41 research outputs found

    Lake water treatment using effective microorganisms (EM) solution and mudballs

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    Water pollution is a change in the physical, thermal, chemical or biological properties of water that may affect any beneficial use, causing a hazardous condition to public health and safety or to life and plants [1]. Water pollution also has many sources. Humans and other organisms produce bodily hat continues to flow into rivers, lakes, oceans and other surface waters, at high concentrations these residues can cause bacterial pollution and excessive nutrient loading (eutrophication)

    Study on the ability of black soldier fly larvae for reducing the house fly eggs in poultry manure

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    Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) are a good source of protein for aquaculture, animal feed, pet and human nutrition. Larvae have a healthy appetite and can be used to make household waste compost and residual agricultural. For previous study [1], observed that the BSFL can be grown in a variety of organic waste stream including pig manure, kitchen waste, fruits and vegetables, and given to the fish. In addition, the larvae benefit from the use of natural resources to overcome the problem of life cycle of widespread flies in the poultry farm openly. Therefore, it is important to note that the poultry farms release many particles into the air that endanger human health and the environment

    Research on Emotion Classification Based on Multi-modal Fusion

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    في الوقت الحاضر، لم يعد تعبير الأشخاص على الإنترنت يقتصر على النصوص، خاصة مع ظهور طفرة الفيديو القصير، مما أدى إلى ظهور عدد كبير من البيانات النموذجية مثل النصوص والصور والصوت والفيديو. بالمقارنة مع بيانات الوضع الفردي، تحتوي البيانات متعددة الوسائط دائمًا على معلومات ضخمة. يمكن أن تساعد عملية التنقيب في المعلومات متعددة الوسائط أجهزة الكمبيوتر على فهم الخصائص العاطفية البشرية بشكل أفضل. ومع ذلك، نظرًا لأن البيانات متعددة الوسائط تُظهر ميزات سلسلة زمنية ديناميكية واضحة، فمن الضروري حل مشكلة الارتباط الديناميكي داخل وضع واحد وبين أوضاع مختلفة في نفس مشهد التطبيق أثناء عملية الدمج. لحل هذه المشكلة، في هذا البحث، تم إنشاء إطار استخراج ميزة للتوسع الديناميكي ثلاثي الأبعاد بناءً على البيانات المشتركة متعددة الوسائط، على سبيل المثال الفيديو والصوت والنص. إطار عمل مطابق يعتمد على تحسين الميزات المكانية والزمانية، على التوالي لحل الارتباط الديناميكي داخل الأوضاع وفيما بينها، ومن ثم نمذجة معلومات الارتباط الديناميكي قصيرة وطويلة المدى بين الأوضاع المختلفة بناءً على الإطار المقترح. تُظهر التجارب الجماعية المتعددة التي تم إجراؤها على مجموعات بيانات MOSI  أن نموذج التعرف على المشاعر الذي تم إنشاؤه بناءً على الإطار المقترح هنا في هذه الدراسة يمكنه الاستفادة بشكل أفضل من المعلومات التكميلية الأكثر تعقيدًا بين البيانات المشروطة المختلفة. بالمقارنة مع نماذج دمج البيانات متعددة الوسائط الأخرى، فإن إطار دمج البيانات متعدد الوسائط القائم على الاهتمام المكاني والزماني المقترح في هذه الورقة يحسن بشكل كبير معدل التعرف على المشاعر ودقتها عند تطبيقها على تحليل المشاعر متعدد الوسائط، لذلك فهو أكثر جدوى وفعالية.Nowadays, people's expression on the Internet is no longer limited to text, especially with the rise of the short video boom, leading to the emergence of a large number of modal data such as text, pictures, audio, and video. Compared to single mode data ,the multi-modal data always contains massive information. The mining process of multi-modal information can help computers to better understand human emotional characteristics. However, because the multi-modal data show obvious dynamic time series features, it is necessary to solve the dynamic correlation problem within a single mode and between different modes in the same application scene during the fusion process. To solve this problem, in this paper, a feature extraction framework of the three-dimensional dynamic expansion is established based on the common multi-modal data, for example video , sound ,text.Based on the framework, a multi-modal fusion-matched framework based on spatial and temporal feature enhancement, respectively to solve the dynamic correlation within and between modes, and then model the short and long term dynamic correlation information between different modes based on the proposed framework. Multiple group experiments performed on MOSI datasets show that the emotion recognition model constructed based on the framework proposed here in this paper can better utilize the more complex complementary information between different modal data. Compared with other multi-modal data fusion models, the spatial-temporal attention-based multimodal data fusion framework proposed in this paper significantly improves the emotion recognition rate and accuracy when applied to multi-modal emotion analysis, so it is more feasible and effective

    Necessity and challenges of nature conservation

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    Nature conservation is the preservation of resources that are produced naturally for example wild animals and plants, ecosystem and biodiversity especially from the effects of human activities for example exploitation and industrialization. Nature conservation is necessary in protecting the biodiversity for example to prevent animal species from endangering or extinct, protection for natural ecosystem and human’s freshwater sources for drinking purposes. Moreover, nature conservation is important in maintaining a long-life natural environment as well as an environment that is sustainable towards development. However, nature conservation is not an easy task as it requires a lot of manpower as well as money. Therefore, nature conservation is challenging as well. The challenges of nature conservation include human’s overpopulation, global warming and overharvesting. Human’s overpopulation is one of the most challenging factors that influences the practice of nature conservation

    Suitability study on chicken dung and fruit waste as Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) diet

