11 research outputs found

    Optimally Rating of Biogas, Compost, Vermicompost Facilities to be Installed in Yozgat Province with ARAS and COPRAS Methods

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    In this study, biogas, compost and vermicompost plant location selection problem, and the optimal order of the facilities planned to be established are considered as a multi-criteria decision making problem. This study was carried out in order to determine the optimal suitability of biogas, compost and vermicompost (worm manure) production facilities obtained from pre-feasibility study in order to determine and evaluate the animal and slaughterhouse wastes that were exposed in Yozgat region. The facilities included in the ranking were determined within the scope of the in Pre-Feasibility and Investment Conformity Study Project for Recycling of Animal Wastes in the TR72 Region Sır. The total investment amount to be established in Yozgat province is 249.9millionand15biogaswhichcangenerate69MW/hourofelectricitywithanincomeof149milliondollars/year.11compostproductioncentreswithatotalinvestmentvalueof249.9 million and 15 biogas which can generate 69 MW / hour of electricity with an income of 149 million dollars / year. 11 compost production centres with a total investment value of 7 million and revenue of $4.4 million / year; Optimum ordering of 3 production centre facilities with a total investment value of 1.7 million dollars and a revenue of 1.9 million dollars / year and a total of 2.746 tons / year vermicompost was made. Ordering was performed using ARAS and COPRAS methods. The first three sequences proposed in the ranking of clusters of facilities that can be established are as follows; biogas clusters 8, 11 and 15; compost clusters 5, 9, 3; vermicompost sets 2, 1 and 3

    Effects of Egg Shell Temperature and Incubator Ventilation Programme on Incubation Results of Broiler Breeders

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    The impacts of egg weight (EW), egg shell temperature (EST), egg position in the incubator (EP) and incubator ventilation program (IVP) on embryonic mortality (EM) and hatchability of fertile eggs (HFE) of broiler breeders were investigated in this study. EW was determined total 1920 hatching eggs which were obtained from middle aged (31 weeks) Ross 308 broiler breeders. These eggs were classified according to weight as heavy (65.52±0.08g), medium (61.47±0.04g) and light (57.56±0.08g) then were randomly set in trolleys of four identical incubators sorted as near the heather side – door side, humidifier side – opposite side and top – middle – bottom. In two incubators 37.78°C (100.0°F) EST and 38.06°C (100.5°F) EST were provided in the other two. Similarly, two machines were operated on classic IVP system and the other two were operated on new IVP system organised specially for this project during first 10 days of incubation. At the end of the hatching period, data including EM and HFE data were examined in eggs with different EST, EW and EP. It was found that EW and EST were affected to EM and HFE. Lower last stage + pipped but unhatched embryo rates and accordingly higher HFE were determined in eggs with 37.78°C (100.0°F) EST and light. However, differences between IVP and EP data were not significant

    Microbiological and Chemical Changes of Chicken Feces in A New Drying Technology

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    Poultry waste causing environmental problems enterprises, but also an important economic potential. Different methods are used in the processing of poultry waste. The selection of the system climate, animal type, capacity, economic conditions and the purposes of re-use is effective. Aerobic and anaerobic processing as a waste managing operations of poultry feces, composting, such as burning, as well as the methods used in recent years, different drying techniques. In this study, the microbiological and chemical values of chicken feces are emphasized with new drying system. Prior to drying, the fecal coliform (FK) and total coliform (TK) counts of the chicken feces were determined as 1,3x106 and 2,8x106 respectively, after dried the same parameters were found a

    Organic Poultry Feeding

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    Many people have led to the consumption of organic animal products in the event that the increase in sensitivity to a healthy diet in developed countries, and maintaining the safety of food of animal origin. Feeding and breeding in conventional production are emerged some of the negative effects and also it is more in organic production with new restrictions. Organic production is based on animal welfare. On the basis of behaviors such as feather-pecking and cannibalism known to be low in protein level of rations and unbalanced in terms of amino acids or minerals. As of 2015, organic poultry feed provided the appropriate conditions that will be 95% organic certified in Turkey and therefore, to create a balanced ration and feed hygiene in protecting brings serious challenges. Fodder supply of organic poultry feed raw materials that make up the quality, quantity and issue forms a significant effect on the health of the poultry additives permitted. The quality of the feed raw materials that constituent diets, quantity, feed supplying form and permitted feed additives significantly affects the health of poultry. Different physiological stages of the animal's nutritional requirements in order to ensure production of quality poultry products must be met from organically produced and very well-known with the contents of feedstuff digestibility. In this study, the problems encountered in feeding can be eliminated while performing economic production with considering animal welfare, following that balanced and adequate organic ration formulations and issues such as improving the production of feed raw materials are discussed

