4 research outputs found

    Unlocking the human inner ear for therapeutic intervention

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    The human inner ear contains minute three-dimensional neurosensory structures that are deeply embedded within the skull base, rendering them relatively inaccessible to regenerative therapies for hearing loss. Here we provide a detailed characterisation of the functional architecture of the space that hosts the cell bodies of the auditory nerve to make them safely accessible for the first time for therapeutic intervention. We used synchrotron phase-contrast imaging which offers the required microscopic soft-tissue contrast definition while simultaneously displaying precise bony anatomic detail. Using volume-rendering software we constructed highly accurate 3-dimensional representations of the inner ear. The cell bodies are arranged in a bony helical canal that spirals from the base of the cochlea to its apex; the canal volume is 1.6 μL but with a diffusion potential of 15 μL. Modelling data from 10 temporal bones enabled definition of a safe trajectory for therapeutic access while preserving the cochlea’s internal architecture. We validated the approach through surgical simulation, anatomical dissection and micro-radiographic analysis. These findings will facilitate future clinical trials of novel therapeutic interventions to restore hearing

    The human auditory system: A timeline of development

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