10 research outputs found

    Integration Of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (Oee) And Reliability For Measuring Machine Effectiveness

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    The Murphy’s Law that goes “Things will go wrong in any given situation, if given a chance” is best represents the importance of maintenance system. Maintenance is conducted with aims to eliminate failures, reduce machine downtime, minimize manufacturing cost and improve production rate. Maintenance is one of the functions in asset management, and it covers the proper use of resources like human, information, materials, and capital to make certain that equipment, machinery, buildings and plant are repaired, replaced, adjusted, and modified to allow it to operate at its designated performance and in specified lifetime. Therefore maintenance should be conducted effectively and its performance should be measured from time to time

    Development Of Practical Opportunistic Maintenance (Om) Policy Based Model For Manufacturing System

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    Penyenggaraan dijalankan untuk memastikan bahawa semua peralatan di dalam sebuah syarikat dibaiki, diganti, diselaraskan dan diubah suai mengikut keperluan pengeluaran. Sistem penyenggaraan yang berkesan dan dioptimumkan amat diperlukan di dalam sistem pembuatan pada hari ini. Dengan kemajuan teknologi dan kerumitan sistem, terdapat satu pendekatan baru yang dipanggil penyenggaraan prospek di mana polisi ini adalah 'penyenggaraan oportunis' (OM). OM boleh ditakrifkan sebagai aktiviti penyenggaraan yang dijalankan untuk membaiki komponen yang rosak dan pada masa yang sama menggunakan peluang yang ada untuk membaiki / menggantikan komponen lain di dalam sistem dengan tujuan untuk mengelakkan kegagalan pada masa hadapan dan mengurangkan bilangan masa henti mesin. Ia adalah gabungan penyenggaraan membetul (CM) yang digunakan apabila sebarang kegagalan berlaku, dengan penyenggaraan cegahan (PM) –pendekatan penyenggaraan yang dirancang dan dijadualkan untuk mencegah kegagalan berlaku. Apa-apa pemberhentian mesin kerana kegagalan adalah 'peluang' untuk menjalankan PM. Walau bagaimanapun, cabaran untuk mencapai sistem penyenggaraan yang optimum menggunakan dasar OM adalah untuk mencari keseimbangan yang optimum antara kos penyenggaraan dan umur komponen umur mesin dan ciri-ciri kebolehpercayaan. Tahun demi tahun, penyelidikan yang telah diterbitkan berkisar tentang seluruh teori konsep dan analisis berangka polisi tetapi kekurangan model yang realistik dan praktikal untuk penggunaan. Fokus kajian ini adalah menjurus ke arah isu-isu penggunaan OM dalam mencapai sistem penyenggaraan yang optimum. Berdasarkan pengenalan gagasan prinsip, konsep dan ciri-ciri dasar OM, sebuah model membuat keputusan telah dibangunkan. Dengan akronim sebagai OPTOMS untuk Opportunistic Policy towards Optimal Maintenance System, model ini dibangunkan dalam lima fasa dengan penggunaan Check Sheet dan Stacked-Bar Chart untuk fasa pemilihan mesin, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)untuk analisis kegagalan dan Control Chart untuk fasa pengukuran prestasi. Di dalam model ini, prinsip OM dikaji dan dibangunkan menjadi set peraturan dengan beberapa batasan dan andaian untuk disesuaikan dengan dasar ke dalam persekitaran praktikal. Butiran perbincangan disediakan untuk membuat OM dasar dengan sebaik mungkin dalam mencapai sistem penyenggaraan yang optimum. Model ini disemak dan disahkan di sebuah syarikat semikonduktor. Hasil kajian kes ini mengesahkan penggunaan dan amali model OPTOMS sebagai sistem sokongan keputusan dalam mengguna pakai dasar OM. Model yang dibangunkan ini membantu syarikat dalam perangcangan dan penjadualan aktiviti penyenggaraan bagi mengurangkan kos dan masa henti mesin serta meningkatkan kebolehsediaan dan kebolehharapan mesin sehingga 20%. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maintenance is conducted to ensure that all equipment in a company are repaired, replaced, adjusted and modified according to production requirements. Effective and optimized maintenance system are highly acquired in today’s manufacturing system. With the advancement of technologies and complexity of systems, there is a new maintenance approach called prospective maintenance where the policy is ‘opportunistic maintenance’ (OM). OM can be defined as maintenance activities that are conducted to repair a component and at the same time opportunistically repair/replace other components in the system with the aim to avoid future failures and reduce the number of machine downtime. It is the combination of corrective maintenance (CM) which is applied when any failure occurred, with preventive maintenance (PM) -a planned and scheduled maintenance approach to prevent failure to happen. Any machine stoppage due to failure is the ‘opportunity’ to conduct PM. However, the challenge to achieve optimal maintenance system using OM policy is to find a balanced trade-off between maintenance cost and component or machine age and reliability features. Throughout the years, literatures that had been published lingers around conceptual theory and numerical analysis of the policy yet in the realistic and practical model for the application is lacking. The focus of this research is directed towards the issues of OM application in achieving optimal maintenance system. Based on conceptual identification of principle, concept and characteristics of OM policy, a decision making model was developed. With the acronyms of OPTOMS for Opportunistic Policy towards Optimal Maintenance System, the model was developed in five phases with the usage of Check Sheet and Stacked-Bar Chart for machine selection phase, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) for failure analysis and Control Chart for performance measurement phase. In this model, OM principle are studied and developed into a set of rules with some limitations and assumptions to suit the policy into practical environment. Detail discussions were provided to make OM as a practical policy in achieving optimal maintenance system. The model is validated and verified in a semiconductor company. The outcomes of this case study confirmed the application and practicality of the OPTOMS model as a decision support system in applying OM policy. The developed model helps the company to plan and to schedule maintenance activities in reducing cost and machine downtime as well as increasing up to 20% of its machine availability and reliability

