12 research outputs found

    Perawatan Dalam Bidang Konservasi Kedokteran Gigi Dengan Menggunakan Terapi Ozon (03)

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    Ozone (O3) is a gas that naturally exists in the earth's atmosphere formed from oxygen molecules and oxygen atoms can decompose quickly into oxygen. Ozone is a strong disinfectant and can kill 99% of bacteria, fungi, viruses quickly. Ozone therapy in the medical field is used to treat: vascular abnormalities, myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus, wounds, and gynecological disorders. While in dentistry it is used as an alternative therapy for endodontic treatment, pit caries and fissure, root caries and cervical caries, caries on the tooth surface, deep caries care, root sensitivity, orthodontics, soft tissue treatment, and mandibular fractures. In the treatment of caries, there are still many doctors who treat with conventional techniques. The treatment process uses burial which can cause pain and fear especially in children. Ozone therapy as a safe and effective method for preventing damage to healthy tissue and caring for teeth by restoring the remineralization process and can reduce pain and fear

    Pengaruh Teknik Sandwich Terhadap Kebocoran Tepi Pada Restorasi Kavitas Kelas II

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    The edge microleakage is one factor in the failure of the restoration. Edge microleakage may be reduced by using Glass ionomer cement as a base in sandwich technique restorations. Glass ionomer cement attaches chemically to the chemical adhesion, has good biocompatibility, the coefficient of thermal expansion is the same as the tooth structure, the dimensions are stable and the shrinkage process is minimal when setting, so that it may produce good edge closure. The aimed of this study was to evaluate the effect of sandwich techniques to avoid edge microleakage in class II cavity restorations. Twenty extracted human mandibular first premolars were made Class II DO cavities and divided into two groups. Ten teeth in the first group were restored with sandwich techniques, while the second group was restored with composite resin without sandwich technique. Both groups were immersed in a disclosing agent solution for 24 hours. After that the sample is cleaned and cut in the middle of the restoration (mesiodistal) with diamond disk and observations of the dye penetration length are done visually. Data were analyzed statistically by independent t-test (p <0.05). The results obtained showed that there was a significant difference between the sandwich restoration group and the restoration without sandwich techniques against edge leakage in class II cavities

    Perception Analysis of Installation Services Quality on Patient Satisfaction at Bhayangkara Hospital Level II Medan

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of patient perception about professionalism, efficiency, patient safety and access of service to patient satisfaction at Inpatient Bhayangkara TK II Hospital Medan. The type of research used in this study is an analytical survey (explanatory research) with Cross-Sectional Study study design. The number of samples in this study were 54 patients who got service at the inpatient installation. Sampling technique by Accidental Sampling. The result of this research shows that the result of bivariate analysis to select multivariate analysis modeling candidate is statistically tested by using chi square test found that from the four variables all entered as multivariate modeling candidate. Then from the result of multivariate statistic test, it was found that p value (Sig) of professional variable (p = 0,024), efficiency (p = 0,025), access (p = 0,022) and patient safety (p = 0,048) which is significant to patient satisfaction at Inpatient Installation of Bhayangkara TK II Hospital Medan. The conclusion of the research shows that there is influence of service quality of inpatient installation which consist of profession, efficiency, access to service and patient safety to patient satisfaction. It is hoped that this research can make an actual input for health workers and the hospital. It is recommended that health workers carry out their duties according to the work SOP. Improve internal communication so that cooperation between health partners can run well in improving service quality and patient satisfaction


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    Dalam kehidupan sosial, setiap individu berperilaku dengan sifat dan karakteristik masing-masing baik dalam hal kepribadian, sikap, kecakapan, bakat, kepandaian maupun minat. Perilaku timbul sebagai akibat dari adanya stimulus tertentu yang dialami seseorang baik yang berasal dari dalam diri maupun yang berasal dari lingkungannya. Perilaku manusia ada yang timbul secara sadar dan ada pula yang tak sadar Mekanisme perilaku terdiri atas dua aliran yaitu aliran behaviorisme dan aliran holistik. Di dalam berorganisasi, individu berkumpul dengan perilaku masing-masing serta karakteristik yang berbeda-beda. Oleh sebab itu, perilaku organisasi merupakan suatu wadah untuk belajar memahami berbagai perilaku dan mempelajari cara-cara dalam menyelesaikan persoalan yang kemungkinan timbul karena perbedaan perilaku tersebut. Dalam buku ini menjelaskan mengenai konsep dasar dan sejarah perilaku organisasi kemudian dilanjutkan dengan perilaku individu dan kepribadian, sikap dan stres kerja dan kreativitas dan inovasi pegawai dalam organisasi, kepuasan kerja, konflik kerja dan cara mengelola konflik , teori motivasi dan pendekatannya serta sistem reward dan peningkatan kinerja pegawai, perencanaan dan pengambilan keputusan dan kelompok dalam organisasi, pengorganisasian dan perubahan kepemimpinan dan pengembangan organisasi dan kedisiplinan dan komitmen kerja , budaya organisasi , teori pembelajaran, kepribadian, persepsi, sikap dan motivasi serta budaya masyarakat dalam menyuarakan aspirasi dan komunikasi dalam organisasi