69 research outputs found

    Agreement was moderate between data-based and opinion-based assessments of biases affecting randomised trials within meta-analyses

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    BACKGROUND: Randomised trials included in meta-analyses are often affected by bias caused by methodological flaws or limitations, but the degree of bias is unknown. Two proposed methods adjust trial results for bias using: (1) empirical evidence from published meta-epidemiological studies; or (2) expert opinion. METHODS: We investigated agreement between data-based and opinion-based approaches to assessing bias in each of four domains: sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding and incomplete outcome data. From each sampled meta-analysis, a pair of trials with the highest and lowest empirical model-based bias estimates was selected. Independent assessors were asked which trial within each pair was judged more biased on the basis of detailed trial design summaries. RESULTS: Assessors judged trials to be equally biased in 68% of pairs evaluated. When assessors judged one trial as more biased, the proportion of judgements agreeing with the model-based ranking was highest for allocation concealment (79%) and blinding (79%) and lower for sequence generation (59%) and incomplete outcome data (56%). CONCLUSIONS: Most trial pairs found to be discrepant empirically were judged to be equally biased by assessors. We found moderate agreement between opinion and data-based evidence in pairs where assessors ranked one trial as more biased

    Abnormal motor activity during anaesthesia in a dog: a case report

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    Seizures or convulsions that occur during anaesthesia in veterinary patients are infrequently reported in the literature. Consequently, the incidence of such events is unknown. Several drugs commonly used in clinical veterinary anaesthesia have been shown to induce epileptiform activity in both human clinical patients and experimental candidates. The present case report describes convulsions in a four-year old male Bernese mountain dog during maintenance of anaesthesia with isoflurane after premedication with acepromazine and methadone followed by co-induction with propofol and ketamine. The dog had no history of previous convulsions. The use of several sedative and anaesthetic drugs makes it difficult to find one single causative pharmaceutical

    Both Geography and Ecology Contribute to Mating Isolation in Guppies

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    Local adaptation to different environments can promote mating isolation – either as an incidental by-product of trait divergence, or as a result of selection to avoid maladaptive mating. Numerous recent empirical examples point to the common influence of divergent natural selection on speciation based largely on evidence of strong pre-mating isolation between populations from different habitat types. Accumulating evidence for natural selection's influence on speciation is therefore no longer a challenge. The difficulty, rather, is in determining the mechanisms involved in the progress of adaptive divergence to speciation once barriers to gene flow are already present. Here, we present results of both laboratory and field experiments with Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) from different environments, who do not show complete reproductive isolation despite adaptive divergence. We investigate patterns of mating isolation between populations that do and do not exchange migrants and show evidence for both by-product and reinforcement mechanisms depending on female ecology. Specifically, low-predation females discriminate against all high-predation males thus implying a by-product mechanism, whereas high-predation females only discriminate against low-predation males from further upstream in the same river, implying selection to avoid maladaptive mating. Our study thus confirms that mechanisms of adaptive speciation are not necessarily mutually exclusive and uncovers the complex ecology-geography interactions that underlie the evolution of mating isolation in nature

    High Distribution of CD40 and TRAF2 in Th40 T Cell Rafts Leads to Preferential Survival of this Auto-Aggressive Population in Autoimmunity

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    CD40-CD154 interactions have proven critical in autoimmunity, with the identification of CD4(lo)CD40(+) T cells (Th40 cells) as harboring an autoaggressive T cell population shedding new insights into those disease processes. Th40 cells are present at contained levels in non-autoimmune individuals but are significantly expanded in autoimmunity. Th40 cells are necessary and sufficient in transferring type 1 diabetes in mouse models. However, little is known about CD40 signaling in T cells and whether there are differences in that signaling and subsequent outcome depending on disease conditions. When CD40 is engaged, CD40 and TNF-receptor associated factors, TRAFs, become associated with lipid raft microdomains. Dysregulation of T cell homeostasis is emerging as a major contributor to autoimmune disease and thwarted apoptosis is key in breaking homeostasis.Cells were sorted into CD4(hi) and CD4(lo) (Th40 cells) then treated and assayed either as whole or fractionated cell lysates. Protein expression was assayed by western blot and Nf-kappaB DNA-binding activity by electrophoretic mobility shifts. We demonstrate here that autoimmune NOD Th40 cells have drastically exaggerated expression of CD40 on a per-cell-basis compared to non-autoimmune BALB/c. Immediately ex-vivo, untreated Th40 cells from NOD mice have high levels of CD40 and TRAF2 associated with the raft microdomain while Th40 cells from NOR and BALB/c mice do not. CD40 engagement of Th40 cells induces Nf-kappaB DNA-binding activity and anti-apoptotic Bcl-X(L) expression in all three mouse strains. However, only in NOD Th40 cells is anti-apoptotic cFLIP(p43) induced which leads to preferential survival and proliferation. Importantly, CD40 engagement rescues NOD Th40 cells from Fas-induced death.CD40 may act as a switch between life and death promoting signals and NOD Th40 cells are poised for survival via this switch. This may explain how they expand in autoimmunity to thwart T cell homeostasis

