4 research outputs found

    Unusual presentation of rare primary lymphoma of bone

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    Primary bone lymphoma is a distinct disease. It represents only 3% of all malignant bone tumours and less than 1% of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. It is essential to differentiate it from other tumours because of its good prognosis. We report a case of 45 years old male who presented one year ago with a painful left arm. His symptoms started after minimal trauma. The pain persisted for 6 months and became severe. It was managed by traditional medicine a practitioners who diagnosed it as a shoulder's sprain and did several massages sessions. The patient had worsening of his pain. On physical examination, shoulder movements were painful. Left arm was entirely swell. Superficial lymph nodes were not enlarged. The X-ray radiograph of the left upper extremity showed a fracture of the proximal humerus and large condensation lesion of the all humerus. Patient was posted for an open biopsy which revealed a primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Flow cytometric immunophenotyping showed positivity for CD10, CD20 and BCL6 and negativity for CD5, MUM1 and BCL2. Bone marrow and cerebrospinal examinations were normal. Contrast enhanced computed tomography of chest and abdomen failed to show evidence of any lymphomatous deposits. The patient was treated with chemotherapy including cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisolone with a good clinical response. He has been lost to follow up after five cycles of chemotherapy because of financial problem. The diagnostic study should begin with simple Xray but adequate biopsies for histologic examination remain the standard in diagnosis.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Aspects cliniques des cancers bronchopulmonaires primitifs au service d’oncologie du CHUA-HUJRA Antananarivo

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    Le retard de diagnostic des cancers broncho-pulmonaires est l'une des sources du retard de leur prise en charge dans les pays en  développement. A notre connaissance, l'aspect clinique des cancers broncho-pulmonaires au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire d'Antananarivo-Hôpital Universitaire Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona (CHUA-HUJRA) n'a jamais été étudié. L'objectif était de décrire les aspects cliniques des cancers bronchopulmonaires primitifs dans le plus grand centre de cancérologie de Madagascar. C'est une étude rétrospective et descriptive des patients atteints de cancers broncho-pulmonaires primitifs vus au service d'oncologie du CHUA-HUJRA du 1er janvier 2008 au 31 décembre 2013. Nous avons recensé 101 patients (80 hommes et 21 femmes). Les circonstances de découverte sont principalement la toux chronique (n=29), la dyspnée (n=16) et l'association d'une hémoptysie à la toux chronique (n=12). Soixante et onze patients avaient un index de performans status ? à 2 au moment du diagnostic. On a retrouvé des bacilles de Koch actives dans le crachat de deux patients. Le délai moyen entre l'apparition des premiers signes et la première consultation était de 11 mois. Le délai moyen entre la première consultation et le diagnostic anatomopathologique était de 3 mois. Le cancer broncho-pulmonaire peut avoir des manifestations cliniques non spécifiques parfois trompeuses qui peuvent retarder leur prise en charge. De ce fait, il doit être recherché devant tout signe respiratoire persistant. Par ailleurs, le délai de prise en charge pré-hospitalière et hospitalière de ces cancers doit être amélioré.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    ABO blood group in Malagasy patients with cancer: which group predominates

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    The blood group of Malagasy patients with cancer have never been the subject of previous publications. Our objective was to determine the blood group of Malagasy patients with cancer followed in the Medical Oncology Unit of the Soavinandriana Teaching Hospital, Antananarivo. This was a one-year retrospective study (November 2012 to October 2013) in patients over the age of 15 with histological or pathological evidence of their cancer. One hundred and thirty of the 258 patients identified had an ABO blood group determination (50.39%). Among these 130 patients, 114 patients (87.69%) had solid tumors and 16 patients (12.31%) had hematologic malignancies. Thirty seven (28.49%) patients were transfused and 93 (71.54%) not transfused. There were 57 men and 73 women (sex ratio = 0.78), the average age was 55.11 +/- 14.76 years. With regard to their blood group, 52 patients (40%) were blood group B, 44 (33.84%) group O, 27 (20.76%) group A and 7 (5.38%) group AB. The order of blood group frequency of cancer patients in our series differs from other studies. This study has allowed us to know the proportion of each blood group in our Unit and thus help us in the management of stocks of labile blood products in our hospital

    Factors Influencing Atypical Clinical Presentations during the 2017 Madagascar Pneumonic Plague Outbreak: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    International audienceIn late 2017, Madagascar experienced a large urban outbreak of pneumonic plague, the largest outbreak to date this century. During the outbreak, there were widespread reports of plague patients presenting with atypical symptoms, such as prolonged duration of illness and upper respiratory tract symptoms. Reported mortality among plague cases was also substantially lower than that reported in the literature (25% versus 50% in treated patients). A prospective multicenter observational study was carried out to investigate potential reasons for these atypical presentations. Few subjects among our cohort had confirmed or probable plague, suggesting that, in part, there was overdiagnosis of plague cases by clinicians. However, 35% subjects reported using an antibiotic with anti-plague activity before hospital admission, whereas 55% had antibiotics with anti-plague activity detected in their serum at admission. Although there may have been overdiagnosis of plague by clinicians during the outbreak, the high frequency of community antibiotic may partly explain the relatively few culture-positive sputum samples during the outbreak. Community antibiotic use may have also altered the clinical presentation of plague patients. These issues make accurate detection of patients and the development of clinical case definitions and triage algorithms in urban pneumonic plague outbreaks difficult