12 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan dengan Kepuasan Pelanggan sebagai Variabel Intervening di Toko Kalimas

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, kepuasan pelanggan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan, dan kualitas pelayanan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada Toko Kalimas Surabaya. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS) dengan proses perhitungan yang dibantu program aplikasi software SmartPLS untuk mengolah data-data angket. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pe-langgan, kepuasan pelanggan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan, dan kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan, serta kualitas pelayanan berpengaruh tidak langsung terhadap loyalitas pelanggan dengan variabel intervening kepuasan pelanggan

    Perancangan Buku Fotografi Objek Dan Atraksi Wisata Kabupaten Tolitoli, Sulawesi Tengah

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    Perancangan tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang objek dan atraksi wisata yang berada di Kabupaten Tolitoli. Tolitoli memiliki daya tarik mulai dari pantai, pegunungan, dikelilingi pulau-pulau, adat-istiadat yang unik, serta makanan khas daerah yang tidak terdapat di daerah lainnya. Banyaknya potensi pariwisata yang terdapat di Kabupaten Tolitoli belum tersampaikan kepada masyarakat luas. Pembuatan perancangan tugas akhir ini dilakukan menggunakan teknik fotografi, yang dikemas menjadi sebuah buku dengan layout yang sederhana dan minimalis. Perancangan ini diharapkan dapat memberi informasi mengenai tempat wisata yang berada di Indonesia. Penulis berharap buku ini dapat mengundang minat wisatawan lokal dan mancanegara untuk berkunjung ke Kabupaten Tolitoli

    Pre-treatment of Used-Cooking Oil as Feed Stocks of Biodiesel Production by Using Activated Carbon and Clay Minerals

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    Many low-cost feedstock i.e. used-cooking oil (UCO) for the production of biodiesel fuel (BDF) has contained a large amount of water and high proportion of free fatty acids (FFAs). Therefore, a pre-treatment process to reduce the water content (<0.1 wt.%) and FFAs (<2.0 wt.%) were necessary in order to avoid an undesirable side reactions, such as saponification, which could lead to serious problem of product separation and low fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) yield. . In this study, a pre-treatment process of used cooking oil as a feedstock for the production of BDF by using various adsorbents such as Activated Carbon (AC) and various clay minerals, for example Smectite (S), Bentonite (B), Kaolinite (K), and Powdered Earthenware (PE) were evaluated. The oil obtained from pre-treatment was compared with oil without pre-treatment process. In this study, we reported a basic difference in material ability to the oil, depending on the adsorption condition with respect to the physico-chemical parameters, e.g. refractive index (R), density (ρ), FFAs, and water content (W). The results showed that the water content and FFAs in the oil has decreased when using AC as an adsorbent compared with clay minerals. However, the refractive index of oil has similar with the oil without pre-treatment process as well; meanwhile, the density of oil has increased after the pre-treatment process by using clay minerals

    Pengetahuan dan Pola Makan dengan Status Gizi Remaja di Pondok Pesantren Nahdlatul Ulum Soreang Maros

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    Teenagers need higher nutrients than adults in adolescents, there is an increase in physical growth and significant body development. Changes in lifestyle and eating habits of adolescents affect their intake and nutritional needs.This study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge and diet with the nutritional status of adolescents at the Nahdlatul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Soreang Maros.This research is an analytical study with cross sectional survey design. The subject in this study were adolescents at the Nahdlatul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Soreang Maros, Maros Regency, amount to 134 people. The nutritional knowledge of the subject was obtained through interviews using a questionnaire. The subject diet was obtained through interviews using Food Frequency Quesionarrie (FFQ). Nutritional status (BMI / U) of the sample is obtained from the results of measurements of body weight and height. To find out the relationship between variables of knowledge and diet with nutritional status, chi square test was conducted using SPSS program. Data is presented in the form of frequency distribution and narrative tables.The results of the study show that subject knowledge is 73.1% good and 26.7% less. The subject diet was 53.10% less and 47.0% good. The nutritional status of the subject was 94.8 good and 5.2% more. The results of statistical tests between variables showed no relationship between knowledge and diet and there was no relationship between knowledge and nutritional status and there was a relationship between diet and nutritional status. Keywords : Nutrition Knowledge, Diet,Nutritional Statu

    Asupan Zat Gizi Makro pada Penderita Demam Typoid di RSUD Maros

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    Typhoid fever is a deases in small intestine and could cause continous symptoms, that was generated by salmonella thyposa. Knowing macro nutrition intake for typhoid fever patients in Makassar City Hospital. The study is acase study with observationa approach, patient's nutrition intake data obtained 24 hours food recall form and the data was analized using Food Material Needs List. Macro nutrition intake in first and second day in recall averaged, is known at 2239.15 kcal energy (77,1%) which categorized moderate, energy's intake were close to standard amount that recomended. 75.3 gr (103.85) proteins, which categorized normal and protein's intake was fulfill standard amount that was recomended. 86.05 gr (117 %) fats which categorized very excessive, fat's intake was exceeded standard amount that was recomended. 294.65 gr (54 %) carbohydrate which categorized deficient, and was not meet the standard amount that was recommended. Medical diagnosis Febris Pro Ev. patients nutrition status was normal nutrition status from IMT 23.89 kg/m2 result. Intervention that was given to the patient in from stomach diet (tender food) and education about diet advice based on patient's condition and needs was given

