26 research outputs found

    Conformity Between Ileoscopy Appearance with Terminal Ileum Histopathology Appearance in Normal Colonoscopy Chronic Diarrhea Patients

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    Background: Chronic diarrhea is one of the most common problem in gastroenterology cases. Ileoscopy is one of the modalities to determine the etiology of chronic diarrhea by normal colonoscopy appearance. Recently, there is still controversy in the need of this examination in normal macroscopic appearance. The aim of this study is to study the conformity of histopathology abnormalities with ileoscopy appearance in chronic diarrhea patients with normal colonoscopy.Methods: This study uses cross sectional study design by collecting 60 medical record data in several hospitals in Jakarta in the period of 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2011. Diagnostic test between ileoscopy and histopathology is performed by histopathology examination as a gold standard.Results: Study results revealed conformity between both examinations for 93.33%. Sensitivity value of ileoscopy examination compared to histopathology as a gold standard was 94%, specificity 90%, positive predictive value 97.9%, and negative predictive value 75%.Conclusion: Ileoscopy examination in chronic diarrhea patients and normal colonoscopy showed similar results with histopathology examination

    Analisis Zat Pewarna pada Kepah (Polymesoda Erosa) Asin yang Dijual di Pasar Sentral dan Pasar Sukaramai di Kota Medan Tahun 2013

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    Salty mussel is not one of fast food that need further processing in order can be consumed. Salty mussel is always sold with the bright yellow and orange color in order to look fresh and interesting. But sometimes dyes used are dyes that are not safe to eat, so it so necessary to identify the type and level of dyes used whether qualified or not. This research is a descriptive research. Samples were taken in total sampling from the Central and Sukaramai market on Medan city, which amounts to 10 samples. And than, samples were examined in the Medan Health Laboratory. Examination conducted on the samples before and after washing. Dye analysis conducted by qualitative and quantitative test. The results showed that of the 10 samples were not washed, there were 9 samples that do not qualify for consumption because it contains a banned dye (Orange RN) and contain dyes that are allowed (sunset yellow and tetrazine) in the amount of 52-560 mg/kg who have exceeded the allowed limit 30 mg/kg. And the results of a study of a sample after washing showed that there is a decrease of dye concentration of 0.3 - 1.8 mg/kg. However, the results of the study remains that of the 10 samples after washing there are 9 samples that do not qualify for consumption and only 1 sample safely consumed by Permenkes RI No.722/Menkes/Per/IX/1988. Therefore, it is important to have monitoring, evaluation and counseling on the use of food additives in particular dyes that use is in accordance with the applicable regulations

    Analisa Kadar Timbal (Pb) pada Gorengan yang Disajikan Menggunakan Penutup dan Tidak Menggunakan Penutup pada Kawasan Traffic Light Kota Medan Tahun 2012

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    Analysis of lead (pb) in snack foods served using a cover and without cover a round traffic light in the city of Medan in 2012. Snack foods such as fried bananas favored by many people. Food-borne illness cause of foods served does not eligible hygiene and food sanitation. Fried presented a round the traffic light is not served by closed container. The cover is estimated to effect pollution of lead (Pb) in the food. This study aimed to determine levels of lead (Pb) in the snack foods served using a cover and without it a round traffic light in the city of Medan in 2012. This study was descriptive research, to know the levels of lead (Pb) in the snack foods served using a cover and without it a round traffic light in the city of Medan in 2012. Results of this research showed there was all samples contained lead (Pb). Object of this research is 10 samples of fried bananas, consist of 5 samples were using a glass cover and 5 samples were without it. Highest levels of lead (Pb) is in fried foods served a round the traffic light of Pinang Baris, which is 2.89 ppm. Lowest levels of lead (Pb) is in fried foods served a round the traffic light of Komplek Tasbi, which is 2.04 ppm. Snack foods served using a cover was qualify by set under Threshold Limit Value and all levels of lead (Pb) in the fried banana without a cover a round the traffic light was unqualify by set under Regulation of BPOM RI No. 03725/B/SK/VII/89 a bout maximum limit of metal pollution in food. Contamination of lead (Pb) has occurred in snacks food served using a cover and without it a round traffic light in the city of Medan in 2012. Cover reduces the pollution of lead (Pb) in snack foods. Therefore, a cover should be used to snack foods when serving it a round the traffic light

    Hubungan Karakteristik Responden dan Faktor Lingkungan Fisik Rumah terhadap Kejadian Malaria di Desa Kampung Padang Kec. Panyabungan Kab. Madina Tahun 2014