    The Structure of Backyard Poultry in the Sivas Agro-Ecological Sub-Regions

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    In this research, Sivas province divided into four agro-ecological zones (I, II, III and IV) in terms of climate, land form, soil type and land cover. The face-to-face interviews were conducted with a total of 663 families in the 85 villages in order to determine the general structure of backyard poultry in the Sivas. Although women are determined as the primary factor at the rate of 65.6% in feeding-watering, they have a role in the product sales only 34.0% while man have 57.8%. The hens of agro–ecological zones are grouped as white, brown, black, and mixed according to feather colour and the average values of regions are calculated as 3.40, 4.78, 4.25, and 3.85 units/farm, respectively. Significant differences were found between regions in terms of the number of mixed coloured and brown coloured hens. Live weight and egg production were not affected by regional differences and mean live weight and egg weight was founded as 2.17 kg and 58.45 g, respectively. Egg production in the regions I, II, III and IV were determined as 82.35, 89.32, 64.13, and 78.66 units/year, respectively. There was no difference among the regions. It was determined that round type drinkers were used at the rate of 43.3%. Widely used cereal in feeding of chickens is wheat (89.9%) followed by mixed feed (5.3%). The 41.24% of total eggs produced is consumed in the farm, 23.20% are served, and 33.57% are sold. Education and health studies to be conducted in the local backyard poultry will help in the short term to the achievement of the organic standards

    Organik Tavukçulukta Mera Kompozisyonu, Besleme ve Barındırma Teknikleri

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    Dünya’daki gelişmelere paralel olarak, Türkiye’de de organik tavukçuluk sektöründe gelişmeler yaşanmaktadır. Son yıllarda artan taleplerin karşılanması amacıyla üretim artışı söz konusu olup, yeni organik işletmeler sayısında artış gözlenmektedir. Hayvanların besin maddesi ihtiyaçlarının belli bir kısmının meradan sağlanması için yerel bitkilerden yararlanılarak, uygun mera kompozisyonunun ekonomik üretimi destekleyecek şekilde oluşturulması gerekmektedir. Bununla birlikte, çevre koşulları ve barındırma tekniklerinin kanatlının performansı, sağlığı, refahı, ürün kalitesi üzerine etkisi bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle çevre koşulları ve barındırma tekniklerinin, yerel koşullara uyumlu ve organik standartları sağlayacak şekilde düzenlenmesi gerekmektedir. Hayvanların günlük besin maddesi ihtiyaçlarının dengeli olarak karşılanmasında, hayvanların severek tükettikleri buğdaygil ve baklagil yem bitkileri yanında otlatmaya dayanıklı endemik bitkilerden oluşan karışımlardan yararlanılarak, mera kompozisyonu belirlenmelidir. Sabit ve taşınır barındırma sistemlerinde kullanılacak malzemelerin organik üretim standartlarına uygun olmalıdır. Kümes içi ve mera donanımları arasında bulunan yemlik ve sulukların organizasyonunda yöresel iklim koşulları dikkate alınmalı, özellikle ısıtma sistemlerinde aydınlatma yapmayan ısı kaynaklarının seçilmesi gerekmektedir. Yabani kuş ve yırtıcı hayvanlardan korunma amaçlı geliştirilen sistemler üzerinde durulmalı, ürün elde etme ve değerlendirme aşamasında, ürün kalitesinin maksimum düzeyde korunabileceği uygulamalar üzerinde durulmalıdır. Bu çalışmada, organik tavukçuluk üzerinde durularak, örnek olarak Sivas koşullarında organik etlik piliç üretiminde kullanılmak üzere oluşturulan mera kompozisyonu ile birlikte organik tavuk yetiştirmede kullanılan barındırma sistemi hakkında bilgiler verilerek ve tartışılmıştır

    Sivas Kent Merkezinde Tavukçuluk Ürünlerinin Tüketimi ve Tüketime Etki Eden Faktörler

