309 research outputs found


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    広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(理学)Doctor of Sciencedoctora

    Quantum support vector machines for classification and regression on a trapped-ion quantum computer

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    Quantum machine learning is a rapidly growing field at the intersection of quantum computing and machine learning. In this work, we examine our quantum machine learning models, which are based on quantum support vector classification (QSVC) and quantum support vector regression (QSVR). We investigate these models using a quantum-circuit simulator, both with and without noise, as well as the IonQ Harmony quantum processor. For the QSVC tasks, we use a dataset containing fraudulent credit card transactions and image datasets (the MNIST and the Fashion-MNIST datasets); for the QSVR tasks, we use a financial dataset and a materials dataset. For the classification tasks, the performance of our QSVC models using 4 qubits of the trapped-ion quantum computer was comparable to that obtained from noiseless quantum-circuit simulations. The result is consistent with the analysis of our device-noise simulations with varying qubit-gate error rates. For the regression tasks, applying a low-rank approximation to the noisy quantum kernel, in combination with hyperparameter tuning in {\epsilon}-SVR, improved the performance of the QSVR models on the near-term quantum device. Our results suggest that the quantum kernel, as described by our shallow quantum circuit, can be effectively used for both QSVC and QSVR tasks, indicating its resistance to noise and its adaptability to various datasets.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, 1 supplementary figure, 2 supplementary table

    Genome-wide search for strabismus susceptibility loci.

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    The purpose of this study was to search for chromosomal susceptibility loci for comitant strabismus. Genomic DNA was isolated from 10mL blood taken from each member of 30 nuclear families in which 2 or more siblings are affected by either esotropia or exotropia. A genome-wide search was performed with amplification by polymerase chain reaction of 400 markers in microsatellite regions with approximately 10 cM resolution. For each locus, non-parametric affected sib-pair analysis and non-parametric linkage analysis for multiple pedigrees (Genehunter software, http://linkage.rockefeller.edu/soft/) were used to calculate multipoint lod scores and non-parametric linkage (NPL) scores, respectively. In sib-pair analysis, lod scores showed basically flat lines with several peaks of 0.25 on all chromosomes. In non-parametric linkage analysis for multiple pedigrees, NPL scores showed one peak as high as 1.34 on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 15, and 16, while 2 such peaks were found on chromosomes 3, 9, 11, 12, 18, and 20. Non-parametric linkage analysis for multiple pedigrees of 30 families with comitant strabismus suggested a number of chromosomal susceptibility loci. Our ongoing study involving a larger number of families will refine the accuracy of statistical analysis to pinpoint susceptibility loci for comitant strabismus.&#60;/P&#62;</p

    Clinical correlations of aggrecan in the resected medial rectus muscle of patients with intermittent exotropia.

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    The purpose of this study was to elucidate the role of extracellular matrix components such as aggrecan, fibronectin, and laminin in the extraocular muscle of patients with strabismus. Resected tissues of the medial rectus muscle of 47 patients with intermittent exotropia obtained during recession-resection surgery were frozen under liquid nitrogen and pulverized by a Freezer/Mill to solubilize the tissue for enzyme immunoassay. The total amounts of aggrecan, fibronectin, and laminin in the resected tissue were correlated with clinical data of patients such as age, exodeviation, and refractive error. The amount of aggrecan decreased significantly with the advance of age (P &#60; 0.0001, Spearman rank correlation test), while the amount of laminin or fibronectin had no correlation with age. Patients with basic type intermittent exotropia showed larger, although not significantly, amounts of aggrecan than those with convergence insufficiency type (P = 0.0538, Mann-Whitney U-test). The amount of aggrecan may be related to motor aspects of intermittent exotropia.</p

    Search for sub-eV scalar and pseudoscalar resonances via four-wave mixing with a laser collider

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    The quasi-parallel photon-photon scattering by combining two-color laser fields is an approach to produce resonant states of low-mass fields in laboratory. In this system resonances can be probed via the four-wave mixing process in the vacuum. A search for scalar and pseudoscalar fields was performed by combining 9.3 μ\muJ/0.9 ps Ti-Sapphire laser and 100 μ\muJ/9 ns Nd:YAG laser. No significant signal of four-wave mixing was observed. We provide the upper limits on the coupling-mass relation for scalar and pseudoscalar fields, respectively, at a 95\% confidence level in the mass region below 0.15~eV.Comment: Accepted by Prog. Theor. Exp. Phy

    The development of the adult intestinal stem cells: Insights from studies on thyroid hormone-dependent amphibian metamorphosis

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    Adult organ-specific stem cells are essential for organ homeostasis and repair in adult vertebrates. The intestine is one of the best-studied organs in this regard. The intestinal epithelium undergoes constant self-renewal throughout adult life across vertebrates through the proliferation and subsequent differentiation of the adult stem cells. This self-renewal system is established late during development, around birth, in mammals when endogenous thyroid hormone (T3) levels are high. Amphibian metamorphosis resembles mammalian postembryonic development around birth and is totally dependent upon the presence of high levels of T3. During this process, the tadpole intestine, predominantly a monolayer of larval epithelial cells, undergoes drastic transformation. The larval epithelial cells undergo apoptosis and concurrently, adult epithelial stem/progenitor cells develop de novo, rapidly proliferate, and then differentiate to establish a trough-crest axis of the epithelial fold, resembling the crypt-villus axis in the adult mammalian intestine. We and others have studied the T3-dependent remodeling of the intestine in Xenopus laevis. Here we will highlight some of the recent findings on the origin of the adult intestinal stem cells. We will discuss observations suggesting that liganded T3 receptor (TR) regulates cell autonomous formation of adult intestinal progenitor cells and that T3 action in the connective tissue is important for the establishment of the stem cell niche. We will further review evidence suggesting similar T3-dependent formation of adult intestinal stem cells in other vertebrates