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    ABSTRAC Kampung Padang village is one of the villages in the Panyabungan district are endemic Malaria with AMI (Annual Malaria Incidence) of 29.21 ‰ and API (Annual Parasite Incidence) of 63.41 ‰. Incidence of malaria caused by human contact with malaria mosquitoes and supported by the housing and unfavorable environmental conditions. The purpose of this study to know the relationship of the characteristics of respondents and the physical environmental factors on the incidence of malaria in the Kampung Padang village Panyabungan of District Mandailing Natal of Subdistrict. This research was conducted with non parametric methods of analysis with Case Control design. The total sample of 85 heads of families consisting of 35 cases and 50 controls. Data were analyzed with non-parametric analysis methods of analysis with Chi Square test. The results obtained that there is a relationship of the education (p = 0,009, OR = 0,304: 95% CI = 0,124-0,750), employment (p = 0,001),, social cultural, wire gauze on ventilation (p = 0.001), lagit-sky home (p = 0,001, OR = 0,135: 95% CI = 0,051-0,358), wall density (p = 0,001, OR = 0,160: 95% CI = 0,059-0,439), humidity (p = 0,001, OR = 5,608: 95% CI = 2,152-14,611) and lighting (p = 0,007, OR = 3,656: 95% CI = 1,394-9,592)on the incidence of malaria. It is suggested to health department to educate the community particulary Malaria disease. This can be done through socialization with PKK, IHC, or community health center and should increase the activity PJB (Larva Monitoring Periodic) in each home or in public places such as schools, mosques, markets, terminals, and raised his interpreter monitors larvae and for the people should pay attention to the cleanliness of the environment

    Analisa Kadar H2s (Hidrogen Sulfida) dan Keluhan Kesehatan Saluran Pernapasan Serta Keluhan Iritasi Mata pada Masyarakat di Kawasan PT. Allegrindo Nusantara Desa Urung Panei Kecamatan Purba Kabupaten Simalungun Tahun 2013

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    Development of maintenance of increasing farm fields can affect the quality of the environment, one of which is the quality of the air can be decreased because of the pollution in the farm by impact. PT. Allegrindo Nusantara is one the largest farm in North Sumatra even in Southeast Asia which is located in the village of Urung Panei sub-district Purba district Simalungun. Hydrogen sulphide is a colorless gas, are very poisonous, combustible and having the characteristics of smell of rotten eggs. This research aims to know the levels of hydrogen sulfide and respiratory health complaints and complaints of irritation of the eye on people living in the area of hog farms PT. Allegrindo Nusantara. The type of research used are descriptive in nature. The population in this research is 90 people with respondents housewife with a sample is the total sampling. The results showed that levels of hydrogen sulfide in the hog farms PT. Allegrindo Nusantara 0,0002-0,016 ppm it not exceed the level indicated in the quality raw KepMenLH No. 50 in 1996. There are 36 people (40,0%) respondents who experienced respiratory tract health complaints during the last 3 months and 27 respondents (30,0%) people who suffered eye irritation complaints during the last 3 months. The conclusion is the importance of maintaining and improving the cleanliness of the farm to prevent the smell that can cause air pollution, monitoring of the air quality on an ongoing basis. In the community, it is important to use a mask and other protective as prevention efforts against respiratory tract health complaints and complaints of eye irritation

    The Factors Wich Relate to the Quality of River Batang Ayumi in Kantin on Nort Padangsidimpuan, Padangsidimpuan 2013

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    Batang Ayumi River is a river that flows through the Padangsidimpuan city. In Kantin Village are people living on the banks / river banks. This has the potential to affect the water quality of the river Batang Ayumi caused domestic waste (BPS, 2008). The research aims to study the behavior (knowledge, attitude, practice), the culture and the role of community leaders the Kantin village regarding respondent characteristics, Rod Ayumi river water quality before and after passing through the village canteen (BOD, COD, DO, Detergent, TSS, total Coliform and Colifecal) and relations between them. Types of analytic study with cross-sectional study design. Respondents are mothers who live right on the edge of the river Batang Ayumi numbered 64 people and the quality of the river water upstream and downstream in the Kantin Village. The results, there is a relationship between behavior, culture and assessment TOMA of water quality Batang Ayumi which chemical parameters (BOD, COD, DO, Detergents), physics parameter (TSS), microbiological parameters (total coliform and Colifecal). The behavioral significance of the parameter values ​​chemistry, physics and microbiology is p = 0.003 (P <0.05), the culture with chemistry parameter, physics parameter, and microbiology parameter is p = 0.016 (P <0.05), with an assessment of the parameters TOMA chemistry parameter, physics parameter, and microbiology parameter is p = 0.002 (p <0.05). For government and community leaders is recommended to keep water quality of Batang Ayumi river by providing information through counseling and strict rules about building permits. For society is expected to care and comply the regulations of water-quality