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    Bu çalışmada, Sivas kent merkezinde tavukçuluk ürünleri tüketim değerlerini ve bunun üzerine etki eden faktörleri belirlemek amacıyla 461 aile ile yüz yüze anket uygulaması yapılmıştır. Katılımcıların %85,5’i aktif yaş grubu olarak kabul edilen 18-54 yaş aralığında yer almaktadır. Lise ve Yüksekokul mezunlarının toplamı %68,7 olarak bulunmuştur. Aylık gıda gideri bakımından gelir grupları arasında gözlenen farklılık önemli, ortalama aylık gıda gideri 595,44 TL olarak hesaplanmıştır. Aylık gıda giderleri içerisinde tavukçuluk ürünlerin oranı bakımından da gelir grupları arasında önemli farklılıklar belirlenmiş olup, katılımcıların ortalaması %10,49 olarak belirlenmiştir. Aylık hane halkı yumurta tüketim değerleri bakımından gelir gruplarında gözlenen farklılık önemli, hane halkı aylık ortalama yumurta tüketimi 34,47 Adet/Ay, kişi başına yıllık yumurta tüketimi 123,40 Adet/Yıl olarak hesaplanmıştır. Aylık hane halkı tavuk eti tüketim değerleri bakımından gelir grupları arasında gözlenen farklılık önemli bulunmuş, aylık hane halkı tavuk eti tüketimi ortalama 4,13 Kg/Ay olmasına karşılık, kişi başı yıllık tavuk eti tüketim değeri ortalama olarak 14,89 Kg/Yıl olarak belirlenmiştir. Tavuk eti tüketimi üzerine Aile gelir seviyesi, Aile birey sayısı ve meslek grupları etkili olurken, yumurta tüketimi üzerine bu faktörler ile birlikte eğitim düzeyleri de etkili olmuştur

    Our Traditional Dessert which is to be Forgotten: UĞUT

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    Uğut (wheatgrass marmalade / dessert) is a traditional Turkish food which is almost to be forgotten. It is produced in various regions of Turkey by boiling the mixture of wheatgrass juice, flour and water. The wheatgrass contains amino acids, protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and enzyme. It is reported that the wheatgrass has antioxidant, anticancer, anti-aging, laxative, diuretic and antibacterial effects due to its rich composition. Uğut is also a good source of carbohydrate because of its flour contents. In this article, the composition and production methods of Uğut were discussed

    Based Materials and Base Material Management Used in Production on the Ground

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    A type of support material has significant contribution to performance and health of winged which are grown on settlement system including based material. Wood dusts, fodder, sawdust as generally based material are in common use and additionally regional materials are also in use. The base material is used in one and one more and ammonium and microbial loading is inclining due to the based material which is used. That’s why; management of based material is a crucial issue. To decline problems of performance and prosperity due to based material, physical, chemical and biological based material arranger usage is a significant. Consequently, demands to based material have increased on settlement system with based material. Hence, to consider based material and its choice and based material management, to decline adverse effect of based material to environment, and to preserve fertilizer value of based material, methods need to be developed

    Ticari Etlik Piliçlerde Büyüme Eğrilerinin Doğrusal Olmayan Modeller Kullanılarak Karşılaştırılması

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    Ticari etlik piliçlerde büyümenin doğrusal olmayan modeller kullanılarak karşılaştırması amacıyla yapılan bu araştırmada, ticari Ross 308 olarak adlandırılan hattın cinsiyet ayrımı yapılmış 240 adet günlük yaşta etlik civcivler kullanılmıştır. Günlük etlik civcivler her bölmede 10 erkek ve 10 dişi olacak şekilde erkek – dişi karışık 20 hayvan, 3 tekerrürlü tesadüf parselleri deneme düzeninde rastgele dağıtılmışlardır. Altı haftalık deneme süresince haftalık bireysel tartımlar yapılarak canlı ağırlık verileri toplanmıştır. Büyüme eğrilerinin karşılaştırılması amacıyla Gompertz ve Lojistik modeller kullanılmıştır. Gompertz ve Lojistik modellerde ergin ağırlıklar (β0) sırasıyla 4364,53 ve 3010,32 g olarak bulunmuştur. İntegrasyon katsayısı (β1) değeri Gomperzt modelde 4.62 olarak hesaplanmasına karşın Lojistik modelde bu değer 31.52 olarak Gomperzt modele göre daha yüksek hesaplanmıştır. Anlık büyüme oranı (β2) değeri Gompertz ve Lojistik modeller için sırasıyla 0.356 ve 0.835 olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Bükülme Noktası Yaşı (BNY) Gompertz ve Lojistik modellerde sırasıyla 4.31 ve 4.13 hafta, Bükülme Noktası Ağırlığı (BNA) sırasıyla 1605.79 ve 1505.16 g olarak tahmin edilmiştir. En çok büyüme hızı (EBH) Gompertz ve Lojistik modellerde sırasıyla 568.82 ve 628.17 g olarak bulunmuştur. Her iki modelden de hesaplanan Belirleme katsayısı (R2) ve Düzeltilmiş R2 değerleri 0.997-0.999 arasında değişmektedir