93 research outputs found

    Global and regional comparative analysis of children’s internet use

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    This Method Guide discusses the opportunities and challenges linked with international comparisons. Comparative research can help widen the horizon of options for (political) action, enhance the knowledge base, define political priorities, explain differences between countries and understand transnational phenomena. In order to achieve these benefits, research has to be carefully designed with regard to the unit of comparison, the cases to be compared, the definition of functionally equivalent samples, and the practical issues of organizing research in different countries. Data analysis has to distinguish between at least two levels of analysis: the level of the individual child with the child’s personal characteristics, and the country level with indicators that have been assessed for the whole country. As an important objective of comparative research is to classify countries with respect to the context they provide for children’s online experiences, different approaches to country classifications are discussed, and a conceptual framework proposed to identify relevant country contexts. As an example of good practice, the EU Kids Online approach of comparing existing empirical evidence from different countries is described. Finally, key resources are listed with regard to all relevant dimensions of country contexts

    Uloga publika u upravljanju medijima: zapostavljena dimenzija medijske pismenosti

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    Conceptualisations of media literacy often include the dimension of the media users’ participation in media regulation or, more general, media governance. In doing so the expectation is stressed, that beyond the ability to participate in media-related communicative practices, literacy would also mean that media users engage in forming the technical, political, and economic conditions for communication processes. However, this aspect seems to be widely neglected when it comes to empirical research on patterns and levels of media literacy. As a consequence, talking about media users as actors of media governance sounds unfamiliar and somehow strange: Media politics and media regulation are rather done for media users and their interests – or sometimes rather against their interests – but almost never by media users. This article proposes a conceptual clarification of the potential roles of the audience and discusses them with regard to concrete instruments that could help to strengthen this aspect of media literacy and thus the role of audiences in media governance.Poimanje medijske pismenosti često uključuje i dimenziju participacije medijskih korisnika u regulaciji medija ili, šire, u upravljanju medijima. Pritom pismenost ne znači samo to da medijski korisnici imaju mogućnost sudjelovanja u komunikaciji koja je povezana s medijima nego i da su uključeni u oblikovanje tehničkih, političkih i ekonomskih preduvjeta za komunikacijske procese. Ipak, čini se da je taj aspekt prilično zapostavljen kada je riječ o empirijskim istraživanjima o uzorcima i razinama medijske pismenosti. Stoga kada se govori o medijskim korisnicima kao dionicima u upravljanju medijima, to zvuči nepoznato i nekako čudno: medijske politike i medijska regulacija uglavnom su kreirane za medijske korisnike i njihove interese – ili ponekad čak i protiv njihovih interesa – ali gotovo ih nikada ne kreiraju korisnici sami. Ovaj članak predlaže konceptualno pojašnjenje potencijalnih uloga publike te ih tumači u odnosu na konkretne instrumente koji bi mogli pomoći ojačati taj aspekt medijske pismenosti, a time i ulogu publika u upravljanju medijima

    Audience-Based Indicators for News Media Performance: A Conceptual Framework and Findings from Germany

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    Many attempts to conceptualize and to assess the performance of media systems or single news media outlets focus on the “supply side” of public communication, operationalized as characteristics of the news content and the form of presentation. These characteristics indicate the potential performance of news media; they are a necessary but not a sufficient condition for media performance. In order to assess the actual performance of news media we need to know what kind of audiences they reach, how they fulfil their users’ news-related interests and needs, and how they contribute to their users’ perceptions of the news environment. In this article, we propose a conceptual framework for the definition of audience-based indicators for news media performance. We apply this framework to data gathered as part of the 2019 Reuters Institute Digital News Survey for Germany. We compare 42 news media, both online and offline, in regard to their reach in different parts of the population, and to their audiences’ interest in news and politics, their trust in media, and their perceptions of the overall performance of German news media. The findings underline that news media performance is a multidimensional concept and that there are different ways in which news media can perform. Furthermore, the particular type of media, technically or organizationally, still matters when it comes to audiences’ expectations and perceived functions