    The Zinc Dyshomeostasis Hypothesis of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia in the elderly. Hallmark AD neuropathology includes extracellular amyloid plaques composed largely of the amyloid-β protein (Aβ), intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) composed of hyper-phosphorylated microtubule-associated protein tau (MAP-tau), and microtubule destabilization. Early-onset autosomal dominant AD genes are associated with excessive Aβ accumulation, however cognitive impairment best correlates with NFTs and disrupted microtubules. The mechanisms linking Aβ and NFT pathologies in AD are unknown. Here, we propose that sequestration of zinc by Aβ-amyloid deposits (Aβ oligomers and plaques) not only drives Aβ aggregation, but also disrupts zinc homeostasis in zinc-enriched brain regions important for memory and vulnerable to AD pathology, resulting in intra-neuronal zinc levels, which are either too low, or excessively high. To evaluate this hypothesis, we 1) used molecular modeling of zinc binding to the microtubule component protein tubulin, identifying specific, high-affinity zinc binding sites that influence side-to-side tubulin interaction, the sensitive link in microtubule polymerization and stability. We also 2) performed kinetic modeling showing zinc distribution in extra-neuronal Aβ deposits can reduce intra-neuronal zinc binding to microtubules, destabilizing microtubules. Finally, we 3) used metallomic imaging mass spectrometry (MIMS) to show anatomically-localized and age-dependent zinc dyshomeostasis in specific brain regions of Tg2576 transgenic, mice, a model for AD. We found excess zinc in brain regions associated with memory processing and NFT pathology. Overall, we present a theoretical framework and support for a new theory of AD linking extra-neuronal Aβ amyloid to intra-neuronal NFTs and cognitive dysfunction. The connection, we propose, is based on β-amyloid-induced alterations in zinc ion concentration inside neurons affecting stability of polymerized microtubules, their binding to MAP-tau, and molecular dynamics involved in cognition. Further, our theory supports novel AD therapeutic strategies targeting intra-neuronal zinc homeostasis and microtubule dynamics to prevent neurodegeneration and cognitive decline

    Tight junctions: from simple barriers to multifunctional molecular gates

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    Epithelia and endothelia separate different tissue compartments and protect multicellular organisms from the outside world. This requires the formation of tight junctions, selective gates that control paracellular diffusion of ions and solutes. Tight junctions also form the border between the apical and basolateral plasma-membrane domains and are linked to the machinery that controls apicobasal polarization. Additionally, signalling networks that guide diverse cell behaviours and functions are connected to tight junctions, transmitting information to and from the cytoskeleton, nucleus and different cell adhesion complexes. Recent advances have broadened our understanding of the molecular architecture and cellular functions of tight junctions

    Causal mechanisms of a healthy lifestyle intervention for patients with musculoskeletal pain who are overweight or obese

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    Purpose: To assess the causal mechanisms of a healthy lifestyle intervention for patients with chronic low back pain and knee osteoarthritis, who are overweight or obese. Methods: We conducted causal mediation analyses of aggregated data from two randomized controlled trials (RCTs); which included 160 patients with chronic low back pain, and 120 patients with knee osteoarthritis. The intervention consisted of brief advice and referral to a six-month telephone-based healthy lifestyle coaching service. We used causal mediation to estimate the indirect, direct and path-specific effects of hypothesized mediators including: self-reported weight, diet, physical activity, and pain beliefs. Outcomes were pain intensity, disability, and quality of life (QoL). Results: The intervention did not reduce weight, improve diet or physical activity or change pain beliefs, and these mediators were not associated with the outcomes. Sensitivity analyses showed that our estimates were robust to the possible effects of unknown and unmeasured confounding. Conclusions: Our findings show that the intervention did not cause a meaningful change in the hypothesized mediators, and these mediators were not associated with patient-reported outcomes