1,972 research outputs found

    Mortality study of 18 000 patients treated with omeprazole.

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    Background: The long term safety of potent gastric acid suppressive therapy has yet to be established. Method: General practice record review at a median interval of 26 months followed by retrieval of details of all deaths within four years using the UK National Health Service Central Registers in 17 936 patients prescribed omeprazole in 1993–1995. Death rates were compared with general population rates. Results: Records of 17 489 patients (97.5%) were examined. A total of 12 703 patients received further scripts for antisecretory drugs, 8097 for omeprazole only (65.6%): 3097 patients have died. All cause mortality was higher in the first year (observed/expected (O/E) 1.44 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.34–1.55); p<0.0001) but had fallen to population expectation by the fourth year. There were significant mortality increases in the first year, falling to or below population expectation by the fourth year, for deaths ascribed to neoplasms (1.82 (95% CI 1.58–2.08); p<0.0001), circulatory diseases (1.27 (95% CI 1.13–1.43); p<0.0001), and respiratory diseases (1.37 (95% CI 1.12–1.64); p<0.001). Increased mortality ascribed to digestive diseases (2.56 (95% CI 1.87–3.43); p<0.0001) persisted, although reduced. Increased mortality rates for cancers of the stomach (4.06 (95% CI 2.60–6.04); p<0.0001), colon and rectum (1.40 (95% CI 0.84–2.18); p=0.075), and trachea, bronchus, and lung (1.64 (95% CI 1.19–2.19); p<0.01) seen in the first year had disappeared by the fourth year but that for cancer of the oesophagus had not (O/E 7.35 (95% CI 5.20–10.09) (p<0.0001) in year 1; 2.88 (95% CI 1.62–4.79) (p<0.001) in year 4). Forty of 78 patients dying of oesophageal cancer had the disease present at registration. Twenty seven of those remaining cases had clinical evidence of Barrett’s disease, stricture, ulcer, or oesophagitis at registration (O/E 3.30 (95% CI 2.17–4.80)). Six deaths occurred in patients with hiatal hernia or reflux only (O/E 1.02 (95% CI 0.37–2.22)) and five in patients without oesophageal disease (O/E 0.77 (95% CI 0.25–1.80)). No relationships were detected with numbers of omeprazole scripts received. Conclusions: Increases in mortality associated with treatment are due to pre- existing illness, including pre-existing severe oesophageal disease. There was no evidence of an increased risk of oesophageal adenocarcinoma in those without oesophageal mucosal damage recorded at registration

    Sharing the Same Political Ideology Yet Endorsing Different Values: Left- and Right-Wing Political Supporters Are More Heterogeneous Than Moderates

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    Members of extreme political groups are usually perceived as more homogeneous than moderates. We investigated whether members of the general public who share the same political ideology would exhibit different levels of heterogeneity in terms of human values across 20 European countries and Israel. We directly compared the variability across moderate-, left-, and right-wing groups. Our findings suggest that the values of more extreme (left-wing or right-wing) supporters are usually more heterogeneous than those with more moderate views. We replicated this finding for politics-related variables such as attitudes toward immigrants and trust in (inter)national institutions. We also found that country-level variables (income, religiosity, and parasite stress level) did not moderate the pattern of value variability. Overall, our results suggest that endorsing the same political ideology is not necessarily associated with sharing the same values, especially in the case of common citizens holding extreme political attitudes

    Transvenous nonfluoroscopic pacemaker implantation during pregnancy guided by 3-dimensional electroanatomic mapping

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    Patients with congenital heart disease are at ongoing risk of developing both bradyarrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias decades after surgical repair. Rarely, arrhythmias can be exacerbated during pregnancy and require emergent intervention. Here, we report unique experience with nonfluoroscopic pacemaker implantation during pregnancy. Ionizing radiation, even in low doses, is associated with an increased risk of malignancy, and a fetus may be at particularly increased risk.1, 2 Over the past 2 decades, the use of fluoroscopy in cardiac ablation procedures has become nearly obsolete with the development of 3-dimensional (3D) electroanatomic mapping software such as CARTO (Biosense-Webster, Diamond Bar, CA) and NavX or EnSite (St. Jude Medical, Inc., St. Paul, MN).3 However, certain procedures, such as device implants, still commonly use fluoroscopy in most instances.2 Fluoroscopy use in patients with congenital heart disease is of utmost concern because of cumulative radiation exposure from multiple lifetime catheterization, radiographic and computed tomography imaging, and electrophysiological procedures

    Research collaboration

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    AbstractThe complexity and cost of cardiovascular medical care dictate research to deliver high quality and cost-conscious cardiovascular care. This goal is aided by modeling medical decision making. To be useful, the modeling must be based on real data so that the results can serve as a guide to actual practice. It is suggested that a registry of randomized clinical trials and larger data bases in cardiovascular disease and health care delivery be established. The registry would be a resource for those desiring to model decision making. The registry would contain key words allowing retrieval by modelers accessing the registry and would contain contact information for consideration of possible collaborative work. The initiation of such a registry should contain plans for its evaluation to determine whether the registry itself is a cost-effective tool to encourage the needed research

    Caseload midwifery compared to standard or private obstetric care for first time mothers in a public teaching hospital in Australia: A cross sectional study of cost and birth outcomes

