66 research outputs found

    Clean and efficient extraction of copper ions and deposition as metal

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    AbstractA simple, clean and efficient one-pot process is offered as an alternative to the conventional complex processing presently used to extract copper ions from copper containing materials, like copper concentrate or slag, and to form copper metal. The alternative process uses a eutectic molten salt of potassium chloride, sodium chloride and zinc chloride as the reaction fluid which is recyclable, low in cost, environmentally benign, low melting (melting point 204°), high boiling (vapor pressure is only a few psi at 800°) and chemically, thermally and physically stable. The metal completely dissolves out of copper concentrate or slag in the aerobic eutectic molten chloride salt in a graphite or glassy carbon pot, which serves as a cathode, with a graphite anode, to reduce the metal ions to metal which sinks to the bottom of the graphite pot. The total efficiency for extraction and deposition is virtually 100% as determined by elemental and gravimetric analyses

    Identity of the Ribosomal Proteins Involved in the Interaction with Elongation Factor G

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    HIP-I: a huntingtin interacting protein isolated by the yeast two-hybrid system

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    We report the discovery of the huntingtin interacting protein I (HIP-I) which binds specifically to the N-terminus of human huntingtin, both in the two-hybrid screen and in in vitro binding experiments. For the interaction in vivo, a protein region downstream of the polyglutamine stretch in huntingtin is essential. The HIP1 cDNA isolated by the two-hybrid screen encodes a 55 kDa fragment of a novel protein. Using an affinity-purified polyclonal antibody raised against recombinant HIP-I, a protein of 116 kDa was detected in brain extracts by Western blot analysis. The predicted amino acid sequence of the HIP-I fragment exhibits significant similarity to cytoskeleton proteins, suggesting that HIP-I and huntingtin play a functional role in the cell filament networks. The HIP1 gene is ubiquitously expressed in different brain regions at low level. HIP-I is enriched in human brain but can also be detected in other human tissues as well as in mouse brain. HIP-I and huntingtin behave almost identically during subcellular fractionation and both proteins are enriched in the membrane containing fractions

    SH3GL3 associates with the Huntingtin exon 1 protein and promotes the formation of polygln-containing protein aggregates

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    The mechanism by which aggregated polygins cause the selective neurodegeneration in Huntington's disease (HD) is unknown. Here, we show that the SH3GL3 protein, which is preferentially expressed in brain and testis, selectively interacts with the HD exon 1 protein (HDex1p) containing a glutamine repeat in the pathological range and promotes the formation of insoluble polyglutamine-containing aggregates in vivo. The C-terminal SH3 domain in SH3GL3 and the proline-rich region in HDex1p are essential for the interaction. Coimmunoprecipitations and immunofluorescence studies revealed that SH3GL3 and HDex1p colocalize in transfected COS cells. Additionally, an anti-SH3GL3 antibody was also able to coimmunoprecipitate the full-length huntingtin from an HD human brain extract. The characteristics of the interaction between SH3GL3 and huntingtin and the colocalization of the two proteins suggest that SH3GL3 could be involved in the selective neuronal cell death in HD

    Huntingtin-encoded polyglutamine expansions form amyloid-like protein aggregates in vitro and in vivo

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    The mechanism by which an elongated polyglutamine sequence causes neurodegeneration in Huntington's disease (HD) is unknown. In this study, we show that the proteolytic cleavage of a GST-huntingtin fusion protein leads to the formation of insoluble high molecular weight protein aggregates only when the polyglutamine expansion is in the pathogenic range. Electron micrographs of these aggregates revealed a fibrillar or ribbon-like morphology, reminiscent of scrapie prions and beta-amyloid fibrils in Alzheimer's disease. Subcellular fractionation and ultrastructural techniques showed the in vivo presence of these structures in the brains of mice transgenic for the HD mutation. Our in vitro model will aid in an eventual understanding of the molecular pathology of HD and the development of preventative strategies