137 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi Bidang Akademik Menggunakan ISO 27001: 2013

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    Informasi merupakan salah satu aset dari Perusahaan/ institusi perguruan tinggi yang dapat mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup bagi organisasi tersebut. Sejalan dengan perkembangan jaringan komputer di dalam sharing informasi ternyata akan menimbulkan kerentanan terhadap keamanan informasi itu sendiri dengan risiko besar, karena informasi dapat di ketahui atau ter-ekspose oleh pihak lain yang tidak mempunyai hak akses sehingga bisa merugikan kesinambungan sistem kerja dalam suatu perguruan tinggi. Dengan memperhatikan permasalahan diatas maka diperlukan suatu perencanaan sistem manajemen keamanan informasi (SMKI) yang lebih baik untuk menjaga kerahasiaan (confidentiality), keutuhan (integrity) dan ketersediaan (availability) informasi pada suatu perguruan tinggi sehingga dapat memperkecil dampak sebuah risiko atau bahkan dapat menghilangkan risiko tersebut.  Dalam pembuatan rancangan perencanaan sistem manajemen keamanan informasi (SMKI) perguruan tinggi ini, di adopsi dari ISO 27001: 2013, yang mempunyai tujuan pengendalian informasi dan teknologi serta sebagai standar untuk pengendalian terhadap teknologi informasi. Sistem manajemen keamanan informasi merupakan hal yang penting dalam perguruan tinggi, hal ini berhubungan erat dengan keamanan informasi untuk menjaga aset baik itu informasi, prosedur, hardware, software dan sumber daya manusia serta menjaga kesinambungan sistem kerja perguruan tinggi agar tetap berjalan dengan baik

    Sistem Administrasi Rawat Jalan pada Klinik Mediros dengan Menggunakan Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 dan Microsoft Access

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    Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin maju khususnya komputer, kini telahmemasuki berbagai macam bidang kegiatan yang ada. Kelebihan daripenggunaan teknologi komputer dicirikan dengan kecepatan, ketepatan, dankeakuratan, serta terjaminnya data yang akan disimpan. Penulis melakukanpenelitian tentang sistem administrasi yang di pergunakan di Klinik Mediros, dimana di dalam pengolahan datanya masih menggunakan sistem manual. Sistemini banyak memiliki kelemahan yaitu menyita waktu dan tenaga sehingga tidakefektif. Dari keadaan tersebut, penulis bermaksud memberikan alternatif dalampengolahan data pasien, dokter, dan berobat, tidak lagi secara manual tetapiterkomputerisasi dengan tujuan memudahkan administrator dalam melakukantugasnya dan juga mempercepat pelayanan kepada pasien setelah melakukanpemeriksaan dokter. Penyimpanan semua data yang terkait dalam sistemadministrasi disimpan dalam suatu database yang dirancang dengan baiksehingga dapat memberikan informasi yang diperlukan secara cepat

    Corak dan pola kehidupan sosial ekonomi pedesaan: studi tentang kewiraswastaan pada masyarakat di Plered

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    Untuk melestarikan nilai-nilai budaya dilakukan penerbitan hasil-hasil penelitian yang kemudian disebarluaskan kepada masyarakat umum. Pencetakan naskah yang berjudul Corak dan Pola Kehidupan Sosial Ekonomi Pedesaan: Studi tentang Kewiraswastaan pada Masyarakat di Plered. Dari buku ini masyarakat dapat mengetahui bagaimana pola kehidupan sosial ekonomi masyarakat pada zaman dulu

    Pengalaman Ibu Mengasuh Anak Dengan Resiko GPPH

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    Pre-school children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) cannot concern in long time and the attention can be easily distracted. Many parents realize it after the children enter the primary school. The family, especially mother is the closest support system of the children, who can make efforts to minimize the worse symptom and effect in children with ADHD. The purpose of the research was to explore mothers\u27 experience in doing parenting to the children with risk of ADHD in Semarang. This was a qualitative research with phenomenological approach. The data were collected using in depth interview method to 5 samples chosen by purposive sampling method. This research showed that the implementation of parenting children with risk of ADHD have not used determining rules consistently using the daily activity schedule. In doing parenting children with risk of ADHD, mothers usually use rewards and punishments. The support system for mother showed by emotional, instrumental and appreciation support. The research concluded that the implementation of parenting children with risk of ADHD by mother showed by the way mother determining rules consistently, the using of rewards and punishments which are influenced by the support syste

    Dukungan Sosial Pada Mahasiswa Yang Sedang Menyusun Skripsi ( Studi Fenomenologis Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Undip )

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    As a mandatory part of an undergraduate degree in almost all universities, students are required to write their undergraduate thesis in order to receive their degree. It is not an easy job, because there are many challenges and problems while planning and writing their paper. Many students are quite frustrated and tensed as their degree depends on their final thesis submission. On the other hand, the process are not always cause the student become depresssed and fail. The condition is due to the support from the people around them. This study took a qualitative approach to explain that fenomena. The formalized question of the study is how the social support experiences impact the paper writing process. There are six (6) student of the Faculty of Psychology that participated in the study. Each respondent has a different experience with social support that they had received, and not all of them have a positive effect. Social support received by students from a variety of sources and different types of social support benefits more. Students who were interviewed stated that between parents and friends, have just as great a role but they have differences in the type of social support that fit with the students

    The Respon of IKIP BUDI UTOMO Students Toward the Instructional Book of Cell Biology Subject Aided by Interactive Multimedia

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    The development of Science and Technology (Science and Technology) takes place very rapidly. The development of science and technology will impact on graduate competency changes desired by the industry. This change of course will be followed by updating the curriculum, learning resources and teaching materials are used, one of them teaching materials on the subjects of Cell Biology. In the course of Cell Biology, the students only take textbooks without the support of interactive multimedia. Good teaching materials is the teaching materials arranged in a systematic, according to the needs and character of students, as well as validated by the teaching materials. The purpose of this study was to determine response students Biology Education IKIP Budi Utomo against Cell Biology course textbook aided interactive multimedia. The development method used is the 4D model consisting of stages define, design, develop, and disseminate. This study is limited to the stages develop. Legibility test results showed that students responded well teaching materials and provide proper assessment of the teaching materials

    Pengembangan Keterampilan Sosial Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Dalam Model Pembelajaran Sentra

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    This study aims at describing the social skills of 4-5 years\u27 children in learning center model. The study took place at Raudhatul Athfal (RA) of Istiqlal, Central Jakarta and focused on learning social skills of 4-5 years\u27 children on the basics of adaptation skill, cooperative skills, sharing skill, and communication skills. As a qualitative study, the data were collected by direct observation, interviewing teacher and headmaster, and documentation. The result of the study provided the description social skills of the 4-5 years children in the four aspects predetermined before

    Penggunaan Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (SPBM) untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Mahasiswa pada Mata Kuliah Dasar Penyelengaraan Konvensi

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    The research is aimed to apply the teaching and learning method by using studi case method. On MICE study program, one of the subjects given is the basic knowledge how to organizing convention. On the subject the students learn how to organize the convention professionally. The learning process make the students will be creative to organize one convention. The teaching and learning process use the Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) by distributing and deviding the classs or students in to small group 4-5 student in one group. It is the good method to apply on the class, because the result of research said that finally the application of case based method are able to increase the student's performance and achievement on the class. The most important thing, the lecture need to give serious attention to support the students and to give explanation what they have to do in solving the cas
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