    Uloga publika u upravljanju medijima: zapostavljena dimenzija medijske pismenosti

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    Conceptualisations of media literacy often include the dimension of the media users’ participation in media regulation or, more general, media governance. In doing so the expectation is stressed, that beyond the ability to participate in media-related communicative practices, literacy would also mean that media users engage in forming the technical, political, and economic conditions for communication processes. However, this aspect seems to be widely neglected when it comes to empirical research on patterns and levels of media literacy. As a consequence, talking about media users as actors of media governance sounds unfamiliar and somehow strange: Media politics and media regulation are rather done for media users and their interests – or sometimes rather against their interests – but almost never by media users. This article proposes a conceptual clarification of the potential roles of the audience and discusses them with regard to concrete instruments that could help to strengthen this aspect of media literacy and thus the role of audiences in media governance.Poimanje medijske pismenosti često uključuje i dimenziju participacije medijskih korisnika u regulaciji medija ili, šire, u upravljanju medijima. Pritom pismenost ne znači samo to da medijski korisnici imaju mogućnost sudjelovanja u komunikaciji koja je povezana s medijima nego i da su uključeni u oblikovanje tehničkih, političkih i ekonomskih preduvjeta za komunikacijske procese. Ipak, čini se da je taj aspekt prilično zapostavljen kada je riječ o empirijskim istraživanjima o uzorcima i razinama medijske pismenosti. Stoga kada se govori o medijskim korisnicima kao dionicima u upravljanju medijima, to zvuči nepoznato i nekako čudno: medijske politike i medijska regulacija uglavnom su kreirane za medijske korisnike i njihove interese – ili ponekad čak i protiv njihovih interesa – ali gotovo ih nikada ne kreiraju korisnici sami. Ovaj članak predlaže konceptualno pojašnjenje potencijalnih uloga publike te ih tumači u odnosu na konkretne instrumente koji bi mogli pomoći ojačati taj aspekt medijske pismenosti, a time i ulogu publika u upravljanju medijima

    Reuters Digital News Survey 2014: Ergebnisse fĂĽr Deutschland

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    Die technischen Geräte sowie die Dienste, die zur Nutzung von Nachrichten verwendet werden können, differenzieren sich weiter aus; zugleich konvergieren die verschiedenen Optionen zur Nachrichtennutzung, indem mit einem einzigen Endgerät ganz unterschiedliche Dienstetypen genutzt werden können. Für den Reuters Institute Digital News Survey, den das in Oxford ansässige Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism im Jahr 2012 zum ersten Mal durchgeführt hat, werden zeitgleich Befragungen im Vereinigten Königreich, in Brasilien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Japan, Spanien und den USA realisiert, um generelle Trends, aber auch nationale Besonderheiten erkennen zu können. Das Hans-Bredow-Institut ist seit 2013 als Kooperationspartner verantwortlich für die deutsche Teilstudie; es wird dabei unterstützt von den Landesmedienanstalten

    #UseTheNews: Studie zur Nachrichtenkompetenz Jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener in der digitalen Medienwelt

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    Das bundesweite Projekt #UseTheNews geht der Nachrichtennutzung und -kompetenz junger Menschen auf den Grund und entwickelt neue Informations- und Bildungsangebote. In einem News Literacy Lab werden auf Basis der Studienergebnisse neue Nachrichtenangebote konzipiert. Begleitet wird das News Literacy Lab von Journalismus-Experten der Hamburger Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW). Darüber hinaus werden unter dem Titel Open News Education (ONE) Bildungsangebote, Unterrichtsmaterialien und Fortbildungen für Lehrkräfte entwickelt, um die Vermittlung von Nachrichtenkompetenz in Schulen zu stärken. Initiiert wurde #UseTheNews von der Deutschen Presse-Agentur dpa und der Hamburger Behörde für Kultur und Medien. Unterstützt wird das Projekt von einem Kuratorium aus namhaften Persönlichkeiten aus Medien und Politik. Mehr: www.dpa.com/de/usethenews
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