107 research outputs found

    Coherent monochromatic phonons in highly purified semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    We have used a femtosecond pump-probe impulsive Raman technique to explore the polarization dependence of coherent optical phonons in highly purified and aligned semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). Coherent phonon spectra for the radial breathing modes (RBMs) exhibit a different monochromatic frequency between the film and solution samples, indicating the presence of differing exciton excitation processes. By varying the polarization of the incident pump beam on the aligned SWCNT film, we found that the anisotropy of the coherent RBM excitation depends on the laser wavelength, which we consider to be associated with the resonant and off-resonant behavior of RBM excitation

    Suppression of single-wall carbon nanotube redox reaction by adsorbed proteins

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    Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are widely used in biological applications. In biological systems, proteins readily adsorb to SWCNTs. However, little is known about the effects of proteins on the physicochemical properties of SWCNTs, such as their redox reaction. In this study, we measured the absorption and Raman spectra of SWCNTs dispersed in the presence of proteins such as bovine serum albumin to observe the redox reaction of the protein-adsorbed SWCNTs. The adsorbed proteins suppressed the redox reaction by forming thick and dense layers around the SWCNTs. Our findings are useful for understanding the behaviors of SWCNTs in biological systems

    Vibrational energy transfer from photoexcited carbon nanotubes to proteins observed by coherent phonon spectroscopy

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    Vibrational energy transfer from photoexcited single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) to coupled proteins is a key to engineering thermally induced biological reactions, for example, in photothermal therapy. Here, we explored vibrational energy transfer from photoexcited SWCNTs to different adsorbed biological materials by means of a femtosecond pump–probe technique. We show that the vibrational relaxation time of the radial breathing modes in SWCNTs depends significantly on the structure of the coupled materials, that is, proteins or biopolymers, indicating that the vibrational energy transfer is governed by overlapping of the phonon densities of states of the SWCNTs and coupled materials


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    This study was conducted to evalute mutagenesis in gynomonoecious spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) plants for inducing low oxalate variants.Gamma-ray and ion beams of 220 MeV12C5+ and 50MeV 4He2+ ware used as mutagen in seed irradiation. Optimum dosages for irradiation were determined to be about 100Gy, 15-20Gy and 150-200Gy in gamma-ray, 12C5+ and 4He2+, respectively. In M2 generation, there was one line segregating albino seedlings, one line segregating xantha seedlings and two lines segregating dioesious spinach. To save on labor and time for analysis, selection of low oxalate variants in M2generation was conducted by a two-step selebtion which consisted of the first snalysis of bulked leaves from 2 plants as one specimen followed by the second analysis of selected individual plants. In the first analysis of 813 specimens, we selected 13 specimens as low and 9 specimens as high in oxalate content. In the second analysus, there was consistency in the distribution of low and high oxalate content corresponding to the first screening, indicating that selebtion of low oxalate variants could be achived by this two-step selebtion with half the labor and time for analysis as compares to non-bulked method. There were no clear differences in distribution of oxalate content between M3progenies of plants selected as low or high oxalate content, suggesting that the low oxalate content in plants isolated in M2generation was not of a genetic origin. From these results, it seems to be necessary to explore a variant with obvious deviation from the bontinuous variation of oxalate content in the M 2 generation.本実験では,ホウレンソウ雌性間性株における突然変異誘発ならびに低シュウ酸個体の選抜を試みた.種子照射の変異原としては,γ線と220MeV 12

    Terahertz wireless communication at 560-GHz band using Kerr micro-resonator soliton comb

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    Terahertz (THz) waves have attracted attention as carrier waves for next-generation wireless communications (6G). Electronic THz emitters are widely used in current mobile communications; however, they may face technical limitations in 6G with upper-frequency limits. We demonstrate wireless communication in a 560-GHz band by using a photonic THz emitter based on photomixing of a 560-GHz-spacing soliton microcomb in a uni-travelling carrier photodiode together with a THz receiver of Schottky barrier diode. The on-off keying data transfer with 2-Gbit/s achieves a Q-factor of 3.4, thus, satisfying the limit of forward error correction.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figur

    Terahertz wireless communication in a 560-GHz band using a Kerr micro-resonator soliton comb

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    Terahertz (THz) waves have attracted attention as carrier waves for next-generation wireless communications (6 G). Electronic THz emitters are widely used in current mobile communications; however, they may face technical limitations in 6 G with upper-frequency limits. We demonstrate wireless communication in a 560-GHz band by using a photonic THz emitter based on photomixing of a 560-GHz-spacing soliton microcomb in a uni-travelling carrier photodiode together with a THz receiver of Schottky barrier diode. The on-off keying data transfer with 2-Gbit/s achieves a Q-factor of 3.4, thus, satisfying the limit of forward error correction