112 research outputs found

    Jual Beli melalui Internet dalam Persepektif Ekonomi Islam

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    Jual beli melalui internet saat ini masih menjadi pilihan penting dalam berbisnis dengan alasan praktis, cepat dan mudah. Bisnis ini terus tumbuh dan berkembang di Indonesia. Meskipun mengandung berbagai resiko, seperti ketidaksamaan antara gambar produk di internet dengan barang yang diterima pembeli, tetap saja jual beli melalui internet banyak dilakukan oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana aspek akad dan khiyar dalam jual beli melalui internet menurut persepektif ekonomi Islam ? dan bagaimana keabsahan jual beli melalui internet menurut persepektif ekonomi Islam?. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka (library researtch) yaitu menelaah literatur, transkip, buku-buku atau dokumen yang ada relevansinya dengan masalah-masalah yang akan di teliti dan dibahas. Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif dalam bentuk sistematis yang tersusun secara benar sehingga mudah dibaca dan mengerti dalam memberi arti terhadap data. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan jual beli melalui internet ditinjau dari segi akad dan khiyar diperbolehkan (absah) menurut ekonomi Islam. Hal ini sesuai dengan kaidah ushul fiqih. Kata Kunci: Akad Khiyar, Internet, Ekonomi Islam

    Dampak Pelaksanaan Event Internasional Sail Indonesia Terhadap Perkembangan Wisata Bahari Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is to understand This research will discuss about the implementation of the International Event Sail Indonesia to the development of the capacity of Indonesian marine tourism. As we know, Indonesia is an archipelago (archipelago state) in the world that is located flanked by two oceans, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Indonesia has a wealth of natural resources, especially tourism. in addition to Bali, Indonesia also has other tourist destinations that also has a high value. The tourism such as Wakatobi, Belitung, Morotai, Pulau Komodo, and Raja Ampad based in International Event Sail Indonesia in 2011 – 2014.This research theoretically has built with Globalism perspectives on International Relations and supported by International Tourism theory. Formulation of all arguments, facts, and theoretical framework on this research is guided by qualitative explanation methods. Technique in this research is through by the study of library. Data which is gotten and collected through the journal books, the last thesis and then from internet has related to the problems.Researcher has formulated answered-hypothesis whic reveals the fact that Sail Indonesia International Event Impact on Tourism Development Bahari Indonesia is the increasing domestic and foreign tourists visit in the object of the event. Either Wakatobi-Belitung (2011), Morotai (2012), Komodo Island (2013), and Raja Ampat ( 2014) been increase since that International event Sail Indonesia. development of domestic and foreign tourists visit also helped the development and the regional econom

    Pemanfaatan Microsoft Excel Untuk Media Pembelajaran Fisika Pokok Bahasan Gerak Dengan Bantuan Camtasia Studio 4

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh hasil UN mata pelajaran IPAtahun pelajaran 2007/2008 untuk Kabupaten Kendal masih relatifrendah. Hal ini mengindikasikan masih kurangnya pemahaman siswaSMP tentang mapel IPA khususnya Fisika. Padahal sebenarnya siswamemiliki potensi yang baik, tetapi karena ditangani oleh suatu prosespembelajaran yang kurang berkualitas dan belum optimal, ditunjangdengan kurangnya sarana dan prasarana pendidikan maka hasilnyaumumnya masih relatif rendah.Metode penelitian adalah pengembangan yang meliputi 6 tahap,yaitu : Concept, Design,Collecting materials, Assambly, Uji Coba,Distribution.Setelah Media pembelajaran selesai dibuat, kemudian dilakukanpenelitian tentang uji coba produk kepada Ahli PemrogramanKomputer, Ahli pembelajaran/ guru fisika, dan kepada siswa kelas VIISMP sebagai pengguna produk ini.Data yang diperoleh melalui uji coba menunjukkan bahwa mediapembelajaran Fisika dengan memanfaatkan Microsoft Excel denganbantuan Camtasia 4 layak digunakan untuk media pembelajaran bagiguru dan siswa secara mandiri. Setelah dilakuakn ujicoba di kelaskecil menunjukkan ketertarikan siswa dengan media pembelajaran ini.Hasil evaluasi di akhir pembelajaran juga menunjukkan nilai yangbaik yaitu rata-rata 7,8

    Diplomasi Australia-Indonesia Dalam Pemberian Grasi Terhadap Terpidana Kasus Narkoba (Schapelle Leigh Corby) Tahun 2009-2014

