44 research outputs found

    Suppression of SIV-specific CD4+ T cells by infant but not adult macaque regulatory T cells: implications for SIV disease progression.

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    The impact of regulatory T cells (T reg cells) on the course of HIV and SIV disease is unknown. T reg cells could suppress protective antiviral responses and accelerate disease progression. Alternatively, these cells might block T cell activation and thereby limit viral replication as well as activation-associated immunopathology. Given the higher frequency of T reg cells known to be present during human fetal ontogeny, such influences may be most important in the context of perinatal infection. We found that infant macaques had higher fractions of CD4(+)CD25(+)CD127(low)FoxP3(+) T reg cells in the peripheral blood and in lymphoid tissues, and that these T reg cells showed greater in vitro suppressive activity on a per cell basis. Infant and adult macaques were infected with SIVmac251 to test the influence of the T reg cell compartment on SIV-specific immune responses. After infection with SIV, most (three out of four) infant macaques had persistently high viral loads, weak and transient SIV-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell responses, and rapid disease progression. T reg cells in the infant but not in the adult directly suppressed SIV-specific CD4(+) T cell responses, which were detectable only after depletion of T reg cells. In the case of both the infant and the adult macaque, T reg cells were not able to directly suppress SIV-specific CD8(+) T cell responses and had no apparent effect on T cell activation. In aggregate, these observations suggest that the T reg cell compartment of the infant macaque facilitates rapid disease progression, at least in part by incapacitating SIV-specific CD4(+) T cell responses

    Persistent effects of early infant diet and associated microbiota on the juvenile immune system.

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    Early infant diet has significant impacts on the gut microbiota and developing immune system. We previously showed that breast-fed and formula-fed rhesus macaques develop significantly different gut microbial communities, which in turn are associated with different immune systems in infancy. Breast-fed animals manifested greater T cell activation and proliferation and harbored robust pools of T helper 17 (TH17) cells. These differences were sustained throughout the first year of life. Here we examine groups of juvenile macaques (approximately 3 to 5 y old), which were breast-fed or formula-fed in infancy. We demonstrate that juveniles breast-fed in infancy maintain immunologic differences into the fifth year of life, principally in CD8(+) memory T cell activation. Additionally, long-term correlation networks show that breast-fed animals maintain persistent relationships between immune subsets that are not seen in formula-fed animals. These findings demonstrate that infant feeding practices have continued influence on immunity for up to 3 to 5 y after birth and also reveal mechanisms for microbial modulation of the immune system

    Development of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Immune Recovery Uveitis Is Associated with Th17 Cell Depletion and Poor Systemic CMV-Specific T Cell Responses

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    We tested whether impaired systemic immunoregulation and hyperactive immune responses are associated with an immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome, CMV IRU. We found instead that T-regs in CMV IRU patients are functionally intact, while virus-specific immune responses and Th17 cells are compromise

    Translational Utility of the Nonhuman Primate Model.

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    Nonhuman primates are essential for the study of human disease and to explore the safety of new diagnostics and therapies proposed for human use. They share similar genetic, physiologic, immunologic, reproductive, and developmental features with humans and thus have proven crucial for the study of embryonic/fetal development, organ system ontogeny, and the role of the maternal-placental-fetal interface in health and disease. The fetus may be exposed to a variety of inflammatory stimuli including infectious microbes as well as maternal inflammation, which can result from infections, obesity, or environmental exposures. Growing evidence supports that inflammation is a mediator of fetal programming and that the maternal immune system is tightly integrated with fetal-placental immune responses that may set a postnatal path for future health or disease. This review addresses some of the unique features of the nonhuman primate model system, specifically the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta), and importance of the species for studies focused on organ system ontogeny and the impact of viral teratogens in relation to development and congenital disorders

    Nonhuman Primates in Translational Research

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    Nonhuman primates are critically important animal models in which to study complex human diseases, understand biological functions, and address the safety of new diagnostics and therapies proposed for human use. They have genetic, physiologic, immunologic, and developmental similarities when compared to humans and therefore provide important preclinical models of human health and disease. This review highlights select research areas that demonstrate the importance of nonhuman primates in translational research. These include pregnancy and developmental disorders, infectious diseases, gene therapy, somatic cell genome editing, and applications of in vivo imaging. The power of the immune system and our increasing understanding of the role it plays in acute and chronic illnesses are being leveraged to produce new treatments for a range of medical conditions. Given the importance of the human immune system in health and disease, detailed study of the immune system of nonhuman primates is essential to advance preclinical translational research. The need for nonhuman primates continues to remain a high priority, which has been acutely evident during the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) global pandemic. Nonhuman primates will continue to address key questions and provide predictive models to identify the safety and efficiency of new diagnostics and therapies for human use across the lifespan

    Idiopathic Chronic Diarrhea in Rhesus Macaques Is Not Associated with Enteric Viral Infections.

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    While recent changes in treatment have reduced the lethality of idiopathic chronic diarrhea (ICD), this condition remains one of the most common causes of rhesus macaque deaths in non-human primate research centers. We compared the viromes in fecal swabs from 52 animals with late stage ICD and 41 healthy animals. Viral metagenomics targeting virus-like particles was used to identify viruses fecally shed by each animal. Five viruses belonging to the Picornaviridae, one to the Caliciviridae, one to the Parvoviridae, and one to the Adenoviridae families were identified. The fraction of reads matching each viral species was then used to estimate and compare viral loads in ICD cases versus healthy controls. None of the viruses detected in fecal swabs were strongly associated with ICD