21 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Harga Bensin Terhadap Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Di Indonesia

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    The Impact of Gasoline Price on Trac Accident in IndonesiaTraffic accident ranks the ninth largest of the cause of death in Indonesia. The most of researches studying Indonesia on traffic accidents were only blaming on human, motor vehicles, and environment as main culprits, not incorporating economic factors into the models. This study aims to analyze the impact of real gasoline prices on trac accident in Indonesia and the factors of influence them. This research employs time series data from 1970 to 2013 with OLS analysis world crude oil prices as instrument variable. The estimator results show that real price of gasoline and the policy of USAge of motorcycle light insignificant on traffic accident. Meanwhile, real GDP and asphalt roads significantly decrease the traffic accident. However, motorcycles significantly increase the traffic accident

    Instrumen Stimulus Fiskal: Pilihan Kebijakan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perekonomian

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    Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengidentikasi dampak dari pilihan instrumen stimulus skal terhadap pere-konomian, dan merumuskan pilihan kebijakan stimulus skal yang tepat dalam mendorong perekonomiankhususnya terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, kesempatan kerja, dan pendapatan rumah tangga. Alatanalisis yang digunakan adalah model Applied General Equilibrium for Fiscal Policy Analysis (AGEFIS) dengan menggunakan basis data Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) Indonesia tahun 2005. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa (i) kebijakan stimulus skal mampu memberikan dorongan terhadap pertumbuhanekonomi, kesempatan kerja, dan pendapatan rumah tangga namun di sisi lain diperkirakan berpotensimenyebabkan peningkatan harga-harga, (ii) instrumen pengeluaran pemerintah dan pemotongan pajak atasbarang komoditas merupakan pilihan instrumen kebijakan stimulus yang memberikan dampak penggandapaling besar dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi, kesempatan kerja, dan pendapatan rumah tangga

    Analisis Kesediaan Membayar Air Bersih Dan Sanitasi Rumah Tangga Di Indonesia

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    Using Logistic Regression and Hedonic Price Model, this study aims to find the social-economic factors infuencing the demand and willingness to pay (WTP) for clean water supply and proper sanitation. This study find that education and age of household head are the affecting factors. Also, it found that per capita expenditure aects the availibilty of access for sanitation and clean water for all household group. WTP for clean water and sanitation in urban is greater than in rural. In additions, WTP of non poor households are greater than poor household, except for urban area

    Pengaruh Urbanisasi terhadap Konsumsi Energi dan Emisi CO2: Analisis Provinsi di Indonesia

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    Indonesia sedang mengalami fenomena urbanisasi yang pesat, pembangunan pada sektor industri pemicu terbesar dalam peningkatan urbanisasi. Bertumbuhnya populasi urban, sektor industri, dan sektor rumah tangga akan meningkatkan konsumsi energi. Selain itu, dampak dari meningkatnya konsumsi energi akan menghasilkan emisi CO2 yang tinggidimana akan berdampak pada lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh antara urbanisasi terhadap konsumsi energi dan CO2. Penelitian ini menggunakan data periode 2008 sampai dengan 2012 dengan metode estimasi adalah data panel. Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa urbanisasi memiliki hubungan signifikan terhadap konsumsi BBM dan total konsumsi energi, namun urbanisasi tidak signifikan terhadap konsumsi listrik dan emisi CO2. Populasi memiliki hubungan signifikan terhadap konsumsi BBM, konsumsi listrik dan total konsumsi energi serta emisi CO2. Sedangkan pertumbuhan ekonomi memiliki hubungan signifikanterhadap konsumsi BBM, konsumsi listrik, emisi CO2

    Determinan Produktivitas Lahan Pertanian Subsektor Tanaman Pangan Di Indonesia

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    This study is aimed to analyze the determinant factors affecting the agricultural land productivity of food crops sub-sectors in 25 provinces in Indonesia during the period of 2005-2009. Descriptive analysis is done to describe the agricultural land productivity of food crops sub-sectors in Indonesia. The Cobb-Douglas production function with the assumption of Constant Return to Scale on the food crops sub-sectors production is applied. To solve the heteroschedasticity problems and avoid the auto-correlation, then the Generalized Least Square estimator with Cross-Section Weight is done.The result shows that labors and fertilizer are two factors that do not affect significantly to the productivity of food crops sub-sectors; while capital, research, human resources and irrigation are factors that affect positively to the agricultural land productivity of food crops sub-sectors. The study also shows Java as the area with the highest level of productivity and Maluku has the lowest level of productivity

    Analysis of the Competitiveness of Indonesia Tourism Price Compared to the Competitors (Demand Elasticity Approach)

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    This study applies Almost Ideal Demand System models to examine Indonesia\u27s competitiveness as a tourist destination compared to two main competitor countries. The model was used to estimate the sensitivity of tourism demand from seven tourist-main market countries to price changes, the tourists\u27 total budget and global economic crisis. The model estimated result meets the assumptions of the demand theory: homogeneity and symmetry. The elasticity price shows that Indonesia is more competitive than Thailand among Australian and American tourists; while Indonesia is more competitive than Malaysia among American tourists. The research result also shows that the tourism price is the main determinant affecting the allocation of tourist expenditure in the three destinations