3 research outputs found

    On The Job Training Bisnis Perikanan untuk Kalangan Mahasiswa, Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM), dan Masyarakat Umum dalam Rangka Pemulihan Perekonomian

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    Kegiatan On The Job Training bisnis perikanan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh merebaknya wabah covid-19 hingga berdampak pada menurunnya taraf perekonomian masyarakat. Hal tersebut memicu antusiasme tim pengabdian kepada mansyarakat untuk memberikan edukasi serta pendampingan bagi mahasiswa dan UMKM di sekitar Jakarta timur untuk dapat mengembangkan serta meningkatkan perekonomian. kami  melakukan pendampingan secara luring selama 10 bulan pada UMKM Sirabad Lele untuk mengembangkan bisnis budidaya ikan lele di waduk rawa situ badung dan kegiatan webinar kewirausahaan secara daring untuk mahasiswa dan masyarakat umum. Jenis ikan yang dibudidaya adalah jenis ikan lele Sangkuriang. Serta pengembangan produk yang dihasilkan adalah karak lele dan bakso goreng lele. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan secara luring dan daring. Capaiand ari kegiatan ini adalah adanya peningkatan laba bersih sebesar 650% selama kurun waktu 5 bulan pendampingan, pengembangan produk, serta peningkatan pengetahuan dan minat berwirausaha

    Influence of Leadership, Loyalty, and Followership on Team Performance of P.T. Gaharu Galangan International

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    Many factors are deemed influencing team or group performance. This research identifies influence of variables of leadership, followership and loyalty on team performance.  This research is quantitative research on path analysis by using SPSS program. The result is loyalty and followers don’t have direct positive effect on team performance, but through leadership variable as intervening variable. Leadership variable has direct positive effect on team performance and loyalty, and followership variable has direct positive effect on leadership variable

    Improving Performance through TQM and SCM with Human Resources Competence as mediation variable on Banana’s Plantation Company

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    Many research results and theories say that Total Quality Management (TQM) and Supply Chain Management (SCM) are the main strategies for all small, medium and large businesses. The fresh fruit business prioritizes fruit quality to get customer satisfaction. Besides the fruits’ freshness, for the sale of Cavendish bananas, it requires a smooth appearance of the fruit to attract the attention of consumers. The purpose of this study was to see the impact of the implementation of TQM and SCM and whether the impact was also influenced by HR competencies. This research was conducted at one of the banana plantation companies in Indonesia. The research method used is quantitative with PLS as a statistical tool. The results showed that there was a positive and significant influence between TQM on company performance, SCM on company performance. In addition, it is also proven that HR competencies affect the success of TQM and SCM implementation. TQM in the banana plantation industry focuses on increasing the company's competitiveness by involving all employees' efforts to increase competence in all fields. A well-managed supply chain can produce cheap, quality, and timely products so that the target market can be met and generate profits for the company