    Tingkat Kepuasan dan Asupan Zat Gizi Makro dengan Status Gizi Remaja Putri

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    Health Polytechnic Islamic boarding school is one of the institutions that serve the food needs of students, so they must have a good food management system. Food is said to be nutritious if it contains enough nutrients to meet the body's needs. This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of satisfaction and intake of macro nutrients with the nutritional status of young women in the Nahdlatul Ulum Islamic boarding school Maros. This research is an analytical research. The samples were 95 junior high school girls of class VII and VIII who were selected by purposive sampling. The level of satisfaction was obtained using a manually processed questionnaire using scoring. Intake of macro nutrients is obtained through non-consecutive 2x24 hours recall and then processed using nutrient 2008 and compared with AKG. Nutritional status is obtained through anthropometric measurements. The relationship between the variable level of satisfaction and intake of macro nutrients with nutritional status was done by Chi Square test. Data is presented using frequency tables and narratives. The results showed that the sample who liked rice dishes were 67 people (70.5%), animal side dishes 70 people (73.7%), vegetable side dishes 67 people (70.5%), vegetables 70 people (73.7%), and the level of satisfaction in food was 85 people (89.5%). Samples that had good protein intake of 95 people (100%), good fat intake of 49 people (51.6%) and less carbohydrate intake of 79 people (83.2%). Nutritional status of 49 people (51.6%) is normal based on BMI / U. The results of statistical tests concluded that there was no significant relationship between the level of satisfaction and intake of macro nutrients with the nutritional status of young women in the Nahdlatul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Maros

    Hubungan Asupan Energi dan Gizi Makro Serta Status Gizi pada Pasien Pre-eklamsi di Rsia Siti Fatimah Kota Makassar

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    Preeclampsia until now is still a health problem that can not be solved completely. Statistical data in developed countries shows that 10-30% of all maternal deaths are caused by preeclampsia. Preeclampsia is one of the three major causes of maternal death in addition to bleeding and infection. Nutritional intake is an indicator to see the nutritional adequacy and upper arm circumference of pregnant women is one tool to assess the nutritional status, so it can be known complications during pregnancy. This study aims to determine how the relationship of energy intake and macro nutrition and nutritional status with the incidence of preeklamsi in RSIA Siti Fatimah Makassar. The type of this research is cross sectional study. Data collection was done by interview using questionnaire with total sample as many as 34 people. The result of the research using statistical analysis of chi-square test showed that energy intake, protein intake, fat intake, and carbohydrate intake as well as nutritional status were obtained by p values, p = 0.584, p = 0.611, p = 0.416, p = 0.649 And p = 0.547 means that there is no relationship between energy intake and macro nutrition and nutritional status in patients preeklamsi in RSIA Siti Fatimah Makassar. It is expected that the respondent health officer can increase the frequency of counseling both personally and group related factors that can influence the occurrence of preeclampsia

    Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Gizi dengan Asupan Energi pada Anak Stunting

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    Background The nutritional problem is essentially a public health problem that is influenced by many factors, therefore the prevention of nutritional problems can not be done by health approach but also involves other sectors such as education, religion and social. In school-age children need more energy and other nutrients such as energy, protein, calcium, fluorine and iron as the activity increases. Optimal child growth depends on the provision of nutrition with good quality and quantity as well as true. Method This research is descriptive approach with survey method that describes mother's knowledge and energy intake in child stunting Population in this research is all elementary school student of Inpres Sengka Regency of South Bontonompo Regency of Gowa. The sample of this research is class III student of class III and IV with Stunting of nutritional status A total of 26 people with measured amount of counted 62 people consisting of class III number of 11 people and IV as many as 15 people, the reason to choose class III and IV is because students Able To remember when they want direcall. Primary data consists of: a. Mother's knowledge variable is obtained from direct interview with respondent by using questionnaire instrument which contains question about causes of stunting and food energy source and so on. b. The variable of energy nutrient intake from child feeding habits (sample) was obtained from 2x 24 hour food recall interview method using 2x 24 hour food recall form. Assessment of nutritional intake by this method is done two days with a one-day measurement interval. Good nutrition intake if ≥ 77.0% of and less if α = 0,05) explained that there is no significant relationship between Mother's knowledge about nutrition and energy intake in elementary school stunting children. Conclusion: 1. Maternal knowledge about nutrition category less as many as 21 people (80,7%) and good as many as 5 people (19,23%). 2. Less energy intake in children Stunting as many as 15 people (57.7%), good as many as 11 people (42.3%). 3. There is no relationship between knowledge and energy intak

    Hubungan Pendapatan Orangtua dan Pola Makan Serta Kejadian Penyakit Diare dengan Status Gizi

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    This type of research is analytic research using the Cross-Sectional Study approach, to obtain data on the relationship of diet and parental income and the incidence of diarrheal diseases on nutritional status (BB / TB) of the students of SDN Daya 1. Populations in this study were all elementary school students of the third, fourth, and fifth grade of SDN Daya 1 Makassar City. The sample in this study were elementary school students in the grades III, IV and V in SDN Daya 1 located in Paccerakkang village, Biringkanaya Subdistrict, Makassar City, with the following criteria: class III-V students who were willing to become a sample; children are in good health at the time of sampling; and parents and teachers are willing to become respondents. Data analysis uses the Chi-Square test. The results showed that diet was not related to nutritional status as evidenced by the value of p = 0.48 (> 0.05), parental income was not related to nutritional status where most of the parents' income level was quite sufficient as evidenced by p = 0, 269 > 0.05) as well as the incidence of diarrhea not related to nutritional status as evidenced by p = 0.470 (> 0.05). It is recommended that the process of data collection is better collaboration between researchers and the school, making direct observations at the household level regarding food availability, and adding food intake variables to find out the meal portion of the sample