15 research outputs found

    Detection of a Fallen Person and its head and lower body from aerial images

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    This paper proposes a method of detecting a person fallen on the ground and its head and lower body from aerial images. The study intends to automate discovering victims of disasters such as earthquakes from areal images taken by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Rotation-invariant histogram of oriented gradients and rotation-invariant local binary pattern are used as features describing a fallen person so as to detect it regardless of its body orientation. The proposed method also detects the head and the lower body of a fallen person using the peak of the gradient histogram. Experimental results show satisfactory performance of the proposed method

    Detection of a Fallen Person and Estimation of the Head Position from UAV Images

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    In order to search for victims in the event of a disaster, we propose a method of detecting a fallen person from UAV images and estimating its head position. Rotation-invariant HOG and Rotation-invariant LBP are used, so that they may detected a fallen person regardless of its body orientation. In addition, the position of the head of a fallen person is estimated using the peak of the gradient histogram. Experimental results show satisfactory performance of the proposed method.The 2021 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2021), January 21-24, 2021, Higashi-Hiroshima (オンライン開催に変更

    Functional roles of Aves class-specific cis-regulatory elements on macroevolution of bird-specific features

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    Unlike microevolutionary processes, little is known about the genetic basis of macroevolutionary processes. One of these magnificent examples is the transition from non-avian dinosaurs to birds that has created numerous evolutionary innovations such as self-powered flight and its associated wings with flight feathers. By analysing 48 bird genomes, we identified millions of avian-specific highly conserved elements (ASHCEs) that predominantly (>99%) reside in non-coding regions. Many ASHCEs show differential histone modifications that may participate in regulation of limb development. Comparative embryonic gene expression analyses across tetrapod species suggest ASHCE-associated genes have unique roles in developing avian limbs. In particular, we demonstrate how the ASHCE driven avian-specific expression of gene Sim1 driven by ASHCE may be associated with the evolution and development of flight feathers. Together, these findings demonstrate regulatory roles of ASHCEs in the creation of avian-specific traits, and further highlight the importance of cis-regulatory rewiring during macroevolutionary changes

    Detection of a Fallen Person and its head and lower body from aerial images

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    This paper proposes a method of detecting a person fallen on the ground and its head and lower body from aerial images. The study intends to automate discovering victims of disasters such as earthquakes from areal images taken by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Rotation-invariant histogram of oriented gradients and rotation-invariant local binary pattern are used as features describing a fallen person so as to detect it regardless of its body orientation. The proposed method also detects the head and the lower body of a fallen person using the peak of the gradient histogram. Experimental results show satisfactory performance of the proposed method

    Structural Characterization of Cerium‐encapsulated Preyssler‐type Phosphotungstate: Additional Evidence of Ce(III) in the Cavity

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    Single-crystal X-ray structure analysis revealed the precise structure of a Ce-encapsulated Preyssler-type phosphotungstate which was first synthesized by Pope et al. Antonio et al. reported that encapsulated Ce has a 3+ oxidation state and is redox-inactive, which is unlike other Ce-containing phosphotungstates. Therefore, precise structural analysis about Ce position is needed. The encapsulated Ce was located in one of the side cavities, and was coordinated to one H2O molecule. The position of Ce was similar to that of Y3+ and Eu3+ in similar compounds. This result, together with the bond valence sum calculation, provides additional evidence that the oxidation state of the redox-inactive Ce in the Preyssler-type compound is 3+.This research was supported by JSPS KAKENHI, Grant No. JP18H02058 (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)), International Network on Polyoxometalate Science at Hiroshima University, and the EPSRC-JSPS core-to-core program

    Structural Characterization of Cerium-encapsulated Preyssler-type Phosphotungstate: Additional Evidence of Ce(III) in the Cavity

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    Single-crystal X-ray structure analysis revealed the precise structure of a Ce-encapsulated Preyssler-type phosphotungstate which was first synthesized by Pope et al. Antonio et al. reported that encapsulated Ce has a 3+ oxidation state and is redox-inactive, which is unlike other Ce-containing phosphotungstates. Therefore, precise structural analysis about Ce position is needed. The encapsulated Ce was located in one of the side cavities, and was coordinated to one H2O molecule. The position of Ce was similar to that of Y3+ and Eu3+ in similar compounds. This result, together with the bond valence sum calculation, provides additional evidence that the oxidation state of the redox-inactive Ce in the Preyssler-type compound is 3+.This research was supported by JSPS KAKENHI, Grant No. JP18H02058 (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)), International Network on Polyoxometalate Science at Hiroshima University, and the EPSRC-JSPS core-to-core program