239 research outputs found

    The Influence of Good Corporate Governance, and Quality of Audit Against the Integrity of the Financial Statements

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    This study aimed to analyze the influence of corporate governance and quality audits that could affect the integrity of the financial statements on companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The integrity of the financial statements is defined as the extent to which the financial statements show a true and honest information. Factors corporate governance and quality audit analyzed its impact on the integrity of the financial statements include the audit committees, independent directors, board size, institutional ownership , managerial ownership and the quality of KAP. This research was conducted with quantitative methods on the financial statements of manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2010-2013. The total sample is 24 companies determined through purposive sampling method. Results showed that not all consistent with the hypothesis and significant effect. However, audit committees, independent directors, board size, and quality of KAP shown to have a significant influence on increasing the integrity of the financial statements

    Politik dan Perdagangan Kolonial Belanda di Pontianak

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    Pontianak mendapat perhatian kolonial Belanda setelah Inggris melakukan perdagangan di Kalimantan Barat. Persaingan dagang antara Belanda dan Inggris membawa pengaruh bagi perdagangan di Pontianak. Kemajuan perdagangan menarik perhatian kolonial Belanda untuk menguasai Pontianak. Kolonial Belanda membatasi kekuasaan Sultan Pontianak melalui perjanjian-perjanjian membawa dampak sosial, politik, ekonomi, dan budaya. Eksploitasi kolonial Belanda melahirkan Perubahan-Perubahan baru dalam hubungan kekuasaan kongsi-kongsi Cina dan monopoli perdagangan di Pontianak. Kolonial Belanda semakin mempertegas kekuasaannya di Pontianak setelah Inggris mengesahkan James Brooke sebagai wakil pemerintahannya di Kalimantan Utara. Terdapat interelasi yang dinamis antara Perubahan struktur politik dan ekonomi terhadap Perubahan sosial masyarakat di Pontianak. Hubungan komunikasi melalui jaringan perdagangan antarpulau telah mendorong para pedagang sebagai komunitas baru membentuk dan mendirikan perkampungan suku bangsa di Pontianak. Hubungan yang dinamis antara Pontianak dengan daerah-daerah di Kalimantan Barat terutama Sambas, Mempawah, Landak, Sanggau, Sintang, Matan, dan Sukadana telah membawa kemajuan politik dan ekonomi Pontianak sebagai pusat perdagangan dan pemerintahan Residen Kalimantan Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah yaitu studi pustaka dengan mengumpulkan data-data sejarah, dengan menguraikan suatu peristiwa ke dalam bagian-bagiannya dalam rangka memahami kebijakan politik dan perdagangan kolonial Belanda di Pontianak

    Mikroflora pada Tempoyak

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    Tempoyak adalah makanan khas Bengkulu, yang dibuat dari fermentasi spontan daging buah durian (Durio zibet- hinus) oleh mikroorganisme liar. Tempoyak juga bisa dijumpai di berbagai daerah Indonesia di sepanjang pulau Sumatera dengan nama yang berbeda, bahkan sampai ke Malaysia. Istilah tempoyak berasal dari terminolgi Melayu yang artinya adalah durian fermentasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi mikroorganisme yang terdapat pada tempoyak. Data dari penelitian ini adalah data primer dari analisa laboratorium. Sampel tempoyak diambil dari pasar-pasar tradisional yang ada di Bengkulu. Sampel diambil selama satu bulan dengan kisaran waktu satu kali sem- inggu. Mikroorganisme diisolasi dari sampel, dibedakan atas bakteri, khamir dan jamur. Mikroorganisme dimurnikan dan diidentifikasi. Ada empat species bakteri asam laktat pada tempoyak yaitu Pediococcus acidilactici, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus curvatus dan Leuconostoc mesentroides. Ada dua species bakteri, terdapat pada tempoyak yang tidak tergolong kedalam bakteri asam laktat, yaitu Staphylococcus saprophyticus dan Micrococcus varians. Ada satu species dari khamir yang teridentifikasi yaitu Kluyveromyces marxianus. Jamur yang teridentifikasi adalah Rhizo- pus oryzae, Monilia sitophila, Mucor roxii, Aspergillus repens dan Penicillium sp. Diantara spesies-spesies tersebut tiga spesies mampu memproduksi asam laktat yaitu Rhizopus oryzae, Monilia sitophila, dan Mucor roxii. Sedangkan A. ripens dan Penicillium sp. tidak memproduksi asam laktat. Dua spesies ini tergolong species yang tidak menguntung- kan dalam proses fermentasi tempoyak

    Analisis Komparatif Abnormal Return Saham JII Dan Non JII Sebelum Dan Sesudah Libur Idul Fitri (Periode 2009-2013)

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    The purpose of this research is to examine differences between abnormal returnsbefore and after Idul Fitri holidays on Jakarta Islamic Index stock (JII) compared with shares isnot including the Jakarta Islamic Index stock (Non JII). This research is event study withcomparative analysis between abnormal return Jakarta Islamic Index stocks (JII) and that is notincluded in the Jakarta Islamic Index stocks (Non JII). The time of research is about five daysbefore Idul Fitri holidays and five days after the Idul Fitri holidays with period five years from2009 until 2013. The result of this research is the abnormal returns after Idul Fitri holidays ishigher than before the Idul Fitri holidays, both for JII stock and non JII . However, abnormalreturns JII stock and non JII is not difference with significant