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    Background: In many countries midwives act as the main providers of care for women throughout pregnancy, labour and birth. In our large public teaching hospital in Australia we restructured the way midwifery care is offered and introduced caseload midwifery for one third of women booked at the hospital. We then compared the costs and birth outcomes associated with caseload midwifery compared to the two existing models of care, standard hospital care and private obstetric care.Methods: We undertook a cross sectional study examining the risk profile, birth outcomes and cost of care for women booked into one of the three available models of care in a tertiary teaching hospital in Australia between July 1st 2009 December 31st 2010. To control for differences in population or case mix we described the outcomes for a cohort of low risk first time mothers known as the 'standard primipara'.Results: Amongst the 1,379 women defined as 'standard primipara' there were significant differences in birth outcome. These first time 'low risk' mothers who received caseload care were more likely to have a spontaneous onset of labour and an unassisted vaginal birth 58.5% in MGP compared to 48.2% for Standard hospital care and 30.8% with Private obstetric care (p < 0.001). They were also significantly less likely to have an elective caesarean section 1.6% with MGP versus 5.3% with Standard care and 17.2% with private obstetric care (p < 0.001). From the public hospital perspective, over one financial year the average cost of care for the standard primipara in MGP was 3903.78perwoman.Thiswas3903.78 per woman. This was 1375.45 less per woman than those receiving Private obstetric care and $1590.91 less than Standard hospital care per woman (p < 0.001). Similar differences in cost were found in favour of MGP for all women in the study who received caseload care.Conclusions: Cost reduction appears to be achieved through reorganising the way care is delivered in the public hospital system with the introduction of Midwifery Group Practice or caseload care. The study also highlights the unexplained clinical variation that exists between the three models of care in Australia. © 2014 Tracy et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Is evolution faster at ecotones? A test using rates and tempo of diet transitions in Neotropical Sigmodontinae (Rodentia, Cricetidae)

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    We evaluated whether evolution is faster at ecotones as niche shifts may be needed to persist under unstable environment. We mapped diet evolution along the evolutionary history of 350 sigmodontine species. Mapping was used in three new tipbased metrics of trait evolution – Transition Rates, Stasis Time, and Last Transition Time – which were spatialized at the assemblage level (aTR, aST, aTL). Assemblages were obtained by superimposing range maps on points located at core and ecotone of the 93 South American ecoregions. Using Linear Mixed Models, we tested whether ecotones have species with more changes from the ancestral diet (higher aTR), have maintained the current diet for a shorter time (lower aST), and have more recent transitions to the current diet (lower aLT) than cores. We found lower aTR, and higher aST and aLT at ecotones than at cores. Although ecotones are more heterogeneous, both environmentally and in relation to selection pressures they exert on organisms, ecotone species change little from the ancestral diet as generalist habits are necessary toward feeding in ephemeral environments. The need to incorporate phylogenetic uncertainty in tip-based metrics was evident from large uncertainty detected. Our study integrates ecology and evolution by analyzing how fast trait evolution is across space

    A randomised controlled trial of caseload midwifery care: M@NGO (Midwives @ New Group practice Options)

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    Background: Australia has an enviable record of safety for women in childbirth. There is nevertheless growing concern at the increasing level of intervention and consequent morbidity amongst childbearing women. Not only do interventions impact on the cost of services, they carry with them the potential for serious morbidities for mother and infant.Models of midwifery have proliferated in an attempt to offer women less fragmented hospital care. One of these models that is gaining widespread consumer, disciplinary and political support is caseload midwifery care. Caseload midwives manage the care of approximately 35-40 a year within a small Midwifery Group Practice (usually 4-6 midwives who plan their on call and leave within the Group Practice.) We propose to compare the outcomes and costs of caseload midwifery care compared to standard or routine hospital care through a randomised controlled trial.Methods/design: A two-arm RCT design will be used. Women will be recruited from tertiary women's hospitals in Sydney and Brisbane, Australia. Women allocated to the caseload intervention will receive care from a named caseload midwife within a Midwifery Group Practice. Control women will be allocated to standard or routine hospital care. Women allocated to standard care will receive their care from hospital rostered midwives, public hospital obstetric care and community based general medical practitioner care. All midwives will collaborate with obstetricians and other health professionals as necessary according to the woman's needs.Discussion: Data will be collected at recruitment, 36 weeks antenatally, six weeks and six months postpartum by web based or postal survey. With 750 women or more in each of the intervention and control arms the study is powered (based on 80% power; alpha 0.05) to detect a difference in caesarean section rates of 29.4 to 22.9%; instrumental birth rates from 11.0% to 6.8%; and rates of admission to neonatal intensive care of all neonates from 9.9% to 5.8% (requires 721 in each arm). The study is not powered to detect infant or maternal mortality, however all deaths will be reported. Other significant findings will be reported, including a comprehensive process and economic evaluation.Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12609000349246. © 2011 Tracy et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Ноосферная проблематика в философии Тейяра де Шардена

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    Современная экологическая ситуация остается одной их актуальных. Она требует всестороннего, комплексного анализа, в том числе и философского осмысления. В XX в. сформировались несколько концептуальных представлений, получивших название "ноосферных". Одним из теоретиков ноосферной концепции был Тейяр де Шарден. Исследование его подхода дает основание избежать ошибок и сформировать научное последовательное представление во взаимоотношениях между Природой и Обществом