6 research outputs found

    CETSA-based target engagement of taxanes as biomarkers for efficacy and resistance

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    The use of taxanes has for decades been crucial for treatment of several cancers. A major limitation of these therapies is inherent or acquired drug resistance. A key to improved outcome of taxane-based therapies is to develop tools to predict and monitor drug efficacy and resistance in the clinical setting allowing for treatment and dose stratification for individual patients. To assess treatment efficacy up to the level of drug target engagement, we have established several formats of tubulin-specific Cellular Thermal Shift Assays (CETSAs). This technique was evaluated in breast and prostate cancer models and in a cohort of breast cancer patients. Here we show that taxanes induce significant CETSA shifts in cell lines as well as in animal models including patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models. Furthermore, isothermal dose response CETSA measurements allowed for drugs to be rapidly ranked according to their reported potency. Using multidrug resistant cancer cell lines and taxane-resistant PDX models we demonstrate that CETSA can identify taxane resistance up to the level of target engagement. An imaging-based CETSA format was also established, which in principle allows for taxane target engagement to be accessed in specific cell types in complex cell mixtures. Using a highly sensitive implementation of CETSA, we measured target engagement in fine needle aspirates from breast cancer patients, revealing a range of different sensitivities. Together, our data support that CETSA is a robust tool for assessing taxane target engagement in preclinical models and clinical material and therefore should be evaluated as a prognostic tool during taxane-based therapies.Published versio

    Opacidades em vidro fosco nas doenças pulmonares difusas: correlação da tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução com a anatomopatologia Ground-glass opacity in diffuse lung diseases: high-resolution computed tomography-pathology correlation

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    Opacidade em vidro fosco é achado freqüentemente visto na tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução do tórax e se traduz pelo aumento do coeficiente de atenuação dos pulmões, mas sem apagar as marcas broncovasculares. Por sua inespecificidade, a associação com outros achados radiológicos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos deve ser considerada para uma interpretação diagnóstica mais correta. Neste trabalho foram analisados 62 exames tomográficos de pacientes com doenças pulmonares difusas, de 14 etiologias diferentes, em que opacidades em vidro fosco foram o achado único ou predominante, e feita correlação anatomopatológica por meio de biópsias ou necropsias. Na pneumocistose as opacidades em vidro fosco corresponderam, histologicamente, à ocupação alveolar por material espumoso contendo parasitos; no carcinoma bronquíolo-alveolar, a espessamento dos septos alveolares e ocupação de sua luz por muco e células tumorais; na paracoccidioidomicose, a espessamento dos septos alveolares, áreas de fibrose e alvéolos contendo exsudato broncopneumônico; na sarcoidose, a fibrose ou a acúmulo de granulomas; na fibrose pulmonar idiopática, a espessamento dos septos alveolares por fibrose; na bronquiolite obliterante com pneumonia em organização, a pneumonia intersticial com áreas de organização intra-alveolar. A ocupação alveolar por sangue foi observada nos casos de leptospirose, hemossiderose idiopática, metástases de tumor renal e na aspergilose invasiva; por vacúolos de gordura na pneumonia lipídica; por material protéico e lipoprotéico na silicoproteinose e na proteinose alveolar; e por líquido de edema na insuficiência cardíaca congestiva.<br>Ground-glass opacity is a finding frequently seen in high-resolution computed tomography examinations of the chest and is characterized by hazy increased attenuation of lung, however without blurring of bronchial and vascular margins. Due to its unspecificity, association with other radiological, clinical and pathological findings must be considered for an accurate diagnostic interpretation. In this paper were reviewed 62 computed tomography examinations of patients with diffuse pulmonary diseases of 14 different etiologies in which ground-glass opacity was the only or the most remarkable finding, and correlated this findings with pathology abnormalities seen on specimens obtained from biopsies or necropsies. In pneumocystosis, ground-glass opacities correlated histologically with alveolar occupation by a foaming material containing parasites, in bronchioloalveolar cell carcinoma with thickening of the alveolar septa and occupation of the lumen by mucus and tumoral cells, in paracoccidioidomycosis with thickening of the alveolar septa, areas of fibrosis and alveolar bronchopneumonic exsudate, in sarcoidosis with fibrosis or clustering of granulomas and in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with alveolar septa thickening due to fibrosis. Alveolar occupation by blood was found in cases of leptospirosis, idiopathic hemosiderosis, metastatic kidney tumor and invasive aspergillosis whereas oily vacuoli were seen in lipoid pneumonia, proteinaceus and lipoproteinaceus material in silicoproteinosis and pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, and edematous fluid in cardiac failure

    From retail innovation and image to loyalty: moderating effects of product type

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    This study aims to analyse value-satisfaction-loyalty relationships in retailing by examining the contribution of image and innovation and understanding value as a multidimensional construct. Furthermore, to identify possible differences in these relationships the moderating effect of the type of product marketed in the store is examined. On a sample of 820 customers from four types of stores, SEM methodology and multigroup analysis were applied. The results confirm that image has more influence than innovation on the dimensions of value and that entertainment and excellence are the main antecedents of satisfaction. Some relationships have also been found in which the type of product marketed in the store has a moderating effect