554 research outputs found

    Introduction to the themed issue - Corporate power : agency, communication, influence and social policy

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    This paper introduces this themed issue of Critical Social Policy on the question of corporate power. Corporate power is recognized as an important agent in social policy making and delivery. However, to date there has been comparatively little attention to the crucial role that lobbying and corporate 'spin' play in helping to shape policy making contexts. This special issue of Critical Social Policy is concerned to bring such issues to the mainstream of social policy analysis. It is argued here that the rise of spin and public relations is a key feature of neoliberalism in the past two decades. These have worked to reshape policy making, resulting in pronounced changes in the content and process of policy making and it is argued that these have tended to marginalize or undermine democratic processes

    Fire interval and post-fire climate effects on serotinous forest resilience

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    Background Climate change is eroding forest resilience to disturbance directly through warming climate and indirectly through increasing disturbance activity. Forests characterized by stand-replacing fire regimes and dominated by serotinous species are at risk when the inter-fire period is insufficient for canopy seed bank development and climate conditions for recruitment in the post-fire growing season are unsuitable. Although both factors are critical to serotinous forest persistence, their relative importance for post-fire regeneration in serotinous forests remains poorly understood. To assess the relative effects of each factor, we established plots in severely burned knobcone pine (Pinus attenuata Lemmon) forests in Oregon and California, USA, representing a range of past fire intervals (6 to 31+ years). Specifically, we evaluated effects of fire interval and pre-fire canopy seed bank (proxies for seed supply) and post-fire climate on three metrics of post-fire tree regeneration (seedling density, probability of self-replacement, percent population recovery). Results Seed supply consistently had the strongest effect on post-fire regeneration. Between 6- and 31-year fire intervals, post-fire seedling density increased from 1000 to 100,000 seedlings ha−1, while probability of self-replacement increased from ~ 0 to ~ 100% and percent population recovery increased from 20 to 2000% of the pre-fire population, respectively. Similarly, increasing the canopy seed bank by two orders of magnitude increased seedling density and percent population recovery by two orders and one order of magnitude, respectively, and increased the probability of self-replacement by > 50%. Greater post-fire climatic moisture deficit exacerbated the effect of seed supply; an additional 4–6 years between fires was required under high moisture stress conditions to reach similar regeneration levels as under low moisture stress conditions. Conclusion The overriding effect of seed supply—strongly driven by pre-fire stand age—on post-fire regeneration suggests that altered fire frequency (an indirect effect of climate change) will have a profound impact on serotinous forests. Although direct effects of hot and dry climate are lower in magnitude, they can alter forest recovery where seed supply nears a threshold. These findings reveal how fire interval and climate combine to determine changes in forest cover in the future, informing management and vulnerability mapping

    Post-training inactivation of the anterior thalamic nuclei impairs spatial performance on the radial arm maze

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    The limbic thalamus, specifically the anterior thalamic nuclei (ATN), contains brain signals including that of head direction cells, which fire as a function of an animal\u27s directional orientation in an environment. Recent work has suggested that this directional orientation information stemming from the ATN contributes to the generation of hippocampal and parahippocampal spatial representations, and may contribute to the establishment of unique spatial representations in radially oriented tasks such as the radial arm maze. While previous studies have shown that ATN lesions can impair spatial working memory performance in the radial maze, little work has been done to investigate spatial reference memory in a discrimination task variant. Further, while previous studies have shown that ATN lesions can impair performance in the radial maze, these studies produced the ATN lesions prior to training. It is therefore unclear whether the ATN lesions disrupted acquisition or retention of radial maze performance. Here, we tested the role of ATN signaling in a previously learned spatial discrimination task on a radial arm maze. Rats were first trained to asymptotic levels in a task in which two maze arms were consistently baited across training. After 24 h, animals received muscimol inactivation of the ATN before a 4 trial probe test. We report impairments in post-inactivation trials, suggesting that signals from the ATN modulate the use of a previously acquired spatial discrimination in the radial-arm maze. The results are discussed in relation to the thalamo-cortical limbic circuits involved in spatial information processing, with an emphasis on the head direction signal. © 2017 Harvey, Thompson, Sanchez, Yoder and Clark

    Computer-Aided 2D and 3D quantification of human stem cell fate from in vitro samples using Volocity high performance image analysis software

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    AbstractAccurate automated cell fate analysis of immunostained human stem cells from 2- and 3-dimensional (2D-3D) images would improve efficiency in the field of stem cell research. Development of an accurate and precise tool that reduces variability and the time needed for human stem cell fate analysis will improve productivity and interpretability of the data across research groups. In this study, we have created protocols for high performance image analysis software Volocity® to classify and quantify cytoplasmic and nuclear cell fate markers from 2D-3D images of human neural stem cells after in vitro differentiation. To enhance 3D image capture efficiency, we optimized the image acquisition settings of an Olympus FV10i® confocal laser scanning microscope to match our quantification protocols and improve cell fate classification. The methods developed in this study will allow for a more time efficient and accurate software based, operator validated, stem cell fate classification and quantification from 2D and 3D images, and yield the highest ≥94.4% correspondence with human recognized objects

    Primary decomposition and the fractal nature of knot concordance

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    For each sequence of polynomials, P=(p_1(t),p_2(t),...), we define a characteristic series of groups, called the derived series localized at P. Given a knot K in S^3, such a sequence of polynomials arises naturally as the orders of certain submodules of the sequence of higher-order Alexander modules of K. These group series yield new filtrations of the knot concordance group that refine the (n)-solvable filtration of Cochran-Orr-Teichner. We show that the quotients of successive terms of these refined filtrations have infinite rank. These results also suggest higher-order analogues of the p(t)-primary decomposition of the algebraic concordance group. We use these techniques to give evidence that the set of smooth concordance classes of knots is a fractal set. We also show that no Cochran-Orr-Teichner knot is concordant to any Cochran-Harvey-Leidy knot.Comment: 60 pages, added 4 pages to introduction, minor corrections otherwise; Math. Annalen 201

