3,196 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness Material Based Stories in Improving Students Reading Comprehension

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    This research was intended to explain the students reading comprehension through material based stories at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Maiwa Kabupaten Enrekang in the 2017/2018 academic year. This research used a quasi-experimental method class. It had conducted into two groups namely the experimental group and control group. The Sample in this research were 44 students. The researcher took real data from class to know the students reading comprehension. The instrument of this research was pre-test-posttest with multiple choice, T/F and read test. From these findings, there was a significant effect on the students reading comprehension through material based stories. The data was analyzed by using a t-test and the result showed that the t-test value 4.629 was higher than the t-table value 2.021. It meant that there was a significant difference between students’ reading achievement before and after the treatment through the stories. It concluded that material based stories can be used in improving the reading comprehension of the students

    Pengembangan Kompetensi Mahasiswa Melalui Efektivitas Program Magang Kependidikan

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    Aspek terpenting dalam program magang adalah menyiapkan lulusan calon pendidik yang profesional diperlukan pentahapan sejak dari kemampuannya mengenali, mengamati sekolah sampai dengan dapat berdiri mengajar di kelas sebagai sosok yang dinanti dan dirindu oleh peserta didiknya dibutuhkan proses panjang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana program magang dapat menguatkan kompetensi calon guru yang terdiri dari 1) Kompetensi Paedagogik, 2) Kompetensi Profesional, 3) Kompetensi Sosial, dan 4) Kompetensi Kepribadian. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Peningkatan kompetensi mahasiswa melalui program magang meliputi aspek: kompentesi pedagogik, kompentensi profesional, kompetensi sosial, dan kompetensi kepribadian sosial telah mencapai standar profesi dan dijadikan sebagai tauladan bagi calon guru. Mahasiswa magang 2 sudah memiliki konsep dalam menyusun Rencana Proses Pembelajaran (RPP), yang terdiri dari pengetahuan membuat perencanaan pengajaran, pelaksanaan pengajaran, sampai pada evaluasi pengajaran, dan bahkan sarana dan prasarana, serta administrasi kesiswaan. Mahasiswa juga memperoleh kompetensi kepribadian dalam wujud softskill meliputi: keterampilan berkomunikasi, keterampilan beradaptasi dalam pekerjaan, keterampilan mengelola kerja tim, keterampilan bersosialisasi, serta ketelitian dalam bekerja. kompetensi tersebut dapat terinternalisasi di dalam diri mahasiswa sebagai insan akademik dengan ditopang beberapa matakuliah penunjang

    Challenges for students in translating sentences among Indonesian-English and Its Solutions

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    In eastern Indonesia, students face various difficulties in learning English. Especially English translation skills are their weak point. It is important to think about how our students' problems in using English have a certain foundation. This article investigates the problems of Indonesian English learners by analyzing some of the mistakes in their English-Indonesian translations in four aspects. This paper also offers some solutions to the problem. This study follows a descriptive and analytical method. This research was applied to students at the Faculty of Education, Muhammadiyah University of Enrekang, third year students. The student subjects consisted of 23 students studying English at the English Language Education Study Program at Muhammadiyah Enrekang University. The findings of this study emphasize that Indonesian students, especially eastern Indonesia, face problems in translation. Analysis of translation errors from the semantic category is more dominant on errors involving inappropriate word choices and the use of prepositions. In the syntactic errors’ category, the dominant error is the use of tenses. Whereas in pragmatic errors, the errors that often appear are excessive literal translations or ambiguous translations and also missing words or meanings or omission words. Students have insufficient background knowledge about how to translate English into Indonesian or vice versa. Based on these findings, the researcher recommends that translation should be considered when it is taught. Students should be given many topics to translate during their academic year and lecturers should use motivating methods to improve students' skills in translation


