1,241 research outputs found

    The Quantum Mechanical Arrows of Time

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    The familiar textbook quantum mechanics of laboratory measurements incorporates a quantum mechanical arrow of time --- the direction in time in which state vector reduction operates. This arrow is usually assumed to coincide with the direction of the thermodynamic arrow of the quasiclassical realm of everyday experience. But in the more general context of cosmology we seek an explanation of all observed arrows, and the relations between them, in terms of the conditions that specify our particular universe. This paper investigates quantum mechanical and thermodynamic arrows in a time-neutral formulation of quantum mechanics for a number of model cosmologies in fixed background spacetimes. We find that a general universe may not have well defined arrows of either kind. When arrows are emergent they need not point in the same direction over the whole of spacetime. Rather they may be local, pointing in different directions in different spacetime regions. Local arrows can therefore be consistent with global time symmetry.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, revtex4, typos correcte

    Generalizing Quantum Mechanics for Quantum Gravity

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    `How do our ideas about quantum mechanics affect our understanding of spacetime?' This familiar question leads to quantum gravity. The complementary question is also important: `How do our ideas about spacetime affect our understanding of quantum mechanics?' This short abstract of a talk given at the Gafka2004 conference contains a very brief summary of some of the author's papers on generalizations of quantum mechanics needed for quantum gravity. The need for generalization is motivated. The generalized quantum theory framework for such generalizations is described and illustrated for usual quantum mechanics and a number of examples to which it does not apply. These include spacetime alternatives extended over time, time-neutral quantum theory, quantum field theory in fixed background spacetime not foliable by spacelike surfaces, and systems with histories that move both forward and backward in time. A fully four-dimensional, sum-over-histories generalized quantum theory of cosmological geometries is briefly described. The usual formulation of quantum theory in terms of states evolving unitarily through spacelike surfaces is an approximation to this more general framework that is appropriate in the late universe for coarse-grained descriptions of geometry in which spacetime behaves classically. This abstract is unlikely to be clear on its own, but references are provided to the author's works where the ideas can be followed up.Comment: 8 pages, LATEX, a very brief abstract of much wor

    Generalized Sums over Histories for Quantum Gravity II. Simplicial Conifolds

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    This paper examines the issues involved with concretely implementing a sum over conifolds in the formulation of Euclidean sums over histories for gravity. The first step in precisely formulating any sum over topological spaces is that one must have an algorithmically implementable method of generating a list of all spaces in the set to be summed over. This requirement causes well known problems in the formulation of sums over manifolds in four or more dimensions; there is no algorithmic method of determining whether or not a topological space is an n-manifold in five or more dimensions and the issue of whether or not such an algorithm exists is open in four. However, as this paper shows, conifolds are algorithmically decidable in four dimensions. Thus the set of 4-conifolds provides a starting point for a concrete implementation of Euclidean sums over histories in four dimensions. Explicit algorithms for summing over various sets of 4-conifolds are presented in the context of Regge calculus. Postscript figures available via anonymous ftp at black-hole.physics.ubc.ca ( in file gen2.ps.Comment: 82pp., plain TeX, To appear in Nucl. Phys. B,FF-92-

    Nearly Instantaneous Alternatives in Quantum Mechanics

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    Usual quantum mechanics predicts probabilities for the outcomes of measurements carried out at definite moments of time. However, realistic measurements do not take place in an instant, but are extended over a period of time. The assumption of instantaneous alternatives in usual quantum mechanics is an approximation whose validity can be investigated in the generalized quantum mechanics of closed systems in which probabilities are predicted for spacetime alternatives that extend over time. In this paper we investigate how alternatives extended over time reduce to the usual instantaneous alternatives in a simple model in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Specifically, we show how the decoherence of a particular set of spacetime alternatives becomes automatic as the time over which they extend approaches zero and estimate how large this time can be before the interference between the alternatives becomes non-negligible. These results suggest that the time scale over which coarse grainings of such quantities as the center of mass position of a massive body may be extended in time before producing significant interference is much longer than characteristic dynamical time scales.Comment: 12 pages, harvmac, no figure

    Unitarity and Causality in Generalized Quantum Mechanics for Non-Chronal Spacetimes

