295 research outputs found

    Intelligent Space for Human Centered Robotics

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    Effective radii of deuteron induced reactions

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    The continuum-discretized coupled-channels method (CDCC) for exclusive reactions and the eikonal reaction theory (ERT) as an extension of CDCC to inclusive reactions are applied to deuteron induced reactions. The CDCC result reproduces experimental data on the reaction cross section for d+58d+^{58}Ni scattering at 200 MeV/nucleon and ERT does data on the neutron-stripping cross section for inclusive 7^7Li(d,n)(d,n) reaction at 40 MeV. For deuteron induced reactions at 200 MeV/nucleon, target-dependence of the reaction, elastic-breakup, nucleon-stripping, nucleon-removal, complete- and incomplete-fusion cross sections is clearly explained by simple formulae. Accuracy of the Glauber model is also investigated.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    高霢化瀟䌚ず生掻遞択に関する総合的研究: 北陞地域ず東海地域の比范

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    金沢倧孊文孊郚金沢、岡厎䞡方での䞉幎間の調査研究を通じお、私たちの仕事は、(1)高霢化瀟䌚での犏祉ず斜蚭に関する䞀般的怜蚎、(2)高霢化(瀟䌚)に関する個別的怜蚎、(3)地域瀟䌚の基盀の怜蚎の䞉点で敎理するこずができる。(1)に぀いおは、金沢垂の善隣通(犏祉斜蚭)の史的研究を通じお「自助ず互助」の゚ヌトスの発芋(橋本)、地域コミュニティを基盀ずする斜蚭利甚評䟡からの高霢者犏祉の怜蚎(亀野)、資源動員ず資源遞択の局面からの高霢者犏祉サヌビスの怜蚎(碓井)等の成果を埗た。(2)に぀いおは、特に岡厎垂調査を䞭心に、老芪扶逊ず芪子の亀流を同居―別居の芖点から敎理する(侉侊)、介護を必芁ずする堎合の「自分の家」掟ず「斜蚭」掟ずを金沢垂で分析する(溝郚)、公的サヌビスずしおの幎金のあり様および高霢者の就劎を探る(田邊)、生掻満足床に関する分析(泉)、高霢者の䜙暇利甚の状況に関する分析(岩本)、さらに高霢者の抑ずう぀に぀いおの分析(接島)等、倚様な成果を埗るこずができた。(3)に関しおは、コミュニティに基盀を眮いお、コミュニティ・リアリティ分析ずしお、地方郜垂(小束垂)でのニュヌカマヌズの生掻ず近隣関係の分析(俵)、犏祉・防灜・防犯コミュニティの立堎から、金沢ず岡厎䞡垂の䜏民特性を探る(橋本)、䜙暇ず生涯孊習の実態を地域瀟䌚研究の芖点から敎理する(æž¡é‚Š)等、地域瀟䌚の今日的研究ぞの貢献もみられる。私たちは、金沢、岡厎䞡垂ずもに、犏祉・防灜・防犯コミュニティのパヌスペクティブを導入するこずを提案する。今日、居䜏の拠点であるコミュニティの堎で、様々なリスクが噎出しおいる。かかるリスクぞの察応は、コミュニティ・メンバヌ等のむンフォヌマルな自䞻的掻動ず行政等のフォヌマルな掻動ずの協働を通じお可胜ずなる。そのためにも、新たな䞭間集団の圢成が求められる。We are interested in changing of the advanced aging societies and comparative researches on Kanazawa-and Okazaki cities, These cities resemble in regard to cultures, traditions and sizes of populations. The modern societies are \u27Risk societies\u27. We understand advent of risks in regional societies by facts of individualization in lifestyles of persons of advanced age. The objects of this researches try to grasp the present conditions in their working, leosure and living together, These problems are important and urgent in regard with \u27reality approach\u27 of community.In general, hollow of inner areas (center districts of cities) is pointed by dynamics of populations/households. But, are communities hollow ? We examine the themes of revival of communities in studying of peoples lives, not hollow theory. How are networks of support and intimacy ?In the basis of proposal by committee of Kanazawa Community revival in Kanazawa city, we must strive to maintain local environments in inner/fringe areas (system-making, training of community-leaders and action-places making). It is great difficult in weaking of regional solidarity. Globalization is too being remarkable. Many persons of advanced aging are healthy and potential, not the weak.We tried the survey(by questionnaires) in Kanazawa city and Okazaki city in Nov. 〜Dec. in 1998. Its survey was made on 2,000 residents of over forty and under eighty. The rate of respondents was 63.8%(in both cities), The results and analyses are being reported by each writers in the research results report研究課題/領域番号:09410042, 研究期間(幎床):1997 – 1999出兞研究課題「高霢化瀟䌚ず生掻遞択に関する総合的研究: 北陞地域ず東海地域の比范 」課題番号09410042KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所 https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-09410042/094100421999kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/を加工しお䜜


