520 research outputs found

    In-Orbit Attitude Performance of the 3-Axis Stabilised SNAP-1 Nanosatellite

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    SNAP-1 is the first 3-axis stabilised nanosatellite in orbit. The satellite is stabilised by a single Ymomentum wheel and 3-axis magnetorquer rods, used for nutation damping and wheel momentum management. The primary attitude sensor used for attitude and rate estimation, is a miniature 3-axis magnetometer. This paper will show the attitude performance results during pointing of the CMOS cameras. One of the challenges was how to handle a large residual magnetic moment disturbance on the satellite. This disturbance was caused by an unforseen permanent magnetisation dipole from the thruster solenoids, which could not be fully cancelled by the magnetorquer rods. To enable the onboard attitude and rate Kalman filter to give accurate state estimates, the magnetic disturbance was first characterised and then partially compensated for, using the magnetorquer rods. The paper will explain how this problem was solved, before the Y-momentum wheel could be utilised to stabilise and point the imaging payload. The attitude disturbances during firings of the butane gas thruster will also be presented and characterised. The effect of these firings on the orbit will be shown as measured by the GPS receiver on SNAP-1. The lessons learned from the AODCS design of a SSTL nanosatellite are summarised

    Path-Integral Formulation of Casimir Effects in Supersymmetric Quantum Electrodynamics

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    The Casimir effect is an interesting phenomenon in the sense that it provides us with one of the primitive means of extracting the energy out of the vacuum. Since the original work of Casimir a number of works have appeared in extending the result to the case of more general topological and dynamical configurations of the boundary condition and to the circumstances at finite temperature and gravity. In the studies of the Casimir effects it is common to assume the free electromagnetic field in the bounded region. It may be interesting to extend our arguments for fields other than the electromagnetic field. The Casimir effect due to the free fermionic fields has been investigated by several authors and has been found to result in an attractive force under the suitable physical boundary conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, REVTe

    New Approach to Achieving Stand Alone GPS Attitude Determination using Dual Short Baselines for Small-Satellite

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    This paper proposes a new approach to GPS (Global Positioning System) attitude determination for small satellite application in LEO (low Earth orbit). Prior knowledge of attitude and integer resolution is not required. The methodology of the new approach includes integer ambiguity search, initial estimation of attitude and line bias, attitude initialisation, path difference estimation and fine attitude determination. The observable is the carrier phase difference measurement between two GPS antennas. A dual short baseline (typical baseline length up to 30 cm) is assumed in this research. The key point to initialising attitude is to estimated the attitude of individual baseline vectors with respect to the reference frame. Elimination of integer ambiguity is a simple task. Two set of vectors are required to determine an initial attitude. Once attitude is initialised, an estimation algorithm based on the extended Kalman filter starts to determine the attitude. The integer ambiguities and cycle slips can be resolved properly. The filter now is converged and, fine attitude is estimated. The robustness of the filtering estimator is tested with simulated anomalous conditions

    Curvature-induced phase transitions in the inflationary universe - Supersymmetric Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model in de Sitter spacetime -

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    The phase structure associated with the chiral symmetry is thoroughly investigated in de Sitter spacetime in the supersymmetric Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with supersymmetry breaking terms. The argument is given in the three and four space-time dimensions in the leading order of the 1/N expansion and it is shown that the phase characteristics of the chiral symmetry is determined by the curvature of de Sitter spacetime. It is found that the symmetry breaking takes place as the first order as well as second order phase transition depending on the choice of the coupling constant and the parameter associated with the supersymmetry breaking term. The critical curves expressing the phase boundary are obtained. We also discuss the model in the context of the chaotic inflation scenario where topological defects (cosmic strings) develop during the inflation.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures, REVTe

    An Attitude Control System and Commissioning Results of the SNAP-1 Nanosatellite

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    SNAP-1 is a low-cost nanosatellite build by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. (SSTL), it is amongst other objectives a technology demonstrator for 3-axis stabilisation and orbit control for a future constellation of small satellites during formation flying. The satellite uses a single miniature Ymomentum wheel, 3-axis magnetorquer rods and a single butane gas thruster to ensure a nominal nadirpointing attitude with full pitch control and in-track delta-V manoeuvrability. The magnetorquer rods do momentum maintenance and nutation damping of the Y-wheel. The primary attitude sensor used, is a miniature 3-axis fluxgate magnetometer. Precise orbital knowledge will be obtained using a small single antenna GPS receiver supported by an on-board orbit estimator. This paper describes the various attitude control modes required to support: 1) a narrow and three wide angle CMOS cameras during pointing and tracking of targets, 2) the propulsion thruster during orbit manoeuvres, 3) the initial attitude acquisition phase and 4) a safe mode backup controller. The specific attitude controllers and estimators used during these modes are explained. Simulation and in-orbit commissioning results will be presented to evaluate the performance and design objectives

    Mechanism of femtosecond laser nano-ablation for metals

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    Metals have three ablation threshold fluences (high,middle and low-threshold fluence, here called) forfemtosecond laser pulses. In order to investigatethe physics of metal ablation under an intenseoptical field, the ions emitted from a laserirradiatedcopper surface were studied by time-offlightenergy spectroscopy. The low laser fluenceat which ions are emitted, Fth,L is 0.028 J/cm2, andtwo higher emission thresholds were identified atfluences of Fth,M =0.195 J/cm2 and Fth,H =0.470J/cm2. The relation between the number of emittedions per pulse Ni and laser fluence F was in goodagreement with Ni ∝F4 for Fth,L - Fth,M, Ni ∝F3 forFth,M - Fth,H, and Ni ∝F2 for ≥ Fth,H. Thedependence of ion production on laser energyfluence is explained well by multiphotonabsorption and optical field ionization.For fluence levels near the middle to high ablationthreshold, the formation of grating structures onmetal surfaces has been observed. The interspacesof grating structures were shorter than the laserwavelength, and the interspaces depend on fluencefor Mo and W with a 160 fs laser pulse. Thisphenomenon is well explained by the parametricdecay model proposed by Sakabe et al

    A Model of Curvature-Induced Phase Transitions in Inflationary Universe

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    Chiral phase transitions driven by space-time curvature effects are investigated in de Sitter space in the supersymmetric Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with soft supersymmetry breaking. The model is considered to be suitable for the analysis of possible phase transitions in inflationary universe. It is found that a restoration of the broken chiral symmetry takes place in two patterns for increasing curvature : the first order and second order phase transition respectively depending on initial settings of the four-body interaction parameter and the soft supersymmetry breaking parameter. The critical curves expressing the phase boundaries in these parameters are obtained. Cosmological implications of the result are discussed in connection with bubble formations and the creation of cosmic strings during the inflationary era.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, REVTe