169 research outputs found

    Skrining Bakteri Kitinolitik Antagonis terhadap Pertumbuhan Jamur Akar Putih (Rigidoporus Lignosus) dari Rizosfir Tanaman Karet

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    Skrining bakteri kitinolitik dari rizosfir tanaman karet dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh isolat bakteri kitinolitik yang antagonis terhadap pertumbuhan jamur akar putih (Rigidoporus lignosus). Bakteri diisolasi dari Perkebunan Karet Sembawa Kab. Banyuasin, dan skrining dilakukan dengan menggunakan media agar kitin dan uji antagonis terhadap jamur patogen dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Chernin et al., (1995). Hasil penelitian didapatkan dua isolat bakteri kitinolitik yang antagonis terhadap pertumbuhan jamur akar putih (Rigidoporus lignosus). Identifikasi kedua isolat antagonis jamur akar putih ini tergolong kedalam genus Bacillus yaitu Bacillus sp. dan Bacillus apiariu

    Reposisi dan Penggantian Menara Transmisi 150 KV

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    Saluran transmisi adalah suatu hal yang sangat mutlak dalam suatu sistem tenaga listrik. Dalam penyaluran tenaga listrik dari pusat-pusat pembangkit ke beban (konsumen), dimana jaraknya cukup jauh maka dilakukan lewat saluran transmisi. Saluran transmisi yang umum digunakan berdasarkan konstruksinya adalah tipe lattice dan steel pole. Saluran transmisi ini memiliki batas aman terhadap obyek lain yang ada di sekitarnya sesuai standar yang ditetapkan. Saluran transmisi udara menggunakan konduktor jenis TACSR (Thermal Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced) yang memiliki kemampuan kerja dengan suhu sampai 1500C. Berdasarkan perhitungan pada saat jarak span 212 m dan dengan suhu 1500C andongan maksimumnya bernilai 9,40 m. Pada saat jarak 173 m dan dengan suhu 1500C andongan maksimalnya 7,8m. Pada saat jarak 233 m dengan suhu 1500C andongan maksimumnya adalah 10,58m. Keadaan suhu dan panjang span mempengaruhi nilai andongan, semakin besar suhu dan panjang span maka nilai andongan akan semakin besar

    Organologi Selober pada Sanggar Selober Pejenengan Desa Pengadangan Pringgasela Lombok Timur

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    This paper aims to describe and describe the organology of a traditional musical instrument as seen from its physical classification at the Selober Pejenengan Studio in the Village of Inflation in the Pringgasela District, East Lombok using organology theories. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative. From the results of the study found about: 1) organology and the process of making a traditional musical instrument as follows, consisting of: the level of dryness, the process of selecting materials, the process of contracting, the process of making tongue lines, the process of making the head and feet of musical instruments, and the refinement process. 2) the production of tones on a traditional musical instrument that consists of tones produced by Selober Mame and Selober  nine

    Hubungan antara Kepercayaan Diri dengan Perilaku Menyontek pada Mahasiswa Ust

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    The purpose of this study is to determine of the Relationship Self Confidence with Behavior Cheating of college student in University Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa and to know the significant of Self Confidence function to percepsion of behavior cheating. Subjects in this study were between 18 – 24 years old college student of the University Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa. Sampling technique was cluster random sampling . The method of analysis used in this study is the Product Moment Correlation. Result of data analysis variable Self Confidance with variable Behavior Cheating the value r -0,681 with p = 0.000 ( p < 0,05 ). Based on the results of the correlation can be stated that there is a significant negative relationship between Self Confidence by Behavior Cheating college student Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa. Correlation test results showed that the variable Self Confidence with Behavior Cheating of college student has determinant coefficient of 46%. It shows that 54% that Behavior Cheating of college student is fixed by other factors that give influence

    Peningkatan Produksi Sucker Rod Pump (Srp) Dengan Mengacu Pada Break Event Point (Bep) Sumur Jrk-x Di PT. Pertamina Ep Region Sumatera Field Pendopo

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    Secara umum metoda pengangkatan buatan (artificial lift) bertujuan untuk membantu pengangkatan fluida dari dalam sumur ke permukaan. Salah satunya dengan menggunakan sucker rod pump. Konsep dasar dalam perencanaan sucker rod pump adalah kemampuan pompa yang akan digunakan harus disesuaikan dengan kemampuan laju produksi optimal sumur tersebut. Dalam peningkatan produksi suatu sumur, perlu diketahui batas tingkat produksi yang memberikan titik impas atau break event point (BEP). Hal ini adalah salah satu dasar dalam peningakatan produksi suatu sumur. Karena peningkatan produksi mempengaruhi biaya pengeluaran . Sehingga biaya yang dikeluarkan harus lebih kecil dari pendapatan yang diterima untuk mendapat keuntungan yang diinginkan. Berdasarkan hasil analisa break event point (BEP), Perusahaan mengalami kerugian (loss) sebesar US1.800/monthdantitikimpasberadapadaproduksiminyak(Qo)sebesar300,95bbl/month.SedangkandarihasilanalisakurvaInflowPerformanceRelationship(IPR)lajuproduksifluidapadasuckerrodpumpyangterpasangsebesar228bfpdyangartinyalajuprouduksifluidatersebutbelummencapailajuproduksioptimalyaitusebesar600bfpd.Sehinggaperludilakukanredesignsuckerrodpump,yaitutanpamenggantitipepompayangterpasangdenganmengkombinasipanjanglangkah(SL)86inchdankecepatanpompa(N)15spm,didapatkanefisiensivolumetrispemompaan(Ev)sebesar79 1.800 /month dan titik impas berada pada produksi minyak (Qo) sebesar 300,95 bbl/month. Sedangkan dari hasil analisa kurva Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) laju produksi fluida pada sucker rod pump yang terpasang sebesar 228 bfpd yang artinya laju prouduksi fluida tersebut belum mencapai laju produksi optimal yaitu sebesar 600 bfpd. Sehingga perlu dilakukan redesign sucker rod pump, yaitu tanpa mengganti tipe pompa yang terpasang dengan mengkombinasi panjang langkah (SL) 86 inch dan kecepatan pompa (N) 15 spm, didapatkan efisiensi volumetris pemompaan (Ev) sebesar 79 % dan pump displacement sebesar (PD) 755,17 bfpd. Setelah dilakukan redesign, maka Perusahaan akan mendapatkan keuntungan (profit) sebesar US 24.368 /month

