20 research outputs found

    Comparison of effect on the inflation factor λ of controlling for ancestry.

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    <p>The first 10 PCs obtained through Paschou PCA, GWAS control PCA, GWAS PCA and GWAS LD PCA are used as covariates in testing genome-wide association to ovarian cancer. Note that the Paschou panel was designed to capture only one significant PC.</p

    Comparison of Paschou and GWAS PCAs.

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    <p>Blue, green and red points represent individuals with the highest estimates of north-western, south-eastern and Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry respectively taken from MLE analysis with Price et al. AIMs panel.</p

    Top hits for ovarian cancer association.

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    <p>Negative log p-values of top hits for ovarian cancer association after controlling for ancestry using first 4 PCs of GWAS control PCA compared to not controlling for ancestry (left panel) and controlling for ancestry using first 4 PCs of GWAS PCA (right panel).</p