    NIMA-related kinases 6, 4, and 5 interact with each other to regulate microtubule organization during epidermal cell expansion in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    NimA-related kinase 6 (NEK6) has been implicated in microtubule regulation to suppress the ectopic outgrowth of epidermal cells; however, its molecular functions remain to be elucidated. Here, we analyze the function of NEK6 and other members of the NEK family with regard to epidermal cell expansion and cortical microtubule organization. The functional NEK6-green fluorescent protein fusion localizes to cortical microtubules, predominantly in particles that exhibit dynamic movement along microtubules. The kinase-dead mutant of NEK6 (ibo1-1) exhibits a disturbance of the cortical microtubule array at the site of ectopic protrusions in epidermal cells. Pharmacological studies with microtubule inhibitors and quantitative analysis of microtubule dynamics indicate excessive stabilization of cortical microtubules in ibo1/nek6 mutants. In addition, NEK6 directly binds to microtubules in vitro and phosphorylates beta-tubulin. NEK6 interacts and co-localizes with NEK4 and NEK5 in a transient expression assay. The ibo1-3 mutation markedly reduces the interaction between NEK6 and NEK4 and increases the interaction between NEK6 and NEK5. NEK4 and NEK5 are required for the ibo1/nek6 ectopic outgrowth phenotype in epidermal cells. These results demonstrate that NEK6 homodimerizes and forms heterodimers with NEK4 and NEK5 to regulate cortical microtubule organization possibly through the phosphorylation of beta-tubulins

    Verification of Thermal Comfort of Combined Convection-Radiation Air Conditioning System using Building Structure

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    Combined Convection-Radiation Air Conditioning System using Building Structure combines the advantages of TABS and convection air conditioning. In ordinary TABS, pipes are buried in the frame, but here pipes are laid on the lower (ceiling) surface of the floor slab. Also, jets from a Convection-enhancing Spot fan are sprayed toward the ceiling surface, promoting convection on the frame surface. This airflow promotes timely heat dissipation stored in the frame, and a micro-airflow environment can be formed in the living area. This paper aimed to verify thermal comfort and proper operation. Subjects were given simulated work of low to high metabolic rate, and were asked to report the thermal sensation and comfort in a micro-airflow environment. It was confirmed that comfort could be maintained even at a temperature higher than the general air-conditioning temperature, and an appropriate operating method according to the metabolic rate was elucidated.publishedVersio

    Outcomes of binocular treatment using a Bangerter occlusion film and computer games in patients with intractable unilateral amblyopia

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     To report outcomes following binocular treatment using a Bangerter occlusion filter (BF) and computer games in patients with intractable amblyopia.METHODS: Eight patients (4 boys, mean ± SD age: 8.0 ± 0.8 years) with unilateral amblyopia that did not respond to conventional treatments were studied. They were instructed to play action games for one hour a day while wearing spectacles with an adequate level of BF in front of the non-amblyopic eye so that the visual input became the same between the two eyes. They continued this exercise for eight weeks, and we assessed their visual acuity and spatial sensitivity at baseline, and at 4- and 8-week visits. To confirm the maintenance of efficacy after the treatment, we assessed them again at a 12-week visit. RESULTS: The mean log MAR at distance improved from 0.32 to 0.24 at the 4-week visit (p < 0.05), and appeared to continue up to eight weeks, but returned to the baseline level at the 12-week visit (four weeks after terminating the treatment). There was no significant improvement in the mean log MAR at near. Contrast sensitivity significantly improved only at three cycles/ degree (p < 0.05), and this effect persisted until the 12-week visit. The distance log MAR at the 12-week visit had a significant correlation with the strength of suppression for the amblyopic eye at baseline (r = 0.71, p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Binocular treatment improved visual function only in terms of contrast sensitivity at low spatial frequency. Patients who have weak suppression may gain some benefit from this treatment

    Cytoplasmic MTOCs control spindle orientation for asymmetric cell division in plants

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    Proper orientation of the cell division axis is critical for asymmetric cell divisions that underpin cell differentiation. In animals, centrosomes are the dominant microtubule organizing centers (MTOC) and play a pivotal role in axis determination by orienting the mitotic spindle. In land plants that lack centrosomes, a critical role of a microtubular ring structure, the preprophase band (PPB), has been observed in this process; the PPB is required for orienting (before prophase) and guiding (in telophase) the mitotic apparatus. However, plants must possess additional mechanisms to control the division axis, as certain cell types or mutants do not form PPBs. Here, using live imaging of the gametophore of the moss Physcomitrella patens, we identified acentrosomal MTOCs, which we termed "gametosomes," appearing de novo and transiently in the prophase cytoplasm independent of PPB formation. We show that gametosomes are dispensable for spindle formation but required for metaphase spindle orientation. In some cells, gametosomes appeared reminiscent of the bipolar MT "polar cap" structure that forms transiently around the prophase nucleus in angiosperms. Specific disruption of the polar caps in tobacco cells misoriented the metaphase spindles and frequently altered the final division plane, indicating that they are functionally analogous to the gametosomes. These results suggest a broad use of transient MTOC structures as the spindle orientation machinery in plants, compensating for the evolutionary loss of centrosomes, to secure the initial orientation of the spindle in a spatial window that allows subsequent fine-tuning of the division plane axis by the guidance machinery