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    金沢倧孊文孊郚北陞地域の特性を把えるメルクマ-ルずしお、私たちは、家族・家ず地域性に焊点をおいた(「研究目的」)。1.「家」意識ずの関連で「あずずりの必芁性」に぀いおは、北陞䞉県党䜓で74%が「必芁」ず答えおいる。「あずずりの圹目」は、家の物的基瀎以䞊に、シンボリックな偎面ぞの関心が匷い。「あずずり」に぀いおは、「長男」ずするものが85%で、以䞊から家の連続性意識はかなり匷いずいえる。もちろん、北陞䞉県および県域内ブロックによっお違いはあり、金沢垂ず犏井垂で若干匱たっおきおいる。2.「地域性」に関しおは、䞀぀は近隣関係ずしお、二぀は斜蚭配眮区域の問題ずしお尋ねた。䟋えば、「近所で挚拶をする顔芋知りの人の数」に぀いおは、北陞党䜓では「20人以䞊」が49%ず最倚であるが(郡郚では50%以䞊)、金沢垂は28.8%、富山垂は32.6%、犏井垂41.7%ず、県庁所圚郜垂では数倀が䞋っおいる。次に、諞斜蚭の蚭眮に぀いおは、「総合病院」に぀いおは、富山垂、金沢垂、犏井垂を陀いお、他は党お「垂町村に䞀぀あればよい」が70%以䞊であるのに察しお、富山、金沢、犏井の各垂は「校䞋に䞀぀あればよい」ずなっおいる。珟に蚭眮されおいる地域ずそうでない地域によっお、盞察的芁求床が異るようであり、この点は、他の斜蚭に぀いおも劥圓する。3.「地域づくり」で「生掻斜蚭・生掻環境」ず回答したものは、富山垂、富山垂郚、金沢垂、犏井垂で盞察的に倚く、犏井垂郚で「自然環境保護」、その他は「産業政策・就業機䌚の拡倧」が倚い。「産業政策」に぀いおは、金沢垂、犏井垂、犏井垂郚で「地堎産業」ずする以倖は、「新しい工業の誘臎」が倚く、富山垂では「商業䞭心」ずするものも倚くなっおいる。基本的に、郡郚で「新しい工業の誘臎」が高い比率を占めおいるが、犏井県嶺南地域では「芳光業を䞭心ずした地域づくり」が最倚である。We have interested in family-sustem(1e) and locality as the characters of Hokuriku region. (1)The take an interest in the shmbolic aspects more than material foundations of 1e in the "successor" roles. Then, the 1e-consciousness is stronger and more continuous. But it becomes weak in Kanazawa and Fukui cities. (2)We are sure that the problems of neighborship and the sphere of installation setting are important in considering locality. In a case of the members of the acquaintance-peoples greeting in neighborhood, our investigation suggests that "more than 20 persons\u27 are 44.9% in Hokuriku(over 50% in rural districts). But they are small in theaseals of the prefectual government. Concerning the sphere of installation-setting, \u27One in municipalities\u27 is over 70% except Toyama, Kanazawa and Fukui cities regarding \u27General Hospital\u27. But in Toyama, Kanazawa and Fukui cities, \u27One at areas of school\u27 is the most. Relative strength of need-degree is different in the diverse cities. (3)Concerning the reorganization of communities, \u27living facilities and environment\u27 have comparrative strong support in Toyama, Kanazawa and Fukui cities. Cities except Fukui support \u27conservation of nature\u27. And \u27Industrial policy and enlargement of working-chance\u27 is many in the rest. (4)Orientation of fixed dwelling are weak in Kanazawa and Fukui cities (the former 59.3%, the latter 66.3%).研究課題/領域番号:03301017, 研究期間(幎床):1991 – 1993出兞研究課題「北陞地域における定䜏ずアメニティに関する総合的研究」課題番号03301017KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所 https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-03301017/033010171993kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/を加工しお䜜


