23 research outputs found

    Probation and Prisons in Europe, 2018: Key Findings of the SPACE reports

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    This document summarises the main findings of the 2018 Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics on Persons under the Supervision of Probation Agencies , better known under the acronym SPACE II, and compares them to those of the 2018 Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics on Prison Populations, SPACE I, which was published in April 201

    SDF pendant la pandémie de coronavirus. Étude exploratoire en Suisse Romande: Rapport des résultats principaux

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    La pandémie de coronavirus a affecté et continue d'affecter négativement les personnes de toutes les couches sociales, mais notamment les membres des populations les plus précaires. Dans cette étude exploratoire menée en Suisse romande, nous avons examiné les vécus pendant la pandémie des personnes sans domicile fixe (SDF), une population particulièrement vulnérable. Au total, nous avons sondé 32 personnes SDF : 14 pendant la première vague de la pandémie (mars-septembre 2020) et 18 pendant la deuxième vague (septembre-mars 2021). Les résultats corroborent le fait que la pandémie a eu des effets néfastes sur les répondants - tant sur le plan socioéconomique que psychologique. Or, malgré les adversités, la plupart des participants ne consomment pas de drogues légales ou illégales et, dans l'ensemble, ceux qui ont déclaré en consommer n'ont pas signalé d'augmentation pendant l'épidémie. De même, la victimisation et de la délinquance durant la première année de pandémie sont faibles parmi les participants. Or, la victimisation répétée des victimes semble non-négligeable, étant un thème qui mériterait davantage d’étude à l’avenir

    Foreign offenders in prison and on probation in Europe: Trends from 2005 to 2015 (inmates) and situation in 2015 (inmates and probationers)

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    Is there really an over-representation of foreign citizens in European prisons? Is the presence of foreign inmates comparable across regions and countries of Europe? How can one explain the differences in the trends shown by the absolute numbers and the percentages of foreign inmates from 2005 to 2015? Do foreign citizens have less access than nationals to alternatives to imprisonment? Do the data available allow the research to establish whether the growth in the use of community sanctions and measures since the 1990s plays a role in the fluctuations observed in the percentage of foreign inmates? The answers to these and many other questions can be found in this book, which compiles and updates a series of specific indicators collected during eleven years through the Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics (better known as the SPACE statistics), and accompanies the two volumes on Prisons in Europe 2005-2015 published in this collection. The volume includes maps and tables illustrating the state of prison (2005-2015) and probation agencies (2009-2015). In addition, the situation is analyzed through individual country profiles, which include key facts and graphs covering the years 2005 to 2015

    European sourcebook of crime and criminal justice statistics – 2021

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    This is the sixth edition of a data collection initiative that started in 1993 under the umbrella of the Council of Europe and has been continued since 2000 by an international group of experts that created the European Sourcebook of Criminal Justice e.V.1 and is also a Working Group of the European Society of Criminology. These experts act as regional coordinators of a network of national correspondents whose contribution has been decisive in collecting and validating data on a variety of subjects from 42 countries.2 This edition of the Sourcebook is composed of six chapters. The first five cover the current main types of national crime and criminal justice statistics – police, prosecution, conviction, prison, and probation statistics – for the years 2011 to 2016, providing detailed analysis for 2015. The sixth chapter covers national victimization surveys, providing rates for the main indicators every five years from 1990 to 2015. As with every new edition of the Sourcebook, the group has tried to improve data quality as well as comparability and, where appropriate, increase the scope of data collection. For example, offence definitions were updated to reflect the lessons learned from previous editions.peer-reviewe