56 research outputs found

    Redistribusi Tanah Terlantar Di Propinsi Riau

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    Negara memberikan hak atastanah kepada orang atau badanhukum selalu diiringi kewajibankewajibanyang ditetapkan dalamUUPA. Oleh karena itu PemegangHak atas tanah dilarangmenelantarkan tanah yang beradadalam penguasaannya, dan UUPAtelah mengatur akibat hukumterhadap tindakan tersebut.Berdasarkan hasil penelitianProses dalam penertiban tanahterlantar di Propinsi Riau mengacupada Peraturan Kepala BPN RINomor 4 Tahun 2010, dalampraktiknya meliputi: Inventarisasitanah yang terindikasi terlantar,Identifikasi dan penelitianterhadap tanah terindikasiterlantar, Sidang Panitia C,Pemberian peringatan terhadappemegang hak, Penetapanterhadap Tanah Terlantar , 2.Berdasarkan data dari Kantor BPNRI Wilayah Propinsi Riau, ada 54lokasi tanah yang terindikasiterlantar, yang tersebar di 11kab/kota di Propinsi Riau dan baruada 1 lokasi yang terdapat di kotaPekanbaru. Dan baru ada 1 (satu)lokasi yang ditetapkan sebagaitanah terlantar yaitu PT.Alfa Glory,yang terletak di KabupatenKuantan Singingi., 3.Pendayagunaan terhadap tanahterlantar di Propinsi Riaudiarahkan kepada 3 jenispenggunaan yaitu: Reforma Agraria, Program Strategis danTanah Cadangan Negara.Pendayagunan tanah terlantarterlantar dikota Pekanbaru belumdapat dilaksanakan denganoptimal karena tanah negara bekastanah terlantar sulit untukdieksekusi. Hal ini karenasebagian besar tanah tersebuttersebut merupakan tanah konflikyang saat ini di duduki olehmasyarakat.Kata Kunci : Penertiban, Tanah terlantar, Redistribus

    Perbandingan Penerbitan Obligasi pada Pasar Modal Konvensional dengan Obligasi Syariah (Sukuk) pada Pasar Modal Syariah di Indonesia

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    Needs funds in the company in considerable amounts and require a long time to restore it, the company can make the issuance of bonds which are long-term debt securities issued by companies that offer both conventional capital markets with the aim sharia in order to be purchased by investors who memilii excess funds meant for investment. Implementation of conventional bonds an Islamic bonds have in common. There are differences between conventional bonds and Islamic bonds contained in the sources of law, publishing mechanisms and processes issuers of debt payments to investors, where conventional bonds basic of on positive law and implement the system of interest, while the Islamic bond basic to fatwa.The purpose of this paper is: first, the comparison of bond issue on the capital markets conventional and Islamic bonds in the Islamic capital market and secondly, the protection of the rights of investors investing through bonds conventional and Islamic bonds.This type of research can be classified dallam kind of normative juridical research, because this research is to do with the data written to examine the literature data plus supplementary data from, primary data, secondary data and tertiary data collection techniques in this study witht hemethod literature.The results of the study there are three main issues that can be inferred. First, a comparison bond issuance in the conventional capital market with Islamic bonds in the Islamic capital market. Second, the protection of investors investing through conventional bonds and Islamic bonds. Third, the lack of certainty source of law in issuing securities in the Islamic capital market

    Tanggung Jawab Ganti Rugi Atas Pemutusan Kontrak Kerja Sepihak terhadap Pekerja oleh Pt.sucofindo Episi Kota Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan

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    Article 62 of the Employment Act has stated that, If one of the parties terminate the employment relationship prematurely ended or before the work packages of certain specified in the agreement is completed or terminates the employment relationship not because the worker died, and not because the end of the employment agreement, is obliged to pay wages workers until the expiry time for a period of employment agreement.The reality on the PT. Sucofindo Episi had terminate employment before the contract expires and the company does not want to pay in full the remainder of the contract is still there, as a result of workers suffered a loss in addition to not work anymore, workers\u27 rights have not been fully met

    Pelaksanaan Izin Poligami Di Pengadilan Agama Dumai Studi Kasus Perkara Nomor 001/Pdt.G/2013/PA.Dum

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    Marriage in Indonesia adheres to the principle of monogamy. Where a husband has only one wife as well as a wife just had a husband. Polygamy is one of the problems in the marriage of the most widely discussed and controversial. Polygamy should be done but must be in accordance with applicable law that is in accordance with Article 4 of the Marriage Act. In fact there are those who apply to the Court Religion is not in accordance with the applicable legislation.The formulation of the problem is taken, first, whether the reasons for the submission of permit polygamy in the Religious Dumai? Secondly, How consideration judge in case the decision No. 001 / Pdt.G / 2013 / PA.Dum? This study uses empirical juridical approach, data collection by using descriptive analysis, both primer and secondary, cases collected through observation, interviews and studies legal documents, while the technique of data analysis done qualitatively.In Article 4 paragraph (2) of the Law of Marriage reasons that can be submitted to the Islamic Court is not able to perform the duties of a wife as a wife; wife got a disability or illness can not be cured; A wife can not give birth to offspring. In the implementation of the Religious Court case dumai role in decision No. 001 / Pdt.G / 2013 / PA.Dum not in accordance with the applicable provisions where the rationale used was the candidate's second wife was pregnant first. The judge in consideration of using the principle of contra legem ie the authority of judges to deviate the written provisions that already exist. Based on the description above, the reasons for which the applicant submitted to the Religious Court that candidate two pregnant first wife, second wife of the candidate tumor disease, the wife (respondent) can not give offspring. Basic consideration of the judge in the decision No. 001 / Pdt.G / 2013 / PA.Dum not in accordance with the legislation in force

    Kedudukan Anak Akibat Pembatalan Perkawinan Ditinjau dari Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan

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    The phenomenon of marriages cancellation often happenned in Indonesian society today. When a marriage does not fulfill the terms marriage, then the marriage can be canceled. With the result of the marriages cancellation its means consider the marriage was breaking up and never happened. As a result, there are some aggrieved party as a child. Law No. 1 Year 1974 About Marriage and Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975 does not regulate in detail the position of the child if both parents marriage was canceled. While between children and parents have strong legal relationship, including in terms of inheritance and guardianship. In Article 42 of Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning marriages mentioned that the legitimate child is the child who born in or out of marriage as valid, while valid marriage is a marriage that qualifies validity of marriage
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