5 research outputs found

    Anaerobic Digestion of Macroalga Gracilaria SP. in Batch System to Produce Bio-methane

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    This study aimed to determine the potential of bio-methane produced by Gracilaria sp. in a batch system. The experiment was conducted in batch system and it was initiated by acclimatization process (12 days) and ended methane production process (30 days). The results showed that biochemical properties of Gracilaria sp. are carbohydrate 65.46 Β± 0.58%, lignin 13.20 Β± 2.23%, TOC (Total Organic Carbon) 33.39 Β± 0.23%, Nitrogen 1.12 Β± 0.01%, and C/N ratio 29.82. Acclimatization proceeded successfully and it was indicated by 62.7 L biogas of 4.025 L of substrate Gracilaria sp. produced within a pH range of 6.2 - 7.1. The batch method of anaerobic biodegradation showed that 4 kg of Gracilaria sp. can produced 131.1 L of biogas containing methane and 46.7 L or 11.6 L CH4 /kg

    Proses Sterilisasi Sari Buah Terong Ungu (Solanum Melongena) Dengan Sistem Ozonisasi

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    One effort in the preservation of food is processed through a sterilization process using ozonization system with ozone molecule (0). The purpose of this study is to review the process of sterilization of juice eggplant (Solanum melongena) using ozonation systems with a concentration of 0.6 ppm ozone. In this study, eggplant juice made in 6 ratio of water: sugar(1:10%, 1:15%, 1:20%, 2:10%, 2:15%, 2:20%) and sterilize with 0.6 ppm ozone The ozonation time studiedfor (0. 6ppm) 0 min, 2 min, 4 minutes, 6 minutes, 8 min and long storage 0 days, 2 days, 4 days, 6 day. Test parameters obtained included the juice organoleptic test (preference level) and test of vitamin C. The results showed that ozonation can be used as a process of sterilization of juice eggplant, ozonation time with optimal and durable power offruit quality is 4minutes with long storage for 2 days. Response panelists on organoleptic test as a whole eggplant juice between 2.8 (preferred), and 3.13 (preferred). Levels of vitam in C, protein, carbohydrate and total microbial best eggplant juice are 1.35 mg1100mL, 1.1%, 3.43 mg1100mL, 8.36x1 rI cfulmL, respectively

    Produksi Biogas Dari Campuran Kotoran Sapi Dengan Rumput Gajah (Pennisetum Purpureum)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produksi biogas dari campuran rumput gajah dan kotoran sapi. Rumput gajah (25 kg), diperoleh dari petani di Gedong Tataan (Pesawaran) dan berumur 2 bulan saat dipotong, dicacah dengan panjang maksimum 5 cm. Kotoran sapi segar (25 kg) diambil dari Laboratorium di Jurusan Peternakan, Universitas Lampung diencerkan dengan air pada tiga level, yaitu 50 β„“ (P1), 75 β„“ (P2), dan 100 β„“ (P3). Rumput gajah dicampur dengan kotoran sapi dan diaduk rata. Campuran dimasukkan ke dalam digester batch dari drum plastik dengan volume 220 liter. Untuk kontrol hanya digunakan 25 kg kotoran sapi yang diencerkan dengan 25 l air. Semua perlakukan dilakukan dengan dua ulangan. Parameter yang diamati pada penelitian ini meliputi temperatur harian, pH awal dan akhir substrat, kandungan TS dan VS, volume biogas, produktivitas biogas dan komposisi biogas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nilai pH awal semua perlakuan berada pada kisaran normal yaitu 7,73, 8,08, 8,00, 7,20 berturut-turut untuk P1, P2, P3 dan kontrol; sedangkan pH akhir berturut-turut adalah 4,50, 4,62, 6,82, 7,30. Suhu harian rata-rata hampir sama untuk semua perlakuan yaitu 33,15 oC, 29,60 oC, 31,17 oC, dan 30,23 oC. Total dari produksi biogas adalah 439,42 l, 353,02 l, 524.32 l dan 519,27 l berturut-turut untuk P1, P2, P3, dan kontrol dengan produktivitas biogas secara berurutan adalah 42.20 β„“/kgTS, 33.91 β„“/kgTS, 50.38 β„“/kgTS, 72.42 β„“/kgTS dan produktivitas metana 6,85β„“/kgVS, 13,38β„“/kgVS, 69,62β„“/kgVS dan 102,86β„“/kgVS.Kata kunci : Biogas, kotoran sapi, rumput gajah, batch, produktivita

    Developing a Family-Size Biogas-Fueled Electricity Generating System

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a family-size biogas-fueled electricity generating system consisting of anaerobic digester, bio-filter scrubber, and power generating engine. Biogas was produced from a pilot scale wet anaerobic digester (5-m3 capacity). The biogas was filtered using bio-scrubber column filled with locally made compost to reduce hydrogen sulfide (H2S) content. Biogas composition was analysed using a gas chromatograph and its H2S level was measured using a H2S detector. A 750-W four stroke power generating engine was used with 100% biogas. Biogas consumed by the generator engine was measured at different load from 100 to 700 W (13.3 to 93.3% of the rated power). Three replications for each load experiment were taken. Results showed that the total biogas yield was 1.91 m3/day with methane content of 56.48% by volume. Bio-filter successfully reduced H2S content in the biogas by 98% (from 400 ppm to 9 ppm). Generator engine showed good performance during the test with average biogas consumption of 415.3 L/h. Specific biogas consumption decreased from 5.05 L/Wh to 1.15 L/Wh at loads of 100 W to 700 W, respectively. Thermal efficiency increased with loads from 6.4% at 100 W to 28.1 at 700 W. The highest thermal efficiency of 30% was achieved at a load of 600 W (80% of the rated power) with specific biogas consumption of 1.07 L/Wh.Article History: Received Janury 16th 2017; Received in revised form 2nd June 2017; Accepted 18th June 2017; Available onlineHow to Cite This Article: Haryanto, A., Marotin, F., Triyono, S., Hasanudin, U. (2017), Developing A Family-Size Biogas-Fueled Electricity Generating System. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 6(2), 111-118.https://doi.org/10.14710/ijred.6.2.111-11