    Identification of Data Analysis Methods and Focus Trends in Port State Control Inspections: A Comprehensive Literature Review

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    This literature review focuses on research related to Port State Control (PSC) inspections carried out on board ships, with a particular focus on areas of interest and data analysis methods adopted during research. The five steps involved in the literature review process include: (1) determining the research questions, (2) gathering works of literature for review, (3) conducting selection and screening based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, (4) analyzing the selected works of literature and ensuring the quality of the data, and (5) reporting the result of the literature review. Based on the comprehensive searches throughout various databases, the most high-impacted databases in sequence were Elsevier, Taylor & Francis Online, (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute) MDPI, Springer, and others such as Emerald Insight, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. There were 2,023 articles published between 2018 and 2022 gathered during the initial search process, and the 41 final papers were ultimately selected for in-depth analysis after a selection process. The four main research focuses found from this literature review were (1) the selection of ships for PSC inspection, (2) the New Inspection Regime (NIR), (3) the identification of findings during PSC inspection, and (4) detention of ships under PSC inspection. From the literature review, 37% of the final selected articles focused on vessel selection, 33% noted the findings, 23% focused on vessel detention, and only 7% explored the New Inspection Regime (NIR). From the review, most articles used the Bayesian networks (BN) method for data analysis, followed by traditional analysis, Ideal Solution Similarity Order Priority Technique (TOPSIS), Hierarchical Analytical Process (AHP), Apriori Algorithm, and Gray Relational Analysis (GRA). This result could provide valuable information to professionals in the maritime industry, and this literature review signifies the importance of Port State Control (PSC) inspections in fostering the better development of the global maritime transportation system especially to ensure maritime safety

    Lean Principles in Small-Medium Enterprises in Malaysia: Creating A Web-Based Training

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    Lean principles (LP) are established strategies to increase the throughput of business organizations.  Many large companies have benefited from the implementations of LP in their organizations. However, the acceptance of LP implementations among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) remained low, primarily due to continued prejudice and lack of accessibility to the LP tools. This paper presents a Web-based Training (WBT) approach to alleviate such constraints and to accommodate the circumstances of SMEs in term of their financial, time and knowledge resources. In the first part of this paper, the fundamental concepts of   LP, SME, and WBT are presented based on the review of literature studies. Subsequently, the development of the optimal modules for WBT, based on survey validations on the connectivity of LP and SMEs in Malaysia, is elaborated, highlighting the use of simple words and terms for ease of comprehension of the targeted SME users

    Synthesizing the Machine’s Availability in Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) / Normariah Che Maideen ...[et al.]

