1,336 research outputs found

    Effective stress-energy tensors, self-force, and broken symmetry

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    Deriving the motion of a compact mass or charge can be complicated by the presence of large self-fields. Simplifications are known to arise when these fields are split into two parts in the so-called Detweiler-Whiting decomposition. One component satisfies vacuum field equations, while the other does not. The force and torque exerted by the (often ignored) inhomogeneous "S-type" portion is analyzed here for extended scalar charges in curved spacetimes. If the geometry is sufficiently smooth, it is found to introduce effective shifts in all multipole moments of the body's stress-energy tensor. This greatly expands the validity of statements that the homogeneous R field determines the self-force and self-torque up to renormalization effects. The forces and torques exerted by the S field directly measure the degree to which a spacetime fails to admit Killing vectors inside the body. A number of mathematical results related to the use of generalized Killing fields are therefore derived, and may be of wider interest. As an example of their application, the effective shift in the quadrupole moment of a charge's stress-energy tensor is explicitly computed to lowest nontrivial order.Comment: 22 pages, fixed typos and simplified discussio

    Mechanics of extended masses in general relativity

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    The "external" or "bulk" motion of extended bodies is studied in general relativity. Compact material objects of essentially arbitrary shape, spin, internal composition, and velocity are allowed as long as there is no direct (non-gravitational) contact with other sources of stress-energy. Physically reasonable linear and angular momenta are proposed for such bodies and exact equations describing their evolution are derived. Changes in the momenta depend on a certain "effective metric" that is closely related to a non-perturbative generalization of the Detweiler-Whiting R-field originally introduced in the self-force literature. If the effective metric inside a self-gravitating body can be adequately approximated by an appropriate power series, the instantaneous gravitational force and torque exerted on it is shown to be identical to the force and torque exerted on an appropriate test body moving in the effective metric. This result holds to all multipole orders. The only instantaneous effect of a body's self-field is to finitely renormalize the "bare" multipole moments of its stress-energy tensor. The MiSaTaQuWa expression for the gravitational self-force is recovered as a simple application. A gravitational self-torque is obtained as well. Lastly, it is shown that the effective metric in which objects appear to move is approximately a solution to the vacuum Einstein equation if the physical metric is an approximate solution to Einstein's equation linearized about a vacuum background.Comment: 39 pages, 2 figures; fixed equation satisfied by the Green function used to construct the effective metri

    Self-forces from generalized Killing fields

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    A non-perturbative formalism is developed that simplifies the understanding of self-forces and self-torques acting on extended scalar charges in curved spacetimes. Laws of motion are locally derived using momenta generated by a set of generalized Killing fields. Self-interactions that may be interpreted as arising from the details of a body's internal structure are shown to have very simple geometric and physical interpretations. Certain modifications to the usual definition for a center-of-mass are identified that significantly simplify the motions of charges with strong self-fields. A derivation is also provided for a generalized form of the Detweiler-Whiting axiom that pointlike charges should react only to the so-called regular component of their self-field. Standard results are shown to be recovered for sufficiently small charge distributions.Comment: 21 page

    Electromagnetic self-forces and generalized Killing fields

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    Building upon previous results in scalar field theory, a formalism is developed that uses generalized Killing fields to understand the behavior of extended charges interacting with their own electromagnetic fields. New notions of effective linear and angular momenta are identified, and their evolution equations are derived exactly in arbitrary (but fixed) curved spacetimes. A slightly modified form of the Detweiler-Whiting axiom that a charge's motion should only be influenced by the so-called "regular" component of its self-field is shown to follow very easily. It is exact in some interesting cases, and approximate in most others. Explicit equations describing the center-of-mass motion, spin angular momentum, and changes in mass of a small charge are also derived in a particular limit. The chosen approximations -- although standard -- incorporate dipole and spin forces that do not appear in the traditional Abraham-Lorentz-Dirac or Dewitt-Brehme equations. They have, however, been previously identified in the test body limit.Comment: 20 pages, minor typos correcte

    A Rigorous Derivation of Electromagnetic Self-force

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    During the past century, there has been considerable discussion and analysis of the motion of a point charge, taking into account "self-force" effects due to the particle's own electromagnetic field. We analyze the issue of "particle motion" in classical electromagnetism in a rigorous and systematic way by considering a one-parameter family of solutions to the coupled Maxwell and matter equations corresponding to having a body whose charge-current density Ja(λ)J^a(\lambda) and stress-energy tensor Tab(λ)T_{ab} (\lambda) scale to zero size in an asymptotically self-similar manner about a worldline γ\gamma as λ→0\lambda \to 0. In this limit, the charge, qq, and total mass, mm, of the body go to zero, and q/mq/m goes to a well defined limit. The Maxwell field Fab(λ)F_{ab}(\lambda) is assumed to be the retarded solution associated with Ja(λ)J^a(\lambda) plus a homogeneous solution (the "external field") that varies smoothly with λ\lambda. We prove that the worldline γ\gamma must be a solution to the Lorentz force equations of motion in the external field Fab(λ=0)F_{ab}(\lambda=0). We then obtain self-force, dipole forces, and spin force as first order perturbative corrections to the center of mass motion of the body. We believe that this is the first rigorous derivation of the complete first order correction to Lorentz force motion. We also address the issue of obtaining a self-consistent perturbative equation of motion associated with our perturbative result, and argue that the self-force equations of motion that have previously been written down in conjunction with the "reduction of order" procedure should provide accurate equations of motion for a sufficiently small charged body with negligible dipole moments and spin. There is no corresponding justification for the non-reduced-order equations.Comment: 52 pages, minor correction

    Human epicardial adipose tissue expresses a pathogenic profile of adipocytokines in patients with cardiovascular disease

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    Introduction: Inflammation contributes to cardiovascular disease and is exacerbated with increased adiposity, particularly omental adiposity; however, the role of epicardial fat is poorly understood. Methods: For these studies the expression of inflammatory markers was assessed in epicardial fat biopsies from coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) patients using quantitative RT-PCR. Further, the effects of chronic medications, including statins, as well as peri-operative glucose, insulin and potassium infusion, on gene expression were also assessed. Circulating resistin, CRP, adiponectin and leptin levels were determined to assess inflammation. Results: The expression of adiponectin, resistin and other adipocytokine mRNAs were comparable to that in omental fat. Epicardial CD45 expression was significantly higher than control depots (p < 0.01) indicating significant infiltration of macrophages. Statin treated patients showed significantly lower epicardial expression of IL-6 mRNA, in comparison with the control abdominal depots (p < 0.001). The serum profile of CABG patients showed significantly higher levels of both CRP (control: 1.28 ± 1.57 μg/mL vs CABG: 9.11 ± 15.7 μg/mL; p < 0.001) and resistin (control: 10.53 ± 0.81 ng/mL vs CABG: 16.8 ± 1.69 ng/mL; p < 0.01) and significantly lower levels of adiponectin (control: 29.1 ± 14.8 μg/mL vs CABG: 11.9 ± 6.0 μg/mL; p < 0.05) when compared to BMI matched controls. Conclusion: Epicardial and omental fat exhibit a broadly comparable pathogenic mRNA profile, this may arise in part from macrophage infiltration into the epicardial fat. This study highlights that chronic inflammation occurs locally as well as systemically potentially contributing further to the pathogenesis of coronary artery disease
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