies on the Attitudes Concerning Aggression among Middle Schoolboys (13-17 years old) at International Schools in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 142 exposed to substantial amounts of media violence. At the same time, parental involvement with their adolescents’ movie viewing is relatively limited. Further results showed that there is significant difference between heavy and light viewers of movie violence in any dimension of their attitudes about aggression.Adolescents with “violent” movies preferred, however, were significantly more supportive of the attitude that aggression is acceptable and warranted, as compared to those who prefer movies with little or no violence. Additional results demonstrated that the "aggressionacceptable" attitude was significantly related to a set of variables. The strongest predictors of this attitude in adolescent boys were affection toward movies, movie viewing habits, and the adolescents' movies preferred. The results obtained in this research are discussed in terms of implications for both violence-prevention programs and media-awareness programs. Suggestions for future research are also presented