305 research outputs found

    Male and Female Buying Decision Making Processes Seen From BlackBerry Messenger Texts

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    This study observes the male and female buying decision making processes seen from BlackBerry Messenger texts. It focuses on the way of how male and female customers make a buying decision in the online shop via BlackBerry Messenger. The data are analyzed by using the theory of the consumer decision-making process by Lamb, Hair, McDaniel (2003) which includes five stages. I found that the female customers have almost two times total more than male customers in the four stages in consumer decision making process. It means, the male decision-making seems to be rational, fast, and attentive for product quality and its function. However, the female decision-making is more emotional, attentive for product surface or outside appearance, and careful for choosing a product she wants to buy. Overall, I know that gender is an important factor that makes the buying processes between both gender groups different

    Value Analysis Information System Test on Senior High School Perguruan Cikini

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    Analysis of information systems is to understand the complex system and then makemodifications in several ways. The result of these modifications can form a newsubsystem or a new component or set of new transformations, in which the goal is toimprove the various functions of the system. To change the target system, change theoutput, achieve the same goal with another set of inputs or to make similarimprovements.The need for fast information systems analysis and accurate research is needed that isby the research literature and conduct field research data and information on therunning system.From results of this analysis is expected to produce an effective work processes andinefficient in terms of continuity of work processes of an organization or institution

    Completion of the Transportation Problem with Using Pascal-based Northwest Corner

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    Transportation problem can be solved by using the method of the Northwest Corneras the initial solution and multiplier methods for test optimization. Northwest Cornermethod is the simplest method among the methods among others to seek earlysolution. The drawback is this method not consider the per-unit transport costs inmaking the allocations, so we need some additional solution iterations before theoptimum solution obtained. But it can happen although rare, where the solution beginthe same or better can be achieved through this method. However, after using themultiplier method of transportation problems can achieve an optimum solution

    Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Hutan Bersama Masyarakat Dalam Sistem Agroforestry

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    Cooperative forest management is a social forestry strategy to improve community prosperity. Cooperative forest management not only produce timber but also use all the forest resources. Forest management has been change not only for company profits, it's also for advantages of local community inside and around the forest

    Hubungan Hukum yang Menimbulkan Hak dan Kewajiban dalam Kontrak Bisnis

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    All commercial activities that consist of production, distribution and trading of goods and services to gain the profit should be declared in a contract to give guarantee and assurance to all sides. In the case that there is a conflict, this contract will help them to solve the problem

    Pseudomonas Fluorescens and Pseudomonas Putida for Promoting Growth of Jatropha Curcas Seedling Root

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    Pseudomonas fluorescensandP. putida are Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) that can produce growth hormone. The objective of this study is to know the effects of those two combined species of PGPR on seedling root growth of Jatrophacurcas. The condition of the seedling root determines the success of dry land cultivation. The root which has wider coverage, is larger in number, and is bigger in diameter makes seedling more resistant to stress in dry land environment. In the experiment, two kinds of plant materials are used for seedling, the Jatropha seed and stem material, which are treated in a mixed culture of PGPR. For the Jatropha seed, this mixed culture of PGPR is given at the same time of cultivating the sprout on the seedling medium. For the stem cutting, the PGPR is poured in together during the first watering of the seedling cultivation medium. In the fourthweek, the observed growth parameters are root length, root diameter, primary and secondary lateral root numbers, Root Length Density (RLD), Frequency of Lateral Root (FLR), and Specific Root Length (SRL). These data are analyzed using analysis of variant with DMRT test at 0.05 level of significance. The result of this study shows that PGPR tend to reduce FLR values on the seedling root made from seeds. On the seedling root made from stem cutting, PGPR increase the root length, primary and secondary lateral root numbers, root diameter, FLR and SRL values as well

    Perancangan Aplikasi Pengenalan Tempat Wisata di Jawa Barat Berbasis Multimedia

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    Teknologi telah berkembang pesat sesuai dengan perkembangan jaman dan pemikiran manusia. Pada jaman sekarang ini teknologi telah digunakan bukan hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan jasmani maupun komunikasi saja tapi teknologi juga digunakan untuk mencari dan mengetahui tempat wisata terpopuler dan yang menarik. Adapun yang menjadi daya tarik bagi manusia yaitu: adanya keinginan untuk mencari tempat wisata yang sangat sesuai dengan keinginan masing-masing setiap manusia tersebut, namun padatnya manusia dengan aktivitas akan penggunaan teknologi maka membuat mereka cenderung memilih untuk hidup praktis. Hal ini menjadikan banyak yang belum mengetahui tempat wisata apa aja yang menarik dan unik di Jawa Barat. Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu Propinsi yang kaya akan tempat wisata dengan keindahan dan keunikannya. Banyak tempat wisata di Jawa Barat yang jauh informasi nya dari manusia dan minim nya informasi yang lebih lengkap tentang tempat wisata di Jawa Barat. Banyak manusia hanya tahu tempat wisata tersebut tapi tidak tahu asal mula tempat wisata tersebut beserta keunikan yang ada di dalam tempat wisata tersebut. Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan animasi, teori, dan pendapat – pendapat terkemuka, agar pengguna dapat memahami maksud dan isi informasi yang disampaikan dalam bentuk aplikasi dengan mudah dan menarik. Rancangan aplikasi ini menggunakan storyboard yang terdiri dari halaman intro, user id, menu utama dan menu Jawa Barat, hiburan, evaluasi, dan 16 daerah yang terdapat pada dalam sebuah peta Jawa Barat masing-masing daerah berisi tempat wisata yang akan menampilkan video, gambar, penjelasan materi belajar yang dibuat dengan menggunakan Adobe Flash CS5 sebagai software utamanya dan codiing sebagai pembangun aplikasi [5]. Pengujian sistem dengan menggunakan metode white box dengan menganalisa alur aplikasi dan black box dengan menguji semua tombol pada aplikasi serta menggunakan kuisioner untuk mengetahui pendapat pengguna mengenai aplikasi yang telah dibuat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pembelajaran ini dapat meningkatkan pemahaman dan telah mempermudah pengguna dalam mendapatkan informasi tentang tempat wisata di Jawa Barat, mengetahui tempat wisata yang menarik di Jawa Barat, dan mempunyai standarisasi informasi yang diketahui dari informasi yang diterima, sehingga banyak orang dapat memutuskan tempat wisata yang cocok
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