    Aplikasi Beberapa Dosis Herbisida Campuran Atrazina dan Mesotriona pada Tanaman Jagung: I. Karakteristik Gulma

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    . Herbicide effectivity for weed control depends on herbicide dosages. This research conducted to find dosage for weed control on corn. Mixture herbicide of atrazine and mesotrione dosages were: 0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.50; 2.0 and 2.50 L formulation ha-1. Completely Randomized Design was used. Variables were: weed control percentage, weed population, weed species, dry weight of sedges, dry weight of grasses, and dry weight of broad leaves. The result showed were herbicide dosages of 0.5 L formulation ha-1could increasing weed control percentages, decreasing of weed population, weed species, dry weight of sedges, dry weight of grasses, and dry weight of broad leaves

    Pemerintah dan Masyarakat ( Kebijakan Label pada Barang di Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2011-2013)

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    Labeling policies on these items interesting to study because of widespread circulation of goods which are not labeled in accordance with the provisions established in order to safeguard the rights - the rights of consumers of action - fraudulent acts committed by manufacturers and traders who are not in accordance with the provisions.This study used a qualitative method and conducted in the city of Pekanbaru. This study uses informants as sources of information objects that aims to achieve mastery in getting information. Data used in this study are primary data and secondary data obtained through direct observation and interviews with informants. Analysis of the data in a descriptive study conducted by describing the data in a systematic and objective so as to produce factual information, current, and accurate.Based on the results of this research is policy implementation labeling obligations is considered quite able to solve the problems that have been experienced by consumers as users of the goods that have been produced by the manufacturer. It can be seen from the purpose of this policy made. Department of Industry and Trade as actors implementing and controlling labeling policy periodically monitoring and sustainable in terms of overseeing the goods are already in the market, but have not been able to decide this matter, which had found in the field. This is because the Department of Industry and Trade as the local government which is an extension of the central government was not able to do much because the highest authority in the tackle and make decisions in a policy on this issue is at the Ministry of Industry and Trade.Keyword: Policy, Label, Pekanbaru

    Kebijakan Pemerintah Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi dalam Pengendalian Kerusakan Lingkungan Hidup Akibat Pertambangan Emas tanpa Izin (Peti) Tahun 2013-2015

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    Unauthorized Gold Mining (PETI) activities that occur in Kuantan Singingi is still ongoing and need special handling from government. PETI control policy has taken by Kuantan Singingi District\u27s government through a Regent Decree No. 13 of 2013 About Formation of a Team of Integrated Control of Unauthorized Gold Mining (PETI) as a rescue of environmental damage efforts and social and economic life of society repair in the future.This research was conducted at the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Environment Agency Kuantan Singingi District. This research method was qualitative research. Data collection techniques used were documentation, interviews and observation. While the data analysis performed descriptively. This study examines the implementation of PETI\u27s control policies and the effectiveness of environmental damage control policies implementation damage caused by PETI well as the factors that influence Kuantan Singingi District\u27s Government policy implementation in the control of environmental damage due to PETI.The study results showed that the control of environmental damage due to PETI policies implementation in Kuantan Singingi year 2013-2015 not implemented effectively and well, proven by today still ongoing PETI activities that cause a lot of environmental damage without decisive action from the government due to various constraints and inadequate supporting factors in the field

    Kebijakan Pemerintah Kota Dumai dalam Pengendalian Pencemaran Lingkungan di Kawasan Pelabuhan Indonesia I Cabang Dumai Tahun 2013 (Studi pada Kantor Lingkungan Hidup Kota Dumai)

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    Industrial growth give the positive impact for example in the form of states stockexchange increase, transfer the technology and labour absorbtion. But that way, besides givingimpact which are positive in the reality growth of industrial sector also give the negative impact,so that development which is with vision of environment failed to come into. So needing of theenvironmental control of contamination pursuant number 32 Year 2009 about protection andenvironment management. Area of Port of Indonesia I Branch the Dumai not only just factorystanding, but still a lot of resident settlement which live in about factory, they can easily incuredimpact from industrial activity like as smoke, waste, and other environmental damage which canharm the resident. One of them which is often happened by event of falled Crude Palm Oil(CPO) in sea Dumai by repeatedly, meaning Standard of Operational and Procedure (SOP)industrial CPO to applying of standard of transportation CPO ill defined port.This research in Office of Environment of Town Dumai and in Area of Port of Indonesia IBranch the Dumai. As for theory used by concerning Public Policy. this Research Method isresearch qualitative, while technique of data collecting is documentation and interview. Whiledata analysis descriptively. This research study the effort of execution of Local Government ofTown Dumai in environmental control of contamination in area of Pelindo I Branch the Dumaiand factors influencing environmental control of contamination execution in area of Pelindo IBranch Dumai. Environmental control of contamination in area of Pelindo I Branch the Dumaiis socialization, observation and publisher. Although have been various action, but there be stillinterpose to all industrial perpetrator the environmental contamination in area of Pelindo IBranch Dumai.Key Word: Policy, Local Government, Environmental Control Of Contamination, Area OfPort Of Indonesia I Branch Dumai
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