15 research outputs found

    条件表現の地理的変異 : 方言文法の体系と多様性をめぐって

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    〈共同研究プロジェクト紹介〉萌芽・発掘型 : 首都圏の言語の実態と動向に関する研究 地域語の観点からみた首都圏の言語の実態と動向の一側面

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    国立国語研究所理論・構造研究系地域語の観点からみた首都圏の言語の実態と動向の一側面として,在来方言の「のめっこい」という語が地域資源として再生利用される事例を取り上げた。この語は日常生活ではほとんど使われなくなっているが,地域の人間関係の親密さを積極的に表す語として,キャッチフレーズ等に多く用いられる。「なめらか」という〈接触感覚〉の意味と,「親しい」という〈人間関係〉の意味を併せ持っており,後者は前者から派生したと考えられる。さらに,「地元らしさを示しながら,親しみや身近さの雰囲気を醸し出す」という地域資源としての利用と連動するように,親しい人間関係を表す意味によりシフトしている様子がうかがわれる。キャッチフレーズとして利用されたため,限定的ではあるが,この語を知らなかった人が,この語を認知し使用する兆しが見られる。若年層に対する意識調査によると,ほぼ全員がこの語を知らないが,2割弱の回答者が「使ってみたい」とし,「古くておもしろい」とする価値観が使用を後押しする可能性が見られた。ただし,本来の意味を理解している人はほとんどおらず,全く異なった意味で受容されていることがわかった。今後の動向が注目される。To illustrate one approach to research on the Japanese currently spoken in the Tokyo metropolitan area, I investigated the dialectal word nomekkoi used in the Tama area. This word is old and hardly ever used in everyday life, but it does occur in catchphrases to indicate intimacy in human relationships in the Tama area today. It has the meaning \u27smooth\u27 and the meaning \u27intimate,\u27 and the latter was derived from the former. The meaning has shifted in connection with a desire to "create an atmosphere of familiarity or closeness while displaying local identity," and there are indications that its use in catchphrases has led an increase in the number of people who know it. A survey of younger speakers showed that although the great majority do not know the word, nearly twenty percent said, "I would like to use it" because "it is old and interesting." However, the survey also showed that the most of these respondents ascribed a meaning to the word that is completely different from its original meaning. It will be interesting to see how the situation changes in the future

    「全国方言文法の対比的研究」調査の概要とそのデータ分析 : 原因・理由表現

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    国立国語研究所 時空間変異研究系国立国語研究所 理論・構造研究系Department of Language Change and Variation, National Institute for Japanese Language and LinguisticsDepartment of Linguistic Theory and Structure, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics国立国語研究所における「全国方言文法の対比的研究」に関わる調査資料群のうち,調査I・調査IIIという未発表の調査資料について,調査の概要をまとめ,具体的な言語分析を行った。調査I・調査IIIは,統一的な方法で方言文法の全国調査を行うことによって,方言および標準語の文法研究に必要な基礎的資料を得ることを目的とし,1966-1973(昭和41-48)年度に地方研究員53名・所員4名によって行われ,全国94地点の整理票が現存する。具体的なデータとして原因・理由表現を取り上げ,データ分析を試みることによって資料の特徴を明らかにした。3節では,異なり語数の比較や形式の重複数から,『方言文法全国地図』が対象としなかった意味・用法を含む幅広い形式が報告された可能性があることを指摘し,意味・用法については主節の文のタイプ,推量形への接続の可否,終助詞的用法の観点から回答結果を概観した。4節では,調査時期の異なる他の調査資料との比較によって,ハンテ類の衰退とサカイ類の語形変化を指摘した。「対比的研究」の調査結果は興味深く,現代では得がたい資料である。今後,この調査報告の活用が期待される。Using the materials from the first and third "Contrastive Study of Dialect Grammars" by The National Language Research Institute, we summarized the methodology and performed a linguistic analysis. The purpose of these surveys was to gather the data required for a study of the grammars of dialects and the grammar of the standard language by conducting a nationwide investigation using a consistent methodology. The investigation was carried out by a total of 53 local researchers and four staff members in 94 locations all over the country between 1966 and 1973. Some characteristics of the data emerged when we analyzed expressions for cause/reason. By looking at the numbers reported for different words and for overlapping expressions, we realized that there may be linguistic forms that are missing from the "Grammar Atlas of Japanese Dialects". By comparing data from other surveys done at different times, we noted a decrease in the HANTE type and a change in the inflectional form used with the SAKAI type. The findings of the "Contrastive Study of Dialect Grammars" are extremely valuable and would be difficult to duplicate today

    Potential use of lenvatinib for patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma including after treatment with sorafenib : Real-world evidence and in vitro assessment via protein phosphorylation array

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    The efficacy and safety of lenvatinib (LEN) as a second/third-line treatment for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after sorafenib (SOR) therapy remains unknown. We evaluated the outcomes of second/third-line LEN treatment, investigated the sensitivity of a SOR-resistant HCC cell line (PLC/PRF5-R2) to LEN, and assessed their signal transduction pathways by protein array analysis. We retrospectively enrolled 57 patients with unresectable HCC. Fifty-three radiologically evaluated patients comprised 34 molecular-targeted agent (MTA)-naive (first-line), nine intolerant to SOR (second-line), and 10 resistant to regorafenib (third-line). The objective response rates (ORRs) were 61.8% in first-line, 33.3% in second-line, and 20.0% in third-line groups. The overall survival (OS) in the first-line was significantly longer than that in the third-line group (p < 0.05). Patients with better liver functional reserves (child score, ALBI grade) exhibited higher ORR and longer OS. The IC50 of LEN against PLC/PRF5-R2 was significantly higher than that against PLC/PRF5. LEN significantly inhibited more LEN-related signal transduction pathways in PLC/PRF5 than in PLC/PRF5-R2 cells. This suggests that LEN is active and safe as a second/third-line treatment for unresectable HCC. LEN seems more effective for patients with HCC with better hepatic reserve functions or before MTA-resistance is acquired because of the partial cross-resistance to SOR


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