    ADHM/Nahm Construction of Localized Solitons in Noncommutative Gauge Theories

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    We study the relationship between ADHM/Nahm construction and ``solution generating technique'' of BPS solitons in noncommutative gauge theories. ADHM/Nahm construction and ``solution generating technique'' are the most strong ways to construct exact BPS solitons. Localized solitons are the solitons which are generated by the ``solution generating technique.'' The shift operators which play crucial roles in ``solution generating technique'' naturally appear in ADHM/Nahm construction and we can construct various exact localized solitons including new solitons: localized periodic instantons (=localized calorons) and localized doubly-periodic instantons. Nahm construction also gives rise to BPS fluxons straightforwardly from the appropriate input Nahm data which is expected from the D-brane picture of BPS fluxons. We also show that the Fourier-transformed soliton of the localized caloron in the zero-period limit exactly coincides with the BPS fluxon.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures; v3: minor changes, references added; v4: references added, version to appear in PR

    Triggering an eruptive flare by emerging flux in a solar active-region complex

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    A flare and fast coronal mass ejection originated between solar active regions NOAA 11514 and 11515 on July 1, 2012 in response to flux emergence in front of the leading sunspot of the trailing region 11515. Analyzing the evolution of the photospheric magnetic flux and the coronal structure, we find that the flux emergence triggered the eruption by interaction with overlying flux in a non-standard way. The new flux neither had the opposite orientation nor a location near the polarity inversion line, which are favorable for strong reconnection with the arcade flux under which it emerged. Moreover, its flux content remained significantly smaller than that of the arcade (approximately 40 %). However, a loop system rooted in the trailing active region ran in part under the arcade between the active regions, passing over the site of flux emergence. The reconnection with the emerging flux, leading to a series of jet emissions into the loop system, caused a strong but confined rise of the loop system. This lifted the arcade between the two active regions, weakening its downward tension force and thus destabilizing the considerably sheared flux under the arcade. The complex event was also associated with supporting precursor activity in an enhanced network near the active regions, acting on the large-scale overlying flux, and with two simultaneous confined flares within the active regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Topical Issue of Solar Physics: Solar and Stellar Flares. 25 pages, 12 figure

    About Bianchi I with VSL

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    In this paper we study how to attack, through different techniques, a perfect fluid Bianchi I model with variable G,c and Lambda, but taking into account the effects of a cc-variable into the curvature tensor. We study the model under the assumption,div(T)=0. These tactics are: Lie groups method (LM), imposing a particular symmetry, self-similarity (SS), matter collineations (MC) and kinematical self-similarity (KSS). We compare both tactics since they are quite similar (symmetry principles). We arrive to the conclusion that the LM is too restrictive and brings us to get only the flat FRW solution. The SS, MC and KSS approaches bring us to obtain all the quantities depending on \int c(t)dt. Therefore, in order to study their behavior we impose some physical restrictions like for example the condition q<0 (accelerating universe). In this way we find that cc is a growing time function and Lambda is a decreasing time function whose sing depends on the equation of state, w, while the exponents of the scale factor must satisfy the conditions i=13αi=1\sum_{i=1}^{3}\alpha_{i}=1 and i=13αi2<1,\sum_{i=1}^{3}\alpha_{i}^{2}<1, ω\forall\omega, i.e. for all equation of state,, relaxing in this way the Kasner conditions. The behavior of GG depends on two parameters, the equation of state ω\omega and ϵ,\epsilon, a parameter that controls the behavior of c(t),c(t), therefore GG may be growing or decreasing.We also show that through the Lie method, there is no difference between to study the field equations under the assumption of a cc-var affecting to the curvature tensor which the other one where it is not considered such effects.Nevertheless, it is essential to consider such effects in the cases studied under the SS, MC, and KSS hypotheses.Comment: 29 pages, Revtex4, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Origins of the Ambient Solar Wind: Implications for Space Weather

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    The Sun's outer atmosphere is heated to temperatures of millions of degrees, and solar plasma flows out into interplanetary space at supersonic speeds. This paper reviews our current understanding of these interrelated problems: coronal heating and the acceleration of the ambient solar wind. We also discuss where the community stands in its ability to forecast how variations in the solar wind (i.e., fast and slow wind streams) impact the Earth. Although the last few decades have seen significant progress in observations and modeling, we still do not have a complete understanding of the relevant physical processes, nor do we have a quantitatively precise census of which coronal structures contribute to specific types of solar wind. Fast streams are known to be connected to the central regions of large coronal holes. Slow streams, however, appear to come from a wide range of sources, including streamers, pseudostreamers, coronal loops, active regions, and coronal hole boundaries. Complicating our understanding even more is the fact that processes such as turbulence, stream-stream interactions, and Coulomb collisions can make it difficult to unambiguously map a parcel measured at 1 AU back down to its coronal source. We also review recent progress -- in theoretical modeling, observational data analysis, and forecasting techniques that sit at the interface between data and theory -- that gives us hope that the above problems are indeed solvable.Comment: Accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews. Special issue connected with a 2016 ISSI workshop on "The Scientific Foundations of Space Weather." 44 pages, 9 figure