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    This study analyzes the case of Schapelle Leigh Corby , an Australian citizen who was caught smuggling four kilograms of marijuana to be smuggled into Indonesia through Ngurah Rai airport Denpasar After serving a sentence of less than seven years , the Indonesian government gave clemency or pardons to Corby as much as five years in prison . Filing by the attorney Corby clemency was done because he declared mentally ill by two different doctors . In granting clemency to Corby pour a lot of protests from the public, since the middle of Susilos administration was keen to fight the drug problem giving Corby clemency to prisoners who are drug related problems.This research uses qualitative research methods. Research conducted by way of explaining based on existing data. Then techniques used in this research libraries from various sources such as books, journals,newspapers and also the documentation is accessible from the internet. The theory used in this research is the theory of diplomacy by Nicolson and the concept of multitrack diplomacy by Dr. Louise Diamond and John McDonald.The result is the an exemption of a narcotic prisoner, an Australian citizen, Schepelle Leigh Corby, cause a dissent among the people in Indonesia. Many of the people oppose those exemption. That opposition happens cause of an indication that there is an agreement between Indonesia and Australia government. If we observe it, those exemption has some benefits for the people and Indonesia government. For the state and Indonesia governement those exemption could improve a relationship between the states, as well as means to facing the political developments of South Pasific regions in the future.Keywords: diplomacy,multitrack diplomacy, granting clemency

    Model Pengembangan Modul Ipa1terpadu Berdasarkan Perkembangan Kognitif Siswa1)

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    Keberhasilan pembelajaran dipengaruhi oleh kesesuaian tingkatberfikir dengan materi yang diajarkan. Permasalahan dalampenelitian ini adalah : (1) bagaimanakah tingkat perkembangankognitif siswa SMP di Kota Semarang ? (2) bagaimanakah desainmodel pengembangan modul IPA Terpadu berdasarkanperkembangan kognitif siswa ?.Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian iniadalah menyelidiki tingkat perkembangan kognitif (kemampuanberpikir abstrak) siswa SMP di Kota Semaran dan) mendesainmodel pengembangan modul IPA Terpadu berdasarkanperkembangan kognitif.Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikanpengetahuan kepada guru IPA untuk menyusun modul berdasarkanperkembangan kogniti dan dapat memberikan sumbangan pemikirantentang pentingnya penyusunan bahan ajar terutama modul yangdisesuaikan berdasarkan perkembangan kognitif siswa.Penelitian iniadalah R & D (Research and Development), dan dilakukan sampaipada mendesain model pengembangan modul berdasarkanperkembangan kognitif. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan : (1)perkembangan kognitif (kemampuan berpikir abstrak) siswa-siswiSMP di Kota Semarang (Siswa kelas VII di SMP 10 Semarang, SMP13 Semarang, SMP 14 Semarang dan SMP 20 Semarang) rata-ratamasih rendah, (2) kemampuan berpikir abstrak rendahmenyebabkan siswa mengalami kesulitan belajar IPA, (3) telahberhasil didesain model pengembangan modul IPA Terpaduberdasarkan perkembangan kognitif siswa yang langkah-langkahnyaterdiri dari penentuan mata pelajaran yang menjadi objekpengembangan, analisis kebutuhan modul, penyusunan danpengembangan draft modul IPA Terpadu, tinjauan ahli dan uji coba

    Pengaruh Investasi Pt.mcdermott Indonesia Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kota Batam Pasca Pemberlakuan Special Economic Zone 2010-2011

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    This study is an elaborate study of the influence of Investment PT McDermott Indonesia for Batam Economic Growth after Special Economic Zone held at 2010-2013. The purpose of this study was to clarify the effect of foreign investment on economic growth in Batam. Based on the concept of Foreign Direct Investment and the Theory of Investment.According to Krugman is the Capital of Foreign Direct investment is the flow of international capital from a country where companies establish or expand his company in another country. Batam, Bintan and Karimun are as Special Economic Zone in 2006, SEZ is a cooperation in placing one zone or more what ever investment and trade activity are done without intervention by local government, in other word local government only facilitator for investor through decreasing tax.Results of this study found that investment by PT McDermott Indonesia to give effect to the some sectors of economic growth in Batam, among others, development of value investment in the facility oil and gas sector, increase local employment decrease local poorness. From these results, it can mean that direct foreign investment provides benefits to the economy growth to the communities in Batam both locally and to the Government of Indonesia.Keywords : Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth, Special Economic Zon

    Simulasi Sistem Kerja Mobile Wireless VoIP pada Mobile WiMAX (IEEE 802.16e)

