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    Leslie Marmon Silkos "Ceremony"

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    Die literarische Erfindung der SerialitÀt : Gertrude Steins 'The Making of Americans'

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    'The Making of Americans' wurde 1903 begonnen, 1905/6 zugunsten des ErzĂ€hlbands 'Three Lives' unterbrochen, 1906 und 1908 komplett umgeschrieben und 1911 schließlich abgeschlossen (also viel frĂŒher als 'Ulysses' und 'À la recherche du temps perdu'). Zur Veröffentlichung des Romans kam es allerdings erst 1925, was die öffentliche Wahrnehmung des Textes als einer Urszene der Moderne stark beeintrĂ€chtigt hat. Aber es gibt auch noch andere GrĂŒnde, weshalb 'The Making of Americans' rasch in Vergessenheit geriet: der riesige Umfang des Romans (fast 1000 Seiten) und seine serielle Wiederholungsstruktur sorgten dafĂŒr, dass er einer grĂ¶ĂŸeren Leseöffentlichkeit bis heute weitgehend unbekannt blieb. Steins AufkĂŒndigung der ErzĂ€hltradition des 19. Jahrhunderts fiel noch radikaler aus als Prousts und Joyces Romanexperimente. Es gibt aber durchaus Gemeinsamkeiten: alle drei Autoren machen die Prozesse des Erinnerns, Denkens und FĂŒhlens zur Grundlage der Darstellung im Roman und verzichten auf die teleologische Konsequenz kausaler VerknĂŒpfungen zugunsten des verdichteten Augenblicks. Schon im ursprĂŒnglichen Entwurf von 'The Making of Americans', der auf den ersten Seiten des Romans noch erkennbar ist, sind erste Anzeichen fĂŒr den Bruch mit der ErzĂ€hlform erkennbar. Stein wollte Amerika als neue Nation schildern, "whose tradition it had taken scarcely sixty years to create". Im Mittelpunkt sollten drei Generationen zweier Immigrantenfamilien stehen, die Dehnings und die Herslands. "The old people in a new world, the new people made out of old, that is the story that I mean to tell, for that is what really is and what I really know." Obwohl sie den Roman als Gesellschaftspanorama anlegte, konzentrierte sich Stein von Anfang an auf das Privatleben ihrer Protagonisten. Im Gegensatz zu den Realisten des 19. Jahrhunderts, die den Konflikt von Neigung und Pflicht, von sozialen Normen und subjektiver Moral in den Mittelpunkt der Handlung stellten, folgte Stein dem Programm des Naturalismus und richtete ihr Interesse nicht auf die Handlungen und HandlungsspielrĂ€ume der Subjekte, sondern auf die gesellschaftlichen KrĂ€fte, die SubjektivitĂ€t formen und prĂ€gen. Der Titel 'The Making of Americans' fasst die Ausbildung amerikanischer IdentitĂ€t als einen beinah industriellen Herstellungsprozess sozialer IdentitĂ€t und deutet darin ein erstes Motiv fĂŒr eine serielle Schreibweise an

    Milieus of Minutiae:Contextualizing the Small in Science, Philosophy, and Literature

