9 research outputs found

    Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dengan Konsep Diri Anak Usia Sekolah (10-12 Tahun)

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    Parenting is a process in a family, the interaction between parents and their children. Parenting has been applied since the child was born and adjusted in accordance with the age and stage of development, for example in children aged 10-12 years. The mentioned age is the preadolescent's period that has various development characteristics that will affect an individual perspective. Individual knowledge about themselves, the combination of feelings, attitudes, and perceptions are labeled as self-concept. Individual knowledge about themselves, the combination of feelings, attitudes, and perceptions are labeled as self-concept. This study aimed to determine the correlation between parenting style of parents with school-age child's self concept (10-12 years). The type of research was the non-experimental quantitative with correlation study and data collection using questionnaires. Respondents in this research were children aged 10-12 years and determined by total sampling technique. Total respondents were 149 people. Data were verified by using Chi Square and the results showed that there was correlation between parents' parenting style with school-age child's self concept (10-12 years) (x2=6.808; p=0.033). In the authoritatif parenting, more children were found with positive self-concept 73.3%, while the authoritarian and permissive parenting got more children with negative self-concept that was 18.9% and 28.4%. It was suggested that parents should apply authoritatif parenting where children 10-12 year olds with the most positive self-concept are derived from the style, the school and parents should collaborate to improve student achievement accordance with the interests and abilities, community nurses is expected with their role in the community to be able to help locate the problem and provide health education related to parenting style and children's self-concep

    Pengalaman Ibu Pedagang Dalam Merawat Anak

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    Child care is a mother duty as a homemaker. This duty is shifted because of the increasing number of working mother. The interviews data explained that the number of trader\u27s mother at Adiwerna Market Tegal Regency were 405 (73,24%) from 553 traders. Mother\u27s job as a trader has impact on the experiences in caring for children. The purpose of this research was to identify the experiences of trader\u27s mother in childcare at Adiwerna market Tegal regency. This research was using phenomenological qualitative design with Collaizi data analyze. The data were collected from 4 participants through in depth interview. The result of this research was showed 14 themes, such as: to do the mother\u27s role in household duties; to do the activities as a mother; to fulfill of children needs; the goals of childcare for child and mother; the action to fulfill the children need; the positive and negative impacts of trade in childcare; the internals and externals helps of the mother to care the children; the internals and externals fences of the mother to care the children; the existence of child care and market service unit. The result of this study is expected to provide recommendation of input for community nurses to be more active to improve the childhealth in the market communit

    Pengalaman Ibu Mengasuh Anak Dengan Resiko GPPH

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    Pre-school children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) cannot concern in long time and the attention can be easily distracted. Many parents realize it after the children enter the primary school. The family, especially mother is the closest support system of the children, who can make efforts to minimize the worse symptom and effect in children with ADHD. The purpose of the research was to explore mothers\u27 experience in doing parenting to the children with risk of ADHD in Semarang. This was a qualitative research with phenomenological approach. The data were collected using in depth interview method to 5 samples chosen by purposive sampling method. This research showed that the implementation of parenting children with risk of ADHD have not used determining rules consistently using the daily activity schedule. In doing parenting children with risk of ADHD, mothers usually use rewards and punishments. The support system for mother showed by emotional, instrumental and appreciation support. The research concluded that the implementation of parenting children with risk of ADHD by mother showed by the way mother determining rules consistently, the using of rewards and punishments which are influenced by the support syste

    Pengalaman Mahasiswa Yang Mengalami Insomnia Selama Mengerjakan Tugas Akhir

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    The interview that was done by the researcher to 25 informants of students gave a preliminary data, 10 of students stated that they have insomnia while doing their final project. The general purpose of this study was to identify student experiences of class 2008 PSIK FK UNDIP in doing their final project. This research was qualitative study with phenomenological approach. The method of collecting data was in-depth interview with 5 informants from student of class 2008 PSIK FK UNDIP who experience insomnia during their final project. Technic data analyze in this research used data analyzed by Miles and Huberman. The result of this research was identified several themes : definition of insomnia (insomnia sleep duration, a period of insomnia, sleep quality of insomnia, and classification of insomnia); cause of insomnia (internal factors and external factors); time occurrence of insomnia (initial insomnia, frequent of waking, sleep preparation, and late insomnia), the negative impact of insomnia (decreased activity, health problems, and mood decline), the positive impact of insomnia (the achievement of desired target); action taken when there was insomnia (make a sleep schedule, create a comfortable environment, doing an activity before sleep, and nutritional management before going to bed); prevention of insomnia (make a sleep schedule, getting used to sleep on time, and custom made​​). Nurses are expected to provide nursing intervention students who experience insomni

    The Experience of Female Adolescents as a Young Mother in Infant Caring: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

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    Background: The transition to a new role as a parent creates a period of emotional instability among female adolescents. They may face problem such as role conflict, limitation, and confusion. This study aimed to explore the experience of female adolescents as a young mother in infant caring. Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study with interpretative phenomenological analysis conducted at Community Health Center Gunung Pati, Semarang, Central Java, from December 2017 to January 2018. A sample of key informants consisting of 5 mothers aged<20 years was selected for this study by purposive sampling. The data were collected by semi structured interview. To increase the data credibility, triangulation data were collected by interview with grandmothers of the infants. The data were analyzed by interpretative phenomenological analysis. Results: The experiences of the young mothers when infant caring varied with the situation. The problems experienced by adolescents as young mothers included (1) Ignorance and confusion how to care for babies; (2) A poor understanding of how to care for, nurture, educate, and care for children; (3) Young mothers were not always there for children; (4) Young mothers were less responsible for children. Social support was needed by the young mothers for improving their parenting skills. Factors that caused stress in infant care included fatigue, child health problem, conflict, and a lack of social support. Conclusion: Young mothers have various problems in child parenting. They need social support for improving infant caring skill. Keywords: child parenting, infants, experience, interpretative phenomeno­logical analysis, young mother

    Depression in Indonesian Elderly Inmates: A Preliminary Study

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    Background: Physical and social environments in prisons cause mental disorders, the prevalence of depression is higher in correctional settings than in general population. Depression is one of mental disorders among older adult including elderly prisoners, however the incidence is uncertain particularly in Indonesia. Objectives: This study aims to describe the prevalence of depression among elderly inmates in Indonesia. Methods: A survey study design was employed on 21 elderly inmates selected by total sampling method in a prison in Indonesia. Data was collected by a face to face interview using Depression Anxiety Stress Scale and statistical analysis used descriptive statistics. Results: The study revealed that 4.76% elderly had extremely severe depression, 4.76% elderly had severe depression, 9.52% elderly had medium depression,23.81%elderlyhadmilddepression,and57.14%elderlyhadnodepression. Conclusions: Prevalence of depression among elderly inmates was relatively high. Thus, providing counseling to elderly to cope with prison environment will increase problem solving