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    Production of chicken increases due to the demand of their eggs and meats [1]. As a result, a massive amount of chicken dung has been generated. Raw chicken dung has adverse effect on plants. Therefore, it should be composted or aged prior to use as raw chicken dung as it contains pathogens as well as urine, feathers, undigested food and coop bedding material that can harm people and animals [2]. If composting is properly done, the process destroys disease-causing organisms, making chicken dung safe to be used around plants, people and pets [2]. Chicken dung is rich in nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and calcium, and also rich in organic matter compared to other manures. The addition of organic matter to soils increases water-holding capacity of soil, improves aeration and drainage, reduces erosion, reduces fertilizer leaching and improves soil structure for plants [2]. Furthermore, organic matter provides food source for soil microbes, which increases soil biological diversity, accelerates the breakdown of organic nutrients for plants to improve plant health.

    Use of black soldier fly larvae composter bin to reduce household food waste

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    Food waste is the largest component in municipal solid waste (MSW). About 1.3 billion tons of food, which is equivalent to one third of global food production is lost or wasted every year along the food supply chain [1]. In Malaysia, total generation of MSW is 15,000 tons. This MSW consists of 50% food waste, of which 70% is disposed at the landfill sites [2]. It was reported that in average a household in Malaysia throw away around 0.5-0.8 kg uneaten food per day [3]. This food waste is recognized as huge problem worldwide and it becomes particularly severe to developing country. There are many methods that can be carried out to reduce the food waste generation. Composting method is one of the methods to convert food waste into valuable product with minimum cost

    Physical model design of rainwater harvesting system at Uthm Pagoh, Johor

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    Malaysia is a country located on the equator line which is a humid and hot climate throughout the year. Therefore, Malaysia will receive a huge rainfall every year. It is estimated Malaysia receives rain between 50 mm to 500 mm monthly [1] and receives rainfall between 1500 to 3000 mm per year with an average of 2400 mm [2]. Ministry of Energy of Green Technology & Water of Malaysia, [3] has also emphasized nine water demand management strategies, particularly in the domestic, industrial and agricultural sectors in Malaysia. Water demand management is an effective method of managing sustainable water resources in the country. One of the strategies is the exploration and use of alternative water sources such as rainwater as one of the main water sources to reduce the pressure on existing water resources and can reduce water usage involving money. Therefore, with this rainwater harvesting system initiative can help to ensure the sustainability of water supply for next generations and future development. Sustainable development focuses to provide a balance between economic and social development to address environmental requirements [4]. Besides that, rainwater harvesting system is a very effective innovation that have currently been done in Malaysia. Sustainable construction also has begin to expand and focused on preserving the environment. Due to the government's commitment towards green development, through the ‘Green Growth Development' proposal and the launch of 'Green Building Index' (GBI), rainwater harvesting systems are being implemented as green initiatives to promote efficient water usage [5]. Most developments in Malaysia are still not implementing this system due to lack of awareness of sustainable construction and rainwater harvesting system is considered a new phenomenon in Malaysia [6]

    Improvised design of grease trap for the usage at the food premises

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    In Malaysia, there are many pollutions that emitted from the industry. Water pollution can be caused by various sectors, one of it is the industrial sector of the food service. The food service industry in Malaysia is growing up every day and they are the major contributor to pollution that was caused by fats, oils, and grease that are highly discharged from food premises. Grease traps are widely used by most restaurants and food processing industries to reduce oil and grease to an acceptable level before it can be discharged to public sewers [1]. Grease traps are a pipeline that traps the food waste before they enter the sanitary sewer system. The food waste is from the fats, oils, and greases and is usually found in kitchen waste water. Normally, the grease traps are located under the sink because the place is usually contributed to fat, oil and grease. Among the alternatives to reduce the emission levels of fats, oil, and grease, the uses of the grease trap is required to filter the wastewater released from the premises [2]

    Coverage Criteria for UML State Chart Diagram in Model-based Testing

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    Software testing is a necessary and essential part of the software quality process and plays a major role in detecting errors in systems. To improve the effectiveness of test case generation during software testing, and with the growing adoption of UML by software developers and researchers, many studies have focused on the automation of test case generation from UML diagrams. One of these diagrams is the UML state chart diagram. These test cases are generally generated to achieve certain coverage criteria. However, combinations of multiple criteria are required to achieve better coverage. Different studies use various number and type of coverage criteria in their methods and approaches. This paper reviews previous studies to present the most practical coverage criteria combinations for UML state chart diagram, including all-states, all-transitions, all-transition-pairs and all-loop-free-paths coverage. A special calculation is necessary to determine the coverage percentage of the proposed coverage criteria. This paper presents a calculation method to achieve this goal with an example is applied to a UML state chart diagram. This finding would be beneficial in the area of automatic test case generating for model-based testing and especially in the UML state chart diagram

    Decomposition of Food Waste by using Vegetable Fermentation Solution

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    Food waste is an inevitable outcome of human consumption in modern society, it was happened in almost every home on a daily basis. The increasing amount of food waste in Malaysia caused by the fast growth of population and to meet the human lifestyle has become a major environmental issues in recent years. SWCorp (2016) reported that it was contributes the highest composition in municipal solid waste which is 44.5%. In 2015, Malaysians throw away of about 15,000 tonnes of food waste every day, about 3,000 tonnes are actually eatable and should not be dumped (Jarjusey & Chamhuri, 2017). In 2020, about 49,670 tons per day of waste is expected to be generated in Malaysians (Jabatan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal Negara, 2012)