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    The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were replete with large-scale projects and interests: the rise of the most colossal modern literary form, the novel; the craze for panorama; the pursuit of imperial ambitions by both European and American powers.At the same time, however, interest in minutiae proliferated on both sides of the Atlantic, as histories of the microscope and the micrological have revealed. The molecular and infinitesimal gained new importance in philosophy, mathematics, the natural sciences, medicine, and literature, as new technologies gradually rendered the ‘invisible world’ available to human observation. In tandem with this development, the notion of milieu became increasingly prevalent, as instantiated most prominently by the concept of the ecological niche in evolutionary biology. The question of how organisms interact with their milieus emerged as a new area of inquiry across a range of fields; the minuscule beings and objects that had hitherto attracted interest mainly because of their newly discovered individuality were now scrutinized with growing intensity in their environmental context. This conference brings together scholarly work that addresses these two cultural-epistemological developments: first, the role of minutiae, as manifested in all kinds of diminutive units or categories (for instance: the animalcula, theinfinitesimal, the minor, the particular, the seemingly irrelevant, the typographic detail, the cellular, the clue); and, secondly, the interaction between these tiny phenomena and their surroundings. Milieus of Minutiae explores the ways in which what is subvisible or easily overlooked is situated in philosophy, cultural production, and scientific experimentation from early modernity through the twentieth century, with a view towardthe contemporary moment. Medieval thought granted discrete being to that which is otherwise considered negligible and only relational—a status later held by both the minor and the milieu—and this conference constellates approaches that restore ontological viability to both of these categories between premodern and contemporary thought. At the same time, it explores the historical dimensions of a micrology of knowledge and aesthetics, reflecting on the objectivity, supra-metonymy, and epistemological value of these units across a wide range of cultural, intellectual, environmental, social, and material milieus. Natalia Cecire Tita Chico Anne Eusterschulte Roger Maioli Nikolai Preuschoff Pauline Selbig John H. Smith Elisa Tamarkin Cynthia Wall et al Keynotes by Hans-Jörg Rheinberger and Marianne SchullerElizabeth Brogden, Christiane Frey, and Ulla Haselstein, in cooperation with the Humboldt-UniversitĂ€t zu Berlin and the Freie UniversitĂ€t Berlin, generously supported by the Thyssen FoundationThe event, like all events at the ICI Berlin, is open to the public, free of charge. The audience is presumed to consent to a possible recording on the part of the ICI Berlin. If you would like to attend the event yet might require assistance, please contact Event Management. 10:00-10:30 Introduction Elizabeth Brogden, Christiane Frey, Ulla Haselstein 10:30-12:45 Looking Closely Chair: Ulla Haselstein Tita Chico. Thinking Small: Or, a Literary History of Scrutiny Elizabeth Brogden. Clew-less Fiction: Narrative Detail Beyond Realism Elisa Tamarkin. Regarding Irrelevance 14:00-16:15 Diminutive Aesthetics Chair: Mareike Schildmann Pauline Selbig. Minor Milieus: Benjamin&#8217;s Mode of Writing Nikolai Preuschoff. The Minute in Robert Walser’s Novel The Tanners Marlon Miguel &amp; Elena Vogman. Le Moindre Geste: Cinema and Milieu after Fernand Deligny 16:45-18:15 Trivia{l} Matter{s} Chair: Christiane Frey Cynthia Wall. ‘of a Parenthesis’ Roger Maioli. The Rise of the Novel and the Knowledge of Particulars 19:00 Keynote (In German) Marianne Schuller. NanoĂ€sthetik: Zur imaginativen Kraft des Kleinen10:30-12:15 Mere Milieus Chair: Claudia Peppel Amelia Groom. Partially Submerged Ruins Malte Fabian Rauch. Counter Cartography: Agamben – Debord – On Kawara 13:45-16:00 Minimal Relation Chair: Arnd Wedemeyer John H. Smith. The Calculus of the Psycho-Physical Difference Anne Eusterschulte. Interactions between Metaphysical, Physical and Literary Minutiae: From Giordano Bruno to James Joyce Christiane Frey. Encapsulated Minima: Duns Scotus, Leibniz, Ruyer 16:30-18:00 Micro-Worlds Magnified Chair: Elizabeth Brogden Natalia Cecire. Shelled Life: Sexuality and Subjectivity at the Level of the Cell Daniel Liu. Positivism vs. Molecular Imagination after the Abbe Diffraction Limit, 1874–1939 19:00 Keynote Hans-Jörg Rheinberger. Experimental Environments: ‘Micrologies of Knowledge’Milieus of Minutiae: Contextualizing the Small in Science, Philosophy, and Literature, conference, ICI Berlin, 23 May 2019 <https://doi.org/10.25620/e190523