    Penilaian Kondisi Jembatan dengan Metode Nysdot (Studi Kasus 3 Jembatan di Kota Kendari)

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    Bridge plays a vital role in supporting life activity. A lot of bridges are required due to many watercourses running from mountain that also requires a lot of amount in the budget. Neglecting such problem may lead to traffic disturbance and discomfort. The purpose of this research is to assess the bridge condition and its components, to compose the handling priority program and the bridge component priority. The research was located in Kendari of the Province of Sulawesi Tenggara. Located above Kendari Bay, a crowd economic area, Kendari has the important downtown access road. NYSDOT (New York State Department of Transportation) Method and completed with AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method were used to assess the bridge condition. The bridge component scoring was calculated using the AHP method. The calculated components were compiled using the matrix of paired-comparison by referring the importance value. The, bridge component scoring consisted of three categories: (a) first category: the structural component received direct traffic load (component distributing traffic load), which was given the first priority where the importance value was higher, (b). Second category: the structural component received indirect traffic load, (c). Third category: non structural component. Calculation method AHP for every bridge component was obtained through paired-comparison. Components with bad value were found in Pasar Baru Bridge, which was rated 3 for its extension component, paving surfaces, pavement and curb. The subsequent ones were the Tripping bridge, which was rated 4 for its extension joint component and Kadia bridge which was rated 5 on its main beam, abutment, deck and back wall. Both, NYSDOT and AHP methods resulted in same assessment figures. The proposed priority handlings in subsequent order for the three bridges were Pasar Baru Bridge, Kadia Bridge and Tripping Bridge. The condition indexes were 4,514 (Average), 5,722 (Good) and 6,083 (Very Good), respectively. The proposed handlings for Pasar Baru and Kadia bridge were rehabilitation and maintenance

    Kontribusi Sarana Proses Belajar dan Kemampuan Berpikir Siswa terhadap Kompetensi Keterampilan Instalasi Jaringan Lokal

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    The aim of this research is to determine the contribution of facility learning process and student thinking skill towards skill competencies of local area network installation in private vocational students computer engineering and network in Malang City. Type and data analysis of this research is using a quantitative approach. The samples used are as many as 232 students. Data collection for facility learning process and thingking skill is using questionnaire, while data collection for skill competencies of local area network installation is using value documentation. Data analysis included descriptive and regression. The results showed that: (1) the contribution of facility learning process towards skill competencies of local area network installation by 22,3%; (2) the contribution of student thingking skill towards skill competencies of local area network installation by 35,1%; and (3) the contribution of facility learning process and student thingking skill simultaneously towards skill competencies of local area network installation by 44,1%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi sarana proses belajar dan kemampuan berpikir siswa terhadap kompetensi keterampilan instalasi jaringan lokal siswa TKJ di SMK Negeri Kota Malang. Jenis dan data analisis penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kuantitatif. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 232 siswa. Pengumpulan data untuk variabel sarana proses belajar dan kemampuan berpikir siswa dilakukan dengan angket, sedangkan untuk variabel kompetensi keterampilan instalasi jaringan lokal dilakukan dengan dokumentasi nilai. Analisis data meliputi deskriptif dan regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) kontribusi sarana proses belajar terhadap kompetensi keterampilan instalasi jaringan lokal siswa sebesar 22,3%; (2) kontribusi kemampuan berpikir siswa terhadap kompetensi keterampilan instalasi jaringan lokal siswa sebesar 35,1%; dan (3) kontribusi sarana proses belajar dan kemampuan berpikir siswa secara simultan terhadap kompetensi keterampilan instalasi jaringan lokal siswa sebesar 44,1%

    Influence of synthetic antioxidants on the oxidation stability of biodiesel produced from acid raw Jatropha curcas oil

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    In the present work,Jatropha curcas biodiesel was produced from a high free fatty acid raw oil (AV = 3536 mg KOH g(-1)) containing 76.5% w/w of unsaturated fatty acids. The production route consisted of a two-step method, using acid esterification, followed by conventional alkali methanolysis. Biodiesel was characterized in agreement with EN 14214:2014 and a study on the use of 4 synthetic antioxidants was conducted. The high free fatty acid content of the oil could be reduced to 0.8% w/w by add esterification. A good product quality was generally observed but the very low oxidation stability, corresponding to an induction period (IP) of 1.37 h, was the highest concern. Statistically significant predictive models, which related each antioxidant concentration with the IP, were obtained. Pyrogallol (PY) showed the best results, being estimated that the use of 204 ppm in biodiesel could increase its IP to the limit imposed by the quality standard (8 h). The following rank, in terms of effectiveness, was obtained: PY > propyl gallate (PG) > butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) > tert-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ). In agreement, the stabilization factors (F), considering the use of 204 ppm of antioxidant, were: 5.84 for PY, 4.06 for PG, 1.85 for BHT and 0.85 for TBHQ
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