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    Spacetime must be foliable by spacelike surfaces for the quantum mechanics of matter fields to be formulated in terms of a unitarily evolving state vector defined on spacelike surfaces. When a spacetime cannot be foliated by spacelike surfaces, as in the case of spacetimes with closed timelike curves, a more general formulation of quantum mechanics is required. In such generalizations the transition matrix between alternatives in regions of spacetime where states {\it can} be defined may be non-unitary. This paper describes a generalized quantum mechanics whose probabilities consistently obey the rules of probability theory even in the presence of such non-unitarity. The usual notion of state on a spacelike surface is lost in this generalization and familiar notions of causality are modified. There is no signaling outside the light cone, no non-conservation of energy, no ``Everett phones'', and probabilities of present events do not depend on particular alternatives of the future. However, the generalization is acausal in the sense that the existence of non-chronal regions of spacetime in the future can affect the probabilities of alternatives today. The detectability of non-unitary evolution and violations of causality in measurement situations are briefly considered. The evolution of information in non-chronal spacetimes is described.Comment: 40pages, UCSBTH92-0

    Coupled structural/thermal/electromagnetic analysis/tailoring of graded composite structures

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    Accomplishments are described for the third years effort of a 5-year program to develop a methodology for coupled structural/thermal/electromagnetic analysis/tailoring of graded composite structures. These accomplishments include: (1) structural analysis capability specialized for graded composite structures including large deformation and deformation position eigenanalysis technologies; (2) a thermal analyzer specialized for graded composite structures; (3) absorption of electromagnetic waves by graded composite structures; and (4) coupled structural thermal/electromagnetic analysis of graded composite structures

    Bohmian Histories and Decoherent Histories

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    The predictions of the Bohmian and the decoherent (or consistent) histories formulations of the quantum mechanics of a closed system are compared for histories -- sequences of alternatives at a series of times. For certain kinds of histories, Bohmian mechanics and decoherent histories may both be formulated in the same mathematical framework within which they can be compared. In that framework, Bohmian mechanics and decoherent histories represent a given history by different operators. Their predictions for the probabilities of histories therefore generally differ. However, in an idealized model of measurement, the predictions of Bohmian mechanics and decoherent histories coincide for the probabilities of records of measurement outcomes. The formulations are thus difficult to distinguish experimentally. They may differ in their accounts of the past history of the universe in quantum cosmology.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Revtex, minor correction

    Decoherent Histories Quantum Mechanics with One 'Real' Fine-Grained History

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    Decoherent histories quantum theory is reformulated with the assumption that there is one "real" fine-grained history, specified in a preferred complete set of sum-over-histories variables. This real history is described by embedding it in an ensemble of comparable imagined fine-grained histories, not unlike the familiar ensemble of statistical mechanics. These histories are assigned extended probabilities, which can sometimes be negative or greater than one. As we will show, this construction implies that the real history is not completely accessible to experimental or other observational discovery. However, sufficiently and appropriately coarse-grained sets of alternative histories have standard probabilities providing information about the real fine-grained history that can be compared with observation. We recover the probabilities of decoherent histories quantum mechanics for sets of histories that are recorded and therefore decohere. Quantum mechanics can be viewed as a classical stochastic theory of histories with extended probabilities and a well-defined notion of reality common to all decoherent sets of alternative coarse-grained histories.Comment: 11 pages, one figure, expanded discussion and acknowledgment

    Bounds on the dragging rate and on the rotational mass-energy in slowly and differentially rotating relativistic stars

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    For relativistic stars rotating slowly and differentially with a positive angular velocity, some properties in relation to the positiveness of the rate of rotational dragging and of the angular momentum density are derived. Also, a new proof for the bounds on the rotational mass-energy is given.Comment: 23 pages, latex. Submitted to J. Math. Phy

    Conservation Laws in the Quantum Mechanics of Closed Systems

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    We investigate conservation laws in the quantum mechanics of closed systems. We review an argument showing that exact decoherence implies the exact conservation of quantities that commute with the Hamiltonian including the total energy and total electric charge. However, we also show that decoherence severely limits the alternatives which can be included in sets of histories which assess the conservation of these quantities when they are not coupled to a long-range field arising from a fundamental symmetry principle. We then examine the realistic cases of electric charge coupled to the electromagnetic field and mass coupled to spacetime curvature and show that when alternative values of charge and mass decohere, they always decohere exactly and are exactly conserved as a consequence of their couplings to long-range fields. Further, while decohering histories that describe fluctuations in total charge and mass are also subject to the limitations mentioned above, we show that these do not, in fact, restrict {\it physical} alternatives and are therefore not really limitations at all.Comment: 22 pages, report UCSBTH-94-4, LA-UR-94-2101, CGPG-94/10-
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