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    金沢倧文孊郚郜垂ず村萜を察象ずする瀟䌚孊が、個別科孊ず12独自の瀟䌚孊的蓄積を行なっおきたこずは呚知のずころである。しかし、今日の地域瀟䌚を考えおみる時、もはやこうした個別科孊だけで察凊するこずは䞍可胜になっおきおいる。私たちが定䜏圏に関心を持ったのも、そこに郜垂ず村萜の関係性を芋るからに他ならない。定䜏に぀いおは、村萜における、䞻芁に跡ずりによる䞖垯の継承=定䜏ず、村萜から流出した埌の郡垂での定䜏ずが考えられよう。そしお、この二様の定䜏の考察は、広矩での瀟䌚構造に関わる面ず地域政策に関わる面ずがあり、䞡者の怜蚎は、単䜍ずしおの集団から析出された䜏民䞀人䞀人の具䜓的生掻を浮かびあがらせる。村萜においおもそうである。以䞋、調査研究を通じお発芋された事実に぀いお、簡単に列蚘する。1.広く瀟䌚構造に぀いお。北陞地域に根匷く残存しおいる䞇雑も、その今日的圢態は蟲村、持村においおそれぞれ異なった様盞を瀺し、持村地域においおその倉容が激しい。ずいうこずは、構造の倉動ず関わる。地区リヌダヌ局の分析に際しおも、䌝統ず珟代の重局化した圢態を芋るこずができる。2.家に関する意識も倉化し、芳念的・象城的な面ず珟実的・実態的な面ずが錯綜しおいる。3.村萜の偎からは、䜏民は自分たちの䜏む地域を「遅れおいる」ずしながらも、他面定䜏指向は匷い(幎霢による差あり)。瀟䌚統合のレベルで匛緩がみられる時、䜏民は、働く堎の確保ぞの芁求が匷くなる。しかし、政策ず䜏民の垌望ずの間にしばしばズレも存圚しおいる。4.定䜏圏での諞斜策に぀いお、䜏民が十分理解しえおいないものも倚く存圚しおいる。たた知っおいおも、自分たちの具䜓的な生掻ずの関連で考える時、評䟡の面でかなり差が存圚しおいる。5.「遅れおいる」ずする地域で、日垞性に埋没するこずなく、自発的な取りくみも珟われおきおいる。いかにそれを助長するか、今埌の課題ずしお残されおいる。It is of common knowledge that sociology researching the urban and village regions has obtained excellent results in each field. But reflecting the recent development of regions, we think that it cannot study these regions merely through the proper approaches.We are interested in the Model Settlement Project, since we can pay attention to the relation of the urban and village regions by such Project. There are two cases in settlement. At first, a succession of household by an heir in village, second, settling down in a city after leaving the village. In these cases, we need to study the social structure and regional policy in village and city. The following sentences are the simple matters of our finding out the facts in research and survey.1. In social structure, there have continued the social relations of Manzo in Hokuriku districts. But recently, Manzo is obliged to change in the fishery village above all. Consequently, the change of social structure is similarly unavoidable. For instance, analyzing the village leaders, we can watch the complicated situations of traditional and modern relation.2. We alike know the change of family (Ie) -consiousness. Recently, there have been distinct situations of ideal-symbolic and real-substantial aspects.3. Villagers are often apt to think their village social lag. But, in other sides, they are fixed to point to settlement (difference in age). When the social integration become loose, they claim strongly ensuring the working places. But there are often contradictions between regional policy and villagers\u27 expectations.4. It is difficult that villagers understand sufficiently the several policies in area of settlement. Even if they did so, there would be different evaluations, thinking about from the point of many other aspects.5. Finally, villagers are making efforts to the spontaneous trial, without being buried within every day\u27s life. It is a future problem to promote such a trial.研究課題/領域番号:60301022, 研究期間(幎床):1985 – 1986出兞研究課題「地方定䜏圏蚈画ず地域䜏民の察応-石川県胜登䞭郚モデル定䜏圏の堎合-」課題番号60301022KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所 https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-60301022/603010221986kenkyu_seika_hokoku_gaiyo/を加工しお䜜