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    ABSTRAKSI: VoIP adalah aplikasi komunikasi voice pada jaringan komputer yang diimplementasikan pada sistem yang berbasiskan IP (Internet Protocol) secara wired maupun wireless. Apabila aplikasi real streaming ini digunakan pada media wireless dengan mobility yang tinggi, maka kebutuhan akan bandwidth dan bit rate yang tinggi sangat penting agar memberikan performansi yang baik. Hal itu terjawab dengan munculnya Mobile WiMAX (Worldwide interoperability for Microwave Access) yang mempunyai data rate mencapai 70 Mbps serta kemampuannya pada adaptif modulation, scalable OFDM, dan NLOS (Non Light of Sight) dan menjadikan IEEE 802.16e lebih unggul dibanding BWA (Broadband Wireless Access) lain seperti HSPA dan 1xEVDO. Dengan demikian muncul suatu ide untuk menggabungkan aplikasi VoIP dan Mobile WiMAX yang disebut dengan mobile wireless VoIP. Tugas Akhir ini memberikan simulasi proses pengolahan data arah downlink dari voice dengan codec G.711 A-law dan µ-law yang dibungkus header protokol IP ke Mobile WiMAX yang terdiri atas randomizer, Reed Salomon, convolution, interleaving, modulation, dan OFDM. Kemudian simulasi ini akan mengamati dan menganalisis pengaruh VoIP pada saat mengubah parameter kecepatan, jarak dan frekuensi carrier pada kanal yang terdiri atas Reyleigh Fading, AWGN, dan Pathloss. Pada hasil simulasi dan analisis diperoleh bahwa pada kecepatan sama dengan jarak berbeda mempunyai pola Doppler spectrum yang sama. Selain itu diperoleh bahwa semakin tinggi kecepatan dan jarak receiver terhadap transmitter, maka bandwidth-nya akan kecil. Hasil akhir diperoleh bahwa pada SNR = 9,7 dB dan mengubah parameter kecepatan dan jarak dengan modulasi QPSK, maka output VoIP lebih baik daripada 16QAM.Kata Kunci : mobile wireless VoIP , mobile WiMAX , doppler spectrumABSTRACT: VoIP is an application of voice communication for computer network which is applied into IP based system in a wired or wireless manner. If this real streaming application is used for wireless media with high mobility, then the need of high bandwidth and high bit rate are important to give the best performance. That things are answered with a new technology called mobile WiMAX (Worldwide interoperability for Microwave Access) which has data rate up to 70 Mbps as well as its ability for adaptive modulation, scalable OFDM, and NLOS (Non Light of Sight) has made this IEEE 802.16e more excellent than other BWA (Broadband Wireless Access) such like HSPA and 1xEVDO. Therefore, there is an idea for bundling VoIP application and Mobile WiMAX called mobile wireless VoIP. This document simulates the working process of data processing in downlink direction from voice with G.711 A-law and µ-law codec which have IP protocols header to Mobile WiMAX containing randomizer, Reed Salomon, convolution, interleaving, modulation, and OFDM. Then, this simulation will discern and analyze output VoIP when the parameters of velocity, distance, and carrier frequency are changed into channelizations with multipath Reyleigh Fading, AWGN, and pathloss. At the end of simulation, there were found that for same velocity, varies in distance, have same of Doppler spectrum pattern. Besides, high velocity and long distances from receiver to transmitter, the bandwidth is lower than low velocity and short distance. In the final result, it is found that for SNR = 9.7 dB with the changes of parameters of velocity and distance, VoIP output with QPSK modulation is better used than 16QAM.Keyword: mobile wireless VoIP, mobile WiMAX, Doppler spectru

    The Effects of Benzil Amino Purin (BAP) and Gibberellin with in Vitro Seedling Growth of Pulesari (Alyxia Reinwardtii Bl)

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    Background: Alyxia reinwardtii Bl. in natural habitat becomes rare and reaches vulnerable status. The high price and high market demand made the over harvested beyond regeneration capacity of the plant while the conservation efforts are terribly limited. Presentage of seed germination is not only very low but also time consuming, therefore we conducting preliminary study on in vitro propagation using seed Alyxia reinwardtii Bl. Methods: The research was conducted in laboratory tissue culture of Medicinal Plant and Traditional Medicine Research and Development Center Tawangmangu for three months. Seeds of A. reinwardtii Bl. obtained from Pringgondani Forest, Tawangmangu Central Java. Seeds were peeled and air dryed for five days, washed using steril aquadest, soaked on 0.5% Agrept (5 minutes) then on 2.125% sodium hypochloride (5 minutes) and rinsed using sterile distilled water. This study uses a Murashige and Skoog (MS) with a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial design.. The first factor is BAP at a concentration of 3, 4, 5 mg.L-1 and the second factor is giberelin concentration of 1, 2, 3 mg.L-1. MS media with addition of BAP the concentration of 3, 4, 5 mg.L-1 and gibberellin the concentration of 1, 2, 3 mg.L-1 obtained 9 treatment combination. Results: The results showed the combination treatment of growth regulators BAP (4 mg.L-1) and giberelin (2 mg.L-1) is formed shoots and roots. The shoots were formed 30 days after planting with a height of 2 cm and the roots appear at 45 days after planting. Conclusion: Pulasari (Alyxia reinwardtii Bl.) can be propagated through tissue culture using seeds as explants
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