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    Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is an important and reliable method that could be adopted in manufacturing environment. This method is significant to evaluate machines performance and later setting up goals for the industry to keep improving their performance. Previously, numerous researchers have been conducted to adopt these tools and find the OEE value for specific industry. As a bottom-up approach, the method proposed is to implement into the system. However, study on the opposite way which is a top-bottom approach is still unavailable. From the OEE calculation that measure machine’s availability, performance and quality, there is no specific study to re-evaluate the value gathered. Thus, this paper proposed a top-down framework to evaluate current performance of the machine. The outcome from the framework can then be used in producing simplified Machinery Failure Mode Effect Analysis (MFMEA). A case study in a manufacturing company has been adopted to demonstrate the implementation of the proposed framework

    Lean Implementation in Indonesian Small and Medium Enterprises: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Lean implementation focuses on reducing waste and improving efficiency in business operations, a strategy widely embraced in developed countries. However, its adoption among Indonesian SMEs is limited and lacks adequate research. Understanding how lean practices can effectively enhance competitiveness and productivity in this vital sector of the Indonesian economy is crucial. Despite its widespread use in Western countries, there's a noticeable gap in research specifically examining how lean principles are applied within SMEs, especially in developing countries like Indonesia. Furthermore, there's a clear scarcity of studies detailing the current state of lean implementation in Indonesia, particularly within SMEs. This study conducted a systematic literature review (SLR), thoroughly searching peer-reviewed journals and conference papers. We identified 441 articles related to lean practices in Indonesia, with 40 focusing specifically on SMEs. Through this review, we uncovered key themes and trends in lean implementation, offering valuable insights into current practices and highlighting areas for future research. This paper represents one of the first comprehensive SLRs exploring lean practices within Indonesian SMEs. It aims to deepen our understanding of how lean methodologies impact SME operations in Indonesia and provides practical guidance for researchers and practitioners interested in lean implementation. By bridging these research gaps, we hope to contribute to the body of knowledge on lean implementation in Indonesian SMEs, suggesting strategies for effective implementation and paving the way for further study in this important area

    Practical production layout design for multi-product and small-lot-size production: A case study

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    Facility layout design has an important function in manufacturing systems because it affects manufacturing costs, work in progress, lead times, and production output. This study presents facility layout designs for multi-product and small-lot-sized production lines. This research focuses on the development and analysis of layout alternatives on the basis of performance measures and aims to improve production efficiency. Thus, the tools and techniques available for the layout designed were investigated. Related data were collected, and alternative layouts were developed using the WITNESS simulation software. Finally, the alternative layouts were ana1yzed and evaluated using the analytic hierarchy process to identify the best possible layout. Two important parameters observed in the alternative layouts: the ability to produce a desired output and the flexibility of each layout coherent with the fluctuation of product demands in the industry. Results from analysis shows that suggested Model 3 with the combination of flow line and job shop configurations is the most suitable layout. This model has the highest machine utilization rate and the highest labour utilization rate yet requires only 21 operators, the lowest number of workers. For future work, this type of layout should be tested with different variation in lot sizes

    Opportunistic maintenance for wind turbines considering external opportunities - A case study

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    This paper aims to develop an opportunistic maintenance (OM) policy for the generator of a hypothetical wind turbine using methods developed recently by the authors. The OM policy considers external opportunities caused by low wind speeds which produce little-to-no electric power. The results show that some cost savings are achievable by taking maximal advantage of these low-speed wind events, particularly when electricity prices are at their peak cycle