    Effect of olmesartan on the levels of circulating endothelial progenitor cell after drug-eluting stent implantation in patients receiving statin therapy

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    AbstractBackgroundThe endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) plays an important role in repairing vascular injury. Statins and angiotensin II receptor blockers increase the level of circulating EPCs. However, it is unknown whether the angiotensin II receptor blocker olmesartan synergistically acts with statins to increase the levels of circulating EPCs. Moreover, the association between the levels of circulating EPCs and endothelial dysfunction after implantation of drug-eluting stents (DESs) has not been evaluated.MethodsNine patients with stable coronary artery disease underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and received DES implantation. All patients received olmesartan in addition to statin therapy after PCI. The dose of olmesartan was based on the physician's discretion as per the patients’ blood pressure. The levels of circulating EPCs were analyzed at baseline, post-PCI, and 1, 2, 3, and 8 months after PCI. Coronary angiography and the acetylcholine provocation test were performed on all patients at 8 months.ResultsAlthough the angiotensin II level significantly changed, the levels of circulating EPCs did not change during 8 months of olmesartan treatment (3.1±0.6cells/ml, 2.5±0.8cells/ml, 2.0±0.6cells/ml, 2.9±0.9cells/ml, 3.0±0.4cells/ml, 3.4±0.8cells/ml, p=0.64). The patients were subsequently divided into two groups based on whether the level of circulating EPCs was less or greater than 4cells/ml at 8 months. There were no significant differences in the mean vessel diameter of each segment (proximal, proximal edge, distal edge, and distal) after the acetylcholine provocation test between the two groups.ConclusionsLow-to-moderate doses of olmesartan might not increase the level of circulating EPCs in patients receiving statin therapy. There might be no association between the levels of circulating EPCs and the degree of coronary vasospasm in the acetylcholine provocation test 8 months after DES implantation


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    近幎政策やサヌビスなどの評刀を調査するためにアンケヌト圢匏による調査が増加しおいるが回収率が䜎萜傟向にあるこずや人的コストが増加するなどの問題が生じおいる䞀方Web䞊にはナヌザの意芋を含む評䟡情報が倚数存圚しおいるそこで本研究では評刀傟向予枬システムの構築を目的ずしお評刀傟向の時間的倉化ずその原因をマむクロブログから抜出する評刀傟向抜出゚ヌゞェントの実珟を目指す特に本論文では評刀傟向の抜出ず評刀傟向が倉化した原因の抜出に泚力する評䟡情報の感情を抜出するセンチメント分析に着目し回垰匏から評刀傟向の倉化点を抜出した埌に倉化点におけるトピックをチャンキングにより抜出する手法を提案する本手法は埓来の評䟡刀定法であるp/n刀定にセンチメント分析を組み合わせるこずでp/n刀定単䜓よりも人手による調査ず盞関の高い時系列倉化を抜出できる点が特城であり政治及びテレビドラマに関するコンテンツを察象に実際の支持率芖聎率に察する評䟡実隓を実斜した結果政治自由床調敎枈決定係数R\u272p/n刀定単䜓0.22提案手法0.60テレビドラマ自由床調敎枈決定係数R\u272p/n刀定単䜓0.26提案手法0.56ずもに盞関の高い時系列倉化を抜出できるこずが確認できた.In this paper, we propose reputation trend extraction method from microblogging using sentiment analysis and topic extraction. Microblogging is a new form of communication in which users can describe their current status in short texts. We analyze these contents by two approaches -- positive vs. negative determination and sentiment analysis. Moreover, we use the multiple regression is order to get the semantic orientations which have an impact to investigation objects, and we also use chunking is order to extract topics that cause reputation changes. We evaluated our method by applying it to the politics and the ratings of TV dramas
