83 research outputs found


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    Language and culture are perhaps inseparable; however, foreign language and local culture may not be compatible with each other. Therefore, integration of local culture (Arab) in foreign (English) language teaching is cynically questioned. Studies support the notion that foreign language teaching can be boosted by the incorporation of foreign (British) culture in the target language (English) classroom. But, the application of local culture in the target language classroom poses great challenges as many factors affect the process such as: teachers’ native background, L2 teachers’ experience in native countries, L2 teachers’ preferences, teachers’ lack of local culture’s perception, lack of bilingual or multicultural awareness, administrators’ attitude towards local culture integration, students’ liking for native teacher and native contents, and traditional method of teaching English. Integration of local culture is required if the current books don’t have enough local material, and books are written by foreign authors. In short, the paper explores factors affecting integration of local culture apart from initially eliciting some advantages of Arab culture in English classrooms, and teachers’ preparedness to incorporate local culture. The study is of descriptive type which includes 2 samples: 3 types of teacher-group, and a group of students. The findings of the study lead to innovation of a teaching strategy by incorporating local culture in L2 class for motivating the students further.  Article visualizations

    Clinical evaluation of patients suffering from breast cancer and determination of evolving treatment therapies and better strategies related to breast cancer

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    Abstract: Breast cancer is basically the lesion of female breast that may create from the connective tissue or epithelial cells of breast.Primary objective: The objective of study was to conduct a survey about the prevailing of rate of breast cancer in community of Rawalakot, Islamabad and local community and to find out strategies used for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of breast cancer. Methods/Design: A well structure questionnaire including 35 questions about the history, sociodemograhic characteristics, diagnostic tools, treatment plans and prevention methods has been prepared and circulated among the patients of breast cancer through survey. Setting: Study was conducted in Rawalakot and Islamabad Pakistan Participants: 50 participants were involved Intervention: The study was also conducted to communicate with larger community of breast cancer patients and to give them awareness related to initial diagnosis of this harmful disease. Primary Outcome Measures: This study was very very helpful in educated and non-educated community of the specific cities . Results: While conducting the research based on studies, it was found that about 68.84% patients has been report with the reoccurrence of breast cancer after surgery, 70% patients have been diagnosed with invasive type and 30% non-invasive type and 50% have been treated with hormonal therapy as continued treatment after surgery. Conclusion : Breast cancer variation among population or regional differences in the types have been attribute to the prevalence of major risk factors, availability and use of medical practices such as cancer screening, availability and quality of treatment, completeness of reporting and age structure.

    Clinical evaluation of patients suffering from osteoarthritis along with prevalence, pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment

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    Background: Osteoarthritis is a disorder of joints that most often influences the knee, spine, hip, and small hands joints. It is one of the common types of arthritis. It can lead to reduced mobility in elder patients. Primary objective: The aim of the project is to evaluate the current etiology, pathogenesis, investigations, and management of osteoarthritis. Methods/Design: The history of patients suffering from osteoarthritis was collected on a designed questionnaire which includes age, gender, job status, duration of disease, weight, pain, and current medical history. Setting: Data was taken from different people in the community Participants: Data from 50 patients were taken. Intervention: This work will discuss the challenges of developing good quality outcome measures for use in large-scale multicenter clinical trials for new osteoarthritis treatments, especially disease-modifying osteoarthritis drugs. Primary Outcome Measures: The data evaluation showed that this disease is most common in women than men having a weight greater than 50kg. Results: Most persons suffering from this disease were unemployed and had limited physical activities, and the maximum had complaints of knee pain and shoulder pain. A few patients complained of neck, elbow, feet, and backbone pain. Most were suffering from other concomitant diseases along with osteoarthritis, and a few were diagnosed with osteoarthritis only. Conclusion: This study clearly showed the prime factors involved in osteoarthritis which may help the community to avoid those factors to increase the quality of life

    Rational Use of Antibiotics and Requisition of Pharmacist

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    ABSTRACT Background: Direct consequence of microbes developing resistance against antibiotics is prolonged hospitalization, increased treatment cost and duration. Increased duration of hospitalization causes prolonged use antibiotics which results towards side effects. Primary Study Objective: The purpose of antibiotics use is either to kill the microbes (bactericidal) or slows down their growth (bacteriostatic). Irrational use of antibiotics makes them do their exact opposite. Instead of killing microbes or slowing down their growth, it allows microbes to develop resistance against antibiotics. Methods/Design: An observational concurrent study was performed in which data was collected. Individuals were interviewed using structured questionnaire. Percentage of rationality and irrationality of antibiotics use was observed. Additionally percentage of prescribed class of antibiotics was also observed in patients. Setting: Health care system includes: Quaid e Azam International Hospital Islamabad, Benazir Hospital Rawalpindi, CMH Rawalakot AJK, Amna Hospital Rawalakot AJK, DHQ Kotli AJK Pakistan. Participants: This study was conducted on 100 patients of different health care systems, to whom antibiotics were prescribed. Most patients interviewed were female with UTI aged above 30 and adults male with RTI or chest infection. Intervention: Different patients were interviewed in different hospital settings to evaluate the rational use of antibiotics Primary Outcome Measures: Rational use of antibiotics is using antibiotics according to the guidelines provided by WHO. Major guidelines include:  patient receives medication according to their clinical needs, dosage appropriate to the individual requirements and for specific duration of time with low cost. Results: 47 percent of these patients were using antibiotics rationally and 53 percent were taking antibiotics medication irrationally. The most prevalent form of irrational use was patients without counseling about the antibiotics use. Patients with poor knowledge about the use of antibiotics were 84 among the 100. Irrational use of antibiotics in the form of pre-mature discontinuation was reported 56 patients among the 100. Patient who irrationally use antibiotics as OTC or Self medications were 38 among the 100. Conclusion: Major form of irrationality found in the study was no proper counseling provided to the patients by specialist physician or Pharmacists. The reason we critically observed for this is the burden of patients on physicians due to which they are not able to properly guide patients. The community on which this study was conducted has a major absence of pharmacist. Dispensers and pharmacy technicians are performing pharmacist’s tasks. Absence of pharmacist leads to dosage dispensing errors, lack of professional medical counseling, and no drug utilization revie

    The Impact of Stock Market Performance on Foreign Portfolio Investment in China

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    The research is aimed at investigating the impact of stock market performance and inflation on foreign portfolio investment (FPI) in China. For this purpose, time series quarterly data from 2007Q1 to 2015Q4 is used. On the basis of stationarity results, ARDL model is used to examine the impact of the stock market prices and inflation on FPI. The results show that there is significant positive impact of stock market performance on the FPI, whereas inflation is found to be negatively associated with the FPI. The study also reveals that some historical events like Asian financial crisis of 2008, and the Shanghai Composite Stock Index crash of 2015, significantly affected the foreign portfolio investment in China. The investors should consider these two factors while investing in foreign financial markets. Keywords: Stock Market Performance, Inflation, FPI, China JEL Classifications: F21, G11, O16, P4

    Diversity in conception of COVID-19 in pastoral and metropolis areas of Pakistan

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    Background: SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) COV-2 has become a global problem since its emergence in 2019 from Wuhan, China as it is most deadly pandemic since Spanish flu in 1918. Primary Study Objective: This study analyzed the people ‘s perception regarding COVID-19 and precautionary measures taken by them during COVID- 19 peak time. Methods/Design: An observational concurrent study was performed in which data was collected from population in rural and urban areas of Punjab and Azad Kashmir using questionnaires. Setting: This survey was carried out in rural and urban areas of Punjab and Azad Jammu and Kashmir Participants: 305 participants were included in the study Intervention: Data was collected from the educated participants of different age groups belongs to different profession. Primary Outcome Measures: Purpose of the study is to know about that conception of COVID -19 in both rural and urban areas of Pakistan so that effective therapy can be given to the nation. Results: It was found that people from both populations had adequate knowledge about COVID-19 and followed restriction imposed by the government during lockdown period. Moreover, population in rural areas was more likely to believe in the myths and rumors about COVID-19 existence. Conclusion: It was concluded that there is need of generating awareness among general population through adequate means which provide authentic information to people and lockdown is not a solution. Everyone should take of his own life by wearing masks and following protocols
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