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          Gula merah merupakan produk olahan nira kelapa/aren yang dilakukan oleh pengrajin gula merah. Gula merah semakin diminati karena berbagai kelebihan yang dimilikinya. Namun dalam proses pengolahanya ada peluang ditambahkan bahan-bahan lain yang berlebihan atau membahayakan kesehatan demi keuntungan sepihak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui mutu dan keamanan gula merah yang beredar di pasar .Lokasi sampling gula merah ditentukan mengacu pada ISO 8243-1991 yaitu 10 pasar dari 13 pasar yang dipilih secara purposive sampling.Setiap pasar diambil sampel sebanyak akar N (N = jumlah pedagang gula merah di pasar terkait) dan masing-masing titik sampling diambil sampel gula merah sebanyak 0,5 kg. Sampel gula merah kemudian dianalisis mutu (kadar abu dan padatan tidak larut) serta analisis boraks secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa mutu gula merah di pasar dilihat dari kadar abu dan padatan tidak larut masih belum baik. Sebanyak 63% sampel yang dianalisis belum memenuhi persyaratan mutu gula merah (SNI 01-3743-1995) yaitu kadar abu maksimal 2% dan hanya 5% sampel yang memenuhi persyaratan padatan tidak larut maksimal 1%. Hasil analisis boraks secara kualitatif menunjukkan seluruh sampel gula merah tidak mengandung boraks atau gula merah yang beredar di pasar aman dari boraks. &nbsp

    Improving Students’ Speaking Ability by Using Describing Pictures at the First Year of SMK Negeri 3 Enrekang

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    This research studies about improving students’ speaking ability by using describing pictures at the first year of SMK Negeri 3 Enrekang. The problem statement of this research was “does the use of describing pictures improve the students speaking ability at the first year of SMK Negeri 3 Enrekang. The objective of this research was intended to know whether or not using describing pictures can improve the students’ speaking ability at the first year of SMK Negeri 3 Enrekang. This research applied quasi experimental method with one class of experimental group and one class in control group. The researcher used pre-test and post-test in collecting data. The research sample was the students of the first year they were Administrasi Perkantoran 1 and administrasi perkantoran 2. Class consists of 20 students, so the researcher took probability sample that was cluster sampling technique. The data analyzed by finding the mean score. For collecting data, the researcher used instrument namely oral test to measure the students’ speaking ability. The result of this research showed that the student’ speaking ability was low classification in pre-test with the mean score 56.34 for experimental class and the mean score of control class was 52.74 and it was poor categorized. However after doing the treatment by using describing pictures they got good classification for experimental group (73.28) and still poor for control group (55.78) in post-test.  The data was analyzed by using T-test and the result showed that the T-test value (7.023) was higher than T-table (2.042). It means that there was a significance different of students’ speaking ability before and after the treatment through the application of describing pictures. It concluded that describing pictures can be used in improving speaking ability of the students

    Revolutionizing English Vocabulary Learning: Harnessing the Power of TikTok Videos

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    The study on Revolutionizing English Vocabulary Learning: Harnessing the Power of TikTok Videos aims to determine whether the TikTok app can help seventh grade students at SMPN 4 Enrekang enhance their English vocabulary. The research methodology employed is experimental research, with the design being a quasi-experimental design, specifically the Pretest-Posttest Control Group design. It involves two variables: the independent variable (vocabulary) and the dependent variable (TikTok). Based on the average scores, the pretest results for the control class were 21.33, and for the experimental class, 21.86. The posttest scores showed an increase, with the control class averaging 53.87 and the experimental class 61.87. From these results, it is evident that there is a difference in the average learning outcomes between the control and experimental classes of 8.00, indicating that learning outcomes through the use of TikTok videos are higher than those achieved using the lecture method. The results of the study, conducted with seventh grade students at SMP Negeri 4 Enrekang, conclude that TikTok videos are effective in increasing students' English vocabulary. This conclusion is based on the results of the independent sample t-test calculation, where the calculated t-value is greater than the t-table value (2.362 > 2.010) and the significance value is less than 0.05 (p = 0.022 < 0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that there are significant differences in the English vocabulary acquisition outcomes between students in the experimental and control classes of the seventh grade
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