4 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to find out how to use the Google Meet application in the implementation of classical guidance services in students of class XII SMAN 12 Jambi City. This research method is a qualitative research method that uses purposive sampling techniques in data collection using unstructured interviews and triangulation, after which it is analyzed using qualitative descriptive to get an idea of the facts. The results of the study conducted by researchers through interviews with 5 informants about the use of google meet application as a medium of implementation of classical guidance services for students of class XII SMAN 12 Jambi City showed that the google meet application is the right choice to be used as a medium of implementation of classical guidance services because it meets the five principles of learning media, namely effectiveness, relevance, efficiency, usable and contextual

    Efektifitas Tanaman Refugia Kacang-Kacangan Menangkal Intensitas Serangan Hama Ulat Grayak (spodoptera exigua Hubner.) Pada Bawang Merah: Effectiveness of Bean Refugia to Prevent Intensity Attacks of Armyworm Pests (Spodoptera exigua Hubner.) On Shallots

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    This experimental research aims to obtain the type of legume refugia plant that is most effective in preventing invasion, colonization and intensity of attack by the Spodoptera exigua Hubner pest on shallot. The experiment was designed with a randomized block design consisting of six treatments of various refugia plants, namely shallot plants without refugia treatment (Ro), shallot plants with refugia treatment peanuts (R1), soybeans (R2), green beans (R3), red beans (R4) and cowpeas (R5), which are planted in two rows on the side of the bund at a distance of 10 cm from the outermost row of shallot plants. Observation parameters were egg population, larvae, intensity of S. exigua pest attack and weight of fresh shallot bulbs. The variety of refugia plants from the legume group influences invasion, colonization and the intensity of Spodoptera exigua Hubner pest attacks. on red onions. Peanut and cowpea refugia plants planted in two rows on the sides of the shallot mounds, are very effective in preventing invasion, colonization and the intensity of Spodoptera exigua Hubner pest attacks, so that the shallot plants experience very light disturbance with an attack intensity of 2,522% – 4,432 %, which is in the very low category. As a result, the yield of fresh shallot tubers obtained was significantly higher compared to shallot plants without refugia plants and with refugia plants of soybeans, green beans and red beans. Soybean, green bean and red bean refugia plants are not effective in preventing Spodoptera exigua Hubner pest attacks on shallots because the plants experience attack intensity from the age of 49 HST – 63 HST of 21.86% - 23.34% with the attack intensity being in the medium category

    Analisis Resiko Tanah Longsor di Cibadak, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat

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    Tanah longsor perkotaan merupakan tanah longsor yang terjadi di daerah perkotaan, dimana setiap kejadian bencana longsor selalu menimbulkan bahaya yang tidak kecil. Cibadak adalah salah satu kecamatan yang terletak di Kabupaten Sukabumi yang memiliki kondisi bentang alam yang menarik untuk dikaji terkait potensi bencana tanah longsor. Daerah Cibadak memiliki morfologi perbukitan sedimen yang curam. Geologi wilayah ini didominasi oleh litologi batupasir, breksi, batugamping dan dipengaruhi oleh struktur geologi seperti sesar Walat dan sesar Cimandiri. Pada dasarnya Cibadak merupakan pusat perdagangan, pemerintahan, dan padat penduduk. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk menganalisa dan memetakan daerah-daerah yang memiliki potensi terjadinya longsor di Cibadak. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur yang meliputi analisis peta topografi, peta geologi, peta morfometri, peta wilayah rawan bencana, strategis peta wilayah, dan dari peta dapat dibuat tabel analisis risiko dan zonasi potensial tanah longsor. Analisis ini dapat digunakan untuk pencegahan bencana dan pengelolaan perencanaan tata ruang di kecamatan Cibadak. Berdasarkan data yang ada, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kecamatan Cibadak memiliki berbagai tingkat risiko dari tingkat rendah hingga tinggi. Kata kunci: cibadak